The time after that was calm.

After returning from the copy of"Operation Bedlord City".

Xiao Yi thought for a while and added a few new items to the grocery store.

They are"Dead Virus Immunity Agent""

"The prices of"Survivor Strengthening Potion" are 500 points and 3,000 points respectively!

If the points are not enough, you can also use"zombie blood samples" to exchange for discounts.

Each unit of"zombie blood sample" can offset the price of 5 points.

It can offset up to 50%. Purchase fee!

Obviously, this is a"big gift package" prepared for dimensional players who often go to"Operation Bedlord City" dungeon to explore."!

""Dead body virus immunity potion" is basically a necessity.

If you don't use it, players will be restricted everywhere in the bed host city full of zombies.

""Survivor Strengthening Potion" can provide a huge 5-point strength increase!

To buy 5 points of attributes in the points store, you have to spend 5,000 points.

This bottle of potion only sold for 3,000, and Xiao Yi felt like he was doing charity.

Of course, the main thing It's because it's too expensive. He's afraid that other players can't afford it and won't be able to sell even one bottle...

In fact, in addition to these two potions,

Xiao Yi can also make the"Infected Ring"

, but making this jewelry requires 5 units. Iron ingots.

He doesn't even have enough of this metal material himself, let alone make it into jewelry and sell it.

So it's not listed in the product list.

And of these two potions, one can be made with only a zombie blood sample.

The other One requires 1 unit of Shining Root.

Since building the medicine field, Xiao Yi has accumulated more and more medicinal materials.

This consumption is no longer a problem.

Under the careful care of the little policewoman, his medicine field every day It can produce about 5 to 10 sunflowers and shining roots.

There are also a few waterweed plants, but the flowering time of this medicinal material is quite special, so there has been no harvest.

Waterweed is a medicinal material that grows in desert areas.

In the past few days Xiao Yi went out to explore and happened to bring back some seeds and planted them in the medicinal field.

This herb only blooms when it rains, and the seeds can only be obtained by harvesting at this time.

Anyway, Xiao Yi can now produce large quantities of sunflowers. , shining root.

Using these two medicinal materials, he can batch produce several potions——


【Iron Potion】

【Requirements: water bottle + workbench/alchemy table】

【Materials: bottled water x1, iron ore x1, sunflower x1】

【Product: Iron Potion x1】

【Effect: +8 defense after drinking, lasts for 10 minutes】


【Regeneration potion】

【Requirements: slightly】

【Materials: bottled water x1, mushroom x1, sunflower x1】

【Product: Regeneration Potion x1】

【Effect: After drinking, you will gain a"regeneration" buff, which will restore 2 health points per second for 10 minutes.】


【night vision potion】

【Requirements: slightly】

【Materials: bottled water x1, shining root x1, sun flower x1】

【Product: Night Vision Potion x1】

【Effect: After drinking, you will gain"night vision" and can see in the dark for 10 minutes.】


【Dexterity Potion】

【Requirements: slightly】

【Materials: bottled water x1, sparkling root x1, cactus x1】

【Product: Agility Potion x1】

【Effect: After drinking, gain"agility" gain, movement speed +25%, lasts for 10 minutes】


The materials for these potions are very common.

Xiao Yi has it on hand and can make it directly.

There are also some potions that actually meet the production requirements.

I just need to search for some materials.

"The iron potion requires iron ore, so make two or three bottles as backup."

"Night vision potion only requires two medicinal ingredients...make more of this"

"The agility potion requires cacti. There are plenty of them in the desert... make more of them."

"There weren't many mushrooms, so Alice could continue to pick them."

After some production, there are dozens more bottles of various potions in Xiao Yi's inventory.

It seems like a lot, but in fact one bottle can only last 10 minutes.

If you really want to use it, it will probably be consumed in a few days.

But It can't be used, because what Xiao Yi wants to do next can only be guaranteed by these potions!

"Set off! Keep exploring the map!"

Xiao Yi spent about half a month exploring the surface area of ​​the Terraria world.

It's not that he didn't want to go mining.

First, explore all the biome environments. (Read Baoshuang novels, then fly Lu Novel Network!)

Afterwards, it will be more efficient when collecting resources and materials.

For example, the main medicinal material"Moonlight Grass" for making"Cave Exploration Potion" will only appear in the"Jungle" environment.

And it is at night Only when the time comes can the flowers bloom and the seeds can be harvested.

The jungle area itself is very dangerous, and medicinal materials have to be collected at night.[]

Xiao Yi was on tenterhooks when searching for Moonlight Grass.

He held a torch in one hand and a bottle of memory potion in the other.

Be prepared to teleport home directly if there is any disturbance.

Fortunately, hard work paid off, after half a month of exploration.

Xiao Yi finally completed half of the surface exploration of the Terraria world.

There was no way, just relying on legs to run, even with agility potion, was still too slow.

It's not that Xiao Yi doesn't want to bring back a vehicle from outside.

The inventory capacity is limited, although items of the same type can be stacked.

However, the size of the items cannot exceed 1 cubic meter, and you can bring in at most one electric vehicle.

It’s not impossible to ride electric cars and bicycles, but the problem is... there are no smooth roads in Terraria!

After being bumped on the car seat for more than ten minutes, Xiao Yi found out helplessly.

The efficiency of riding a bicycle is not even as good as running away while taking agility potion!

"When resources are sufficient, we must build a railway track across the world to facilitate transportation!"

Xiao Yi rubbed his numb buttocks and thought silently.

In the half of the surface that he explored, Xiao Yi discovered several new biomes.

After the desert, there is an ordinary forest area, close to the birth point The same.

As you go deeper, the forest will gradually become dense and swampy.

This means that the biome has begun to enter the"jungle" area.

The enemies in the jungle are more terrifying and powerful, and usually impose some troublesome negative status.

However, the jungle's Resources and treasures are also more abundant.

When he becomes stronger, Xiao Yi plans to explore the jungle area.

After a large jungle, he passes through a short desert area and then comes to the".ocean" area.

After seeing the sea, it means Xiao Yi We have arrived at the edge of the Terraria world.

Apart from the unique palm trees, shells, and starfish, there are no resources worth mentioning in the ocean area.

However, after arriving at the beach, Xiao Yi's portable store unlocked new functions!


【You have reached the edge of the world and seen the vastness of the world】

【Unlock the"Fishing Mission" page in the Portable Store】

【A"Fishing Mission" will be refreshed every day for completion.】

【After completing the"Fishing Mission", you can randomly obtain various rewards】


"Isn't this the function of the fisherman NPC in the game?"

Looking through the fishing mission page unlocked by renovation.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

The fisherman NPC in the game has a very bad mouth.

If he could appear in front of him, he would definitely"entertain" him well.

Unfortunately, in the dimensional game, he directly becomes It has become an affiliated page of the portable store.

There is no need to be criticized anymore.

There are many types and tricks of fishing tasks.

Today’s task is to go to"Tianhu" to catch"Angel Fish"

Xiao Yi glanced at it At the mission location, I immediately gave up my plan to try out a mission.

"Just wait until you find a suitable mission before going fishing."

Anyway, the tasks are completed every day, and there are always simple ones.

Even if you don't do it, you won't lose anything.

The task rewards are nothing more than some fishing-related props and accessories.

For Xiao Yi, the priority is not high.

The next half month , Xiao Yi's main focus of exploration was on"mining"!

The original mine was no longer explored in depth.

In order to facilitate movement, Xiao Yi dug a mine tunnel directly next to the villa.

While hanging down the rope, he dug vertically, Arrange torches.

In order to prevent someone from accidentally falling into the mine tunnel,

Xiao Yi also specially laid several layers of clouds to avoid falling and shaking.

After completing the preparations, all that is left is excavation!

In the first few days, At most, Xiao Yi only found some low-grade minerals such as copper ore and iron ore.

But not long after digging today, he discovered an"abandoned hut" covered in dust and sand."!


(I heard that the app crashed...can Lu Zi do it?).

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