Summoned by Dimension Game for the second time.

The old players have become much calmer.

After all, they had experienced similar things a month ago.

However, this time except ~the first batch of old players.

There are also"new players-" that are as large as a basketball court!

A rough estimate was that there were about four to five hundred people.

It is several times more than the initial number of players in the first batch!

Soon, the dungeon hall started to become noisy.

"This is where? I was sleeping in the dormitory just now……"

"Wait, there seems to be information coming into my head!"

"Let me go back! I don’t want to participate in some dimensional game!"

"The urban legend is actually true... Dimensional games actually exist!"

"Could it be that the recent outbreak of zombie viruses around the world is also related to dimensional games?!"

The old players formed a group of their own, looking at these new players with great interest.

It was as if they could see their original selves in them.

"Swordsmith, long time no see."

Paladin Roland took the initiative to come over and talk to Xiao Yi

"The grocery store on the trading floor should be opened by you, right?"

"It was indeed me who drove it, can you guess it?"

Xiao Yi was not too surprised.

When they were fighting side by side at Gaocheng Mansion, he had sold some life potions and magic potions.

The target of the transaction was Roland's team.

"The only person I can think of who can provide so many potions is you. Roland smiled and suddenly solemnly invited

"Are you interested in joining the Covenant?"

"With your talent, you can definitely occupy a very important position in the Star Alliance!"


Xiao Yi then noticed.

Roland was wearing a badge on his chest.

After focusing his attention on it, a line of prompt information automatically appeared next to the badge.

【This player belongs to the"Blue Star Dimension Players Alliance" guild】

"I see... Is this the guild formed by the first batch of players?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi suddenly understood

""Star Alliance" should be the guild of this"Blue Star Dimension Players Alliance".

The name is quite impressive.

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Xiao Yi shook his head and decisively refused.

This kind of organization that claims to be an official force... is the most troublesome.

There are things like power struggles, party affiliation and dissenters, and forming gangs.

Xiao Yi doesn't want to be involved at all.

"You can think about it for a while."

Seeing Xiao Yi refuse so quickly, Roland was very regretful.

"There is an old saying in the Dragon Kingdom that there is strength in numbers, and it is the same in dimensional games."

"There are many benefits to joining a guild, you can learn more about them……"

"I'll consider it, but not now."

Xiao Yi interrupted his tirade.

Because Dimension Games had begun to release information about this invasion.

Seeing this, Roland had no choice but to shut up.

If Xiao Yi could be won over, he would have it in the Star Alliance. A very powerful ally with more say.

A light curtain gradually appeared in the middle of the dungeon hall, attracting everyone's attention.


【The invasion of another dimension is about to begin!】

【The code name for this invasion is: Armor City】

【Difficulty rating: 100~200】

【Main mission: Within 30 days, protect the Iron Castle from destruction and kill at least 200 Kabane】

【Invasion requirements: The total number of Kabane kills must exceed at least 5,000 to successfully resist the invasion. Otherwise, the settlement will be considered as a failure for all members.】

【Main line reward: 5000 points, 5 free attribute points】

【Dungeon restrictions: You must have a combat power of 75 to enter this invasion dungeon.】


"Hey, speaking of which, I still haven’t received the rewards from the last main mission.……"

This is after Xiao Yi saw this piece of information.

The first thought that came to mind. second thought……

"Iron Castle?!"

"Could it be the work"Kabanelli of the Iron Fortress"?"

《The theme of this work"Kabanelli of the Iron Fortress" is similar to that of"Apocalypse".

It's just that times are different

《Apocalypse is set in a modern setting.

The background of"Iron Castle" is set in an island country in the steam age.

In addition, the main enemy"Kabane" in"Iron Castle" has existed for a long time.

Most of the island nation's territory has fallen. The surviving people built a walled city called"Yi" in order to fight against Kabane. Yicheng used tall walls to protect the inner residential areas. It also communicates with other post cities through an armored steam train called"Juncheng". Common people struggle to survive in a closed environment where they are trapped in their own land. This is the background of"Iron Castle"


This can be seen from the difficulty rating.

It is more dangerous than a copy of"Apocalypse"!

Because"Kabane" is an enhanced version of zombie.

Except for being irrational and attacking humans.

The biggest feature of Kabane is that the heart is covered with a hard membrane.

As long as the heart is not penetrated, Kabane will not die completely.

It may get up at any time and continue attacking humans.

In terms of survivability, it is completely destroyed by dead zombies.

In addition, there are"elite units" in Kabane! Some Kabane will imitate humans and learn to use weapons and fighting skills after experiencing many battles. Asking for flowers, your movements will be more sensitive and your body functions will be more powerful. This kind of Kabane is called"Gitori". It is more dangerous and deadly to deal with! Ordinary people face Kabane and have no choice but to flee for their lives. Because ordinary weapons cannot break through the hard heart membrane protection. If Kabane cannot be fatally injured, it will be useless no matter how hard he struggles.

"No wonder this invasion copy has a combat power threshold requirement."

When Xiao Yi saw the end, he rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Players who are not strong enough to participate in this instance will only increase casualties."

Of course he doesn't need to worry about combat power.

His combat power has exceeded 500, which is almost twice as difficult as"Iron Castle"!

I wonder if facing Kabane, he can cut melons and vegetables like he slaughtered zombies.

After the dungeon information came out, veteran players were in an uproar.

"Why has the difficulty increased so much?"

"Compared to last time, it’s almost doubled!"

"The total number of kills is required to exceed 5, many people are eligible to participate?"

"This time, the task time was relaxed to a full month."

"You see clearly, this is a protection mission, the longer it takes, the more difficult it will be!"

"We can only count on the big guys who ranked high last time."

The first batch of 20 surviving dimensional players.

Basically half of them failed to pass the battle.

The newcomers on the other side didn't look good either.

Because they had to be forced to enter the"Operation Bedlord City" copy and survive for a month!

Originally, they only heard about the risk of zombie virus outbreak in Blue Star.

Unexpectedly, after being selected by Dimension Game, they would have to fight these zombies with real swords and guns!

【There are 48 hours left until the next invasion begins】

【All players please be prepared】

【As a reward for successfully fighting the last invasion】

【The Dimensional City is open to all players】

Same as last time, this time it’s just a formality.

Both new and old players have 48 hours to prepare.

Only this time, the new players have old players leading the way.

The dimensional city permissions were unlocked in advance.

Last time, Xiao Yi took advantage of this period to awaken his"Lord of Terra" talent.

I wonder if any of the newcomers this time have the same S-level talent as him!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi suddenly had a plan in mind.

He cleared his throat and walked up to the new players.

"All new players can go to the Terraria General Store on the trading floor"

"Just show me your talent……"

"You can receive a bottle of dead body virus immunity potion for free!"


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