Boom... the fire rose up.

Spread along the path poured out by the fuel.

In an instant, a blazing wall of fire was formed, engulfing nearby zombies!

" feels good."

The woman who lit this wall of fire with her own hands sighed with emotion.

"Even without notification, the guys at the headquarters knew that the mission was successful."

"Then what."

Xiao Yi asked casually while looking at the dark zombies that were gradually being burned as they walked into the wall of fire.

"Miss Nanli, do you want to continue to be a soldier?"

"I don't have any masochistic tendencies."

Nan Lixiang reached out and broke off a grass stem, holding it in her mouth.

"I originally wanted to retire after saving enough money, but with my beauty, how can I find a good man to enjoy myself?……"

"What happened to this damn world? It suddenly looks like the end of the world."

"This is the end."

Xiao Yi added, and then used the character card he just got

"Since you no longer intend to continue to sacrifice your life for this world"

"Then come with me, I will take you to meet your good friends"



In the world of Terraria, everyone gathers.

After Marikawa Shizuka saw Minami Rika who had just entered the world.

He immediately ran over excitedly and hugged her excitedly.

"'s still so exaggerated, Shizuka."

I felt the impact of the breasts that were far larger than my own.

Nanrika was half helpless and half relieved to hug Marikawa Shizuka.

"Long time no see. How have you been these days?"

"Fortunately, thanks to Teacher Xiao taking care of me, I didn't turn into a zombie."

Marikawa Shizuka scratched her face and showed a silly smile.

"And his physical strength is very good, he can definitely satisfy you"


Hearing this, Nan Lixiang's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Let’s talk about this later."

Xiao Yi coughed slightly in embarrassment.

I didn't expect that this big-breasted school doctor would be too private...

Shouldn't we leave this kind of thing to the evening?

"Forget it, if it falls into your hands anyway, you will basically be the one to take it."

Nan Lixiang was very open-minded and had a very bold personality.

She glanced around and took in all the other girls.

"Are they all beauties? are just such creatures."

"Xiangxiang is also very beautiful, not inferior to them at all!"

"I'm not talking about this……"

Seeing Marikawa Shizuka who didn't care, Nan Lixiang sighed with a headache.

"I really envy your carefree personality"


"It’s nothing, let’s go over there and sit down and talk."

Looking at the backs of the two close besties,

Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, all the conquerable characters in the world of"Apocalypse" have entered his world!

It looks lively. In this world, Xiao Yi feels quite accomplished

"By the way, I haven’t seen Nan Lixiang’s talents yet."

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi quickly opened the prompt information.

He found Nan Lixiang's talent description!


【NPC:"Nan Li Xiang"】

【Type: Fighting】

【Talent:"God Archer"】

【This NPC can only use firearms and armor】

【This NPC has a 50% chance of not consuming ammunition when shooting.】

【When the NPC shoots, the further away from the target, the higher the damage, up to 1000.%】

【The NPC's range of firearm weapons is increased by 100%】


Just as imagined.

Nan Lixiang is a long-range combat NPC.

The talent also greatly enhances her long-range burst ability.

Saeko Busujima is like two extremes - one is crazy killing in close combat, the other is super long-range fire strike!

Plus Xiao Yi, who can summon and cast spells.

It can form a classic RPG"tactical hunting" iron triangle!

Although Xiao Yi seemed to be the one who made up the numbers.

After all, among these three people, his talent was the only one that did not directly increase his combat effectiveness.

But"Lord of Terra" is also the source of all the resources he has now.

Even if it were to be exchanged for the talents of Busujima Saeko or Minami Rika, he wouldn't change it!

"The plot of Bedlord City should be over."

"The next step... is to search for more supplies in the city before the dungeon ends."

"Then it’s time to dig more mines, build houses and other buildings in Terraria to prepare for the blood moon!"

Although Xiao Yi no longer has to worry about the main mission.

There are still many things waiting for him to deal with.

In the next few days, he explored Bedlord City during the day.

At night, he returned to Terraria and dug mine tunnels..

Anyway, the underground is always dark, no matter whether you go day or night.

And Bed Host City is easier to explore during the day.

At the request of the girls who have nothing to do.

Xiao Yi’s several books in Bed Host City I walked around the museum and brought back a large number of books to relieve my boredom. I also built a three-story building in proportion to Nan Lixiang's villa. It finally met everyone's living needs. Although the interior is a bit rough, But it's better than nothing. The first floor is the rooms and living room of Minami Rika , Marikawa Shizuka and Takagi Yuriko. The second floor is the rooms of Busujima Saeko, Miyamoto Rei, Takagi Saya and Nakaoka Asami. The third floor is Xiao Yi It has the function of both a bedroom and a studio. As for Alice... most of the time she sleeps with Xiao Yi. But sometimes there are exceptions. After all, it is better not to let children see some things.


There are 4 days left until the invasion ends.

There is... 1 day left until the blood moon arrives!

"Tomorrow night is the blood moon."

Xiao Yi looked at the calendar and frowned slightly.

Although he was fully prepared, facing the first special event.

It is impossible to say that he did not take it seriously at all.

"All in all, let’s take a look at the gains so far."

After completing Nan Lixiang's alien card,

Xiao Yi gained a total of 7100 dimensional game points. He gained a total of 6 attribute points, but two points have been added to the physical attributes.

Currently, there are 4 attribute points left that have not been used.

Under normal circumstances, the combat power reaches 120.

However, the combat power of holding different weapons is different and fluctuates.

After several days of hard work and the assistance of other people,

Xiao Yi has also accumulated a lot of various resources..

The ore part is completely collected by him.

After all, he does not trust others to mine deep underground.

At present, Xiao Yi has accumulated more than 100 copper ingots, about 50 iron ingots, more than

40 units of silver ingots, and 15 units Gold ingots.

Gold ore is the highest grade mineral that Xiao Yi can collect at this stage.

In the future, you need to pass certain events and defeat certain bosses to unlock it.

"What can I do with these materials..."

Looking through the production list on the workbench.

Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, I almost forgot about this!"

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