As the opponent, Sun Haiwang, under the control of Chen Xiao, perfectly ignored this pressure.

"Chen Xiao thought that the extra contestant was some kind of hermit master, but it turned out to be a young boy who didn't know the heights of the world. Sun Haiwang had a smile on his face and showed no intention of fighting. He said,"But since you can participate in the competition, you must have something to do with a famous master. So, if you attack me, I can give you some pointers."."

Listening to Sun Haiwang's words on the stage, Guo Haihuang frowned. This guy really has no eyesight at all. He didn't notice such a strong and obvious flesh pressure. This guy really has the level of Haiwang. ?

"Come and give me some advice?"Chen Xiao pinched his chin and nodded:"Teach me."

Sun Haiwang:"?"

Shouldn't you be angry like a young man and hit me?

But after the words were spoken, Sun Haiwang's muscles bulged and he had no choice but to take action. He stretched his hands forward with ten gold rings on his fingers and said,"Do you care about my rings? I want to know if they can be used as weapons." Right?"

Chen Xiao blinked:"No....I don't......Forget it, keep talking."

Sun Haiwang ignored Chen Xiao's words, and gradually wrapped his fingers into a fist. The muscles in the fingertips exerted force, and the bulging finger muscles directly broke the ten gold rings into two parts:"I have been the King of the Sea for seven years. This is my first time to unlock the seal. Unfortunately, I originally wanted to save it for Liehai King to use again."

"As you can see, I will use my fingers to form fists and attack as hard as I can. As long as the opponent is stronger and faster than the opponent, there is no need to use other techniques during the fight. This is how I teach my disciples."

As he said that, he clenched his fists and waved them towards Chen Xiao's face.

I originally wanted to hear this guy's insights on martial arts, but now it seems that this guy's insights are really thorough and return to his original nature. Ah, Chen Xiao sighed, tilted his head slightly, and let Sun Haiwang's arm almost brush his ear. He stepped forward slightly. He stretched out his hand, grabbed his wrist, and kicked it lightly with his foot. Sun Haiwang's whole body They all lost their balance, and Chen Xiao held up one hand in a strange posture. When he was about to fall, Chen Xiao flicked his wrist, and the opponent was perfectly suspended in the air and unable to fall.

Crush, absolutely crush. Pressure!

Even if the strength of the sea kings is uneven, they can clearly realize this.

Guo Haihuangmin opened his mouth and began to observe Chen Xiao's moves. As a man who has reached the limit of his skills, he can It was a pity that he could only see the skills used by Chen Xiao. It would be difficult for him to reproduce them. His body could no longer bear such a strong force.

If his body were replaced by that of a young man, He has the confidence to do this kind of thing.

Of course, he is not bad now, he just needs to use more skills.

"Being faster than your opponent and being heavier than your opponent is indeed the easiest way to do it."Chen Xiao held Bang Haiwang high, throwing it from his left hand to his right hand, and from his right hand to his left hand from time to time.

Nothing happened to him, but to Bang Haiwang, every time Chen Xiao changed hands, all the bones in his body were... Creaking sound, even if you clench your teeth, the pain is still unbearable

"But martial arts itself is a means for the weak to arm themselves and challenge the stronger. When a rat is used to dominating in the sewers, it will only look ridiculous to place one's identity on a beast."Chen Xiao said slowly.

As soon as his palms released their force, Sun Haiwang, who had been holding it high, immediately lost all the relay points, his head hit the cement stone vertically, and he fainted.

The movement was too fast, and Chen Xiao The flesh pressure released before has not completely dissipated. Even the host of the Neptune Competition was stunned in place and has not announced the result for a long time.

"this......It's too fast.'"

"That's King Sun Hai. The man who chose dozens of time-honored martial arts schools in Ji Province to become the King of Hai was defeated like this? Or was he defeated by a young boy whom he had never heard of?"

"It’s like playing with a toy!"


Sporadic discussions gradually began.

The originally silent scene gradually became noisy. The host of the competition finally came to his senses and announced the result:"The winner of the first round of the first round is Chen Xiao!!!"

Hearing the host's announcement, Liehai Wang Shen He took a breath and shouted loudly:"This is...Overlord of the sky!!! Overlord of the sky!!! sky......"

The huge roar echoed in the circular venue, echoing around and around.

Chen Xiao, who was walking towards the exit, paused, turned around and saw Liehai King showing his white teeth and giving a thumbs up to Chen Xiao on the high platform. You really like to be awkward, don't you?

The next moment, the entire venue was moved by the roar of Liehai King, shouting Chen Xiao's title loudly.

"Overlord of the sky!"

"Overlord of the sky!!"


"Lord of the sky."Guo Haihuang drank hot tea and looked at Chen Xiao's disappearing back. He couldn't see through it. He couldn't see through this young man. Just like the red-haired guy, two people actually appeared in the Neptune Competition this time. He cannot see through his opponent.

Of course, he, who has been invincible for hundreds of years, will not be frightened by this. The one who will win in the end will definitely be him!

"However, the position of Neptune is a bit too watery."Looking at Sun Haiwang who was lying limply on the ground, Guo Haihuang's eyes showed obvious disgust, and he said:"To allow such a rotten fish and shrimp to become the King of the Sea, what are those guys from the Martial Arts Province doing?"

Leaving the ring, I saw Yujiro Fanma standing by the corridor with his arms folded, a mocking smile on his face, and he said:"You are so weak. Your opponent has been fighting such an opponent for a long time. Even the bones will rust."

Chen Xiao ignored this childish ghost.

King Liehai walked slowly, taking off his upper body clothes, revealing his strong muscles. When he saw Chen Xiao, he quickly said:"Master, congratulations on winning the first round."

Thanks to King Lie Hai, the title that Chen Xiao took from Xiaoganjing and was carried forward by the big arena has been successfully spread to the Dragon Kingdom. Chen Xiao is really grateful. But looking at the other party's dress, Chen Xiao asked:"Lie, you Is it the next one?"

"The next match is between me and Master Liu Haiwang."

The duel between master and disciple, Chen Xiao became a little interested.

Among his so-called disciples, Fan Ma Renya learned the fastest, but his foundation was not solid, so although he learned many things, they were of no use, and Lie is the one who has the deepest grasp of Qi. He has a greater foundation in Qi than anyone else, and can easily combine Qi with attacks.

As for Wu Sheng Wu Sheng......Well, that's it. When you get older, you don't expect to learn anything.

God of War:"???"

Wu Sheng:"???"

"come on."

Chen Xiao encouraged and walked towards the stands, while Yujiro Fanmay walked in the opposite direction of Chen Xiao.

When Chen Xiao came to the stands, he saw Yujiro Fanmay standing opposite with his arms folded and watching. Him.

Chen Xiao:"?"

Are you seriously ill?

Is this the love from Yong Bo? It's really suffocating

"Over a hundred years old, a legendary figure in the martial arts world of the Dragon Kingdom, Bai Linsi, the man known as the God of Fighting - King Liu Hai!"

"Then, another representative from the famous Bailin Temple, everyone has been waiting for a long time! Now the man with the most strength and the highest reputation in the martial arts world of Dragon Kingdom! ——Lie Haiwang!"

"One school and two sea kings, in the battle between master and apprentice, is the master better than the master, or is the master better than the master?"

On the ring, two men with naked upper bodies walked into it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

King Liehai clasped his fists with both hands:"Master, please don't show mercy! Liu

Haiwang nodded and said,"Lie, I hope you won't be merciful. Let me see how much you have learned from what your master taught you.""

The referee raised his hands and quickly backed away.

The next moment, two invisible flesh pressures collided.

King Liehai stood on the left and King Liu Hai stood on the right.

In the eyes of the martial arts masters, the two invisible flesh pressures seemed to have As conspicuous as the color.

The breeze from the collision blew across his cheeks. In Chen Xiao's perception, the two flesh pressures were almost the same. If the comparison was pure flesh pressure, the final winner would definitely be Liehai King. Without him, he was the young one. Man, although King Liu Hai is still strong, his age prevents him from lasting. In ten minutes at most, this powerful physical pressure will quickly decline.

Of course, martial arts battles generally do not take that long.

If it is Words from another centenarian......Chen Xiao glanced at the scene and soon saw an old man sitting in a wheelchair. Guo Haihuang, although this guy looked like he was about to die, but in a real fight, he would last longer than young people. Not only was his strength not as fast as As the age decreases, it increases more and more



_ There was a sound, followed by punch after punch. The two of them rooted their legs to the ground, and their fists fell on each other like raindrops.

This kind of battle is much more beautiful than Chen Xiao's unilateral abuse.

"Okay, so strong!"

"Am I dazzled? Why do I feel that their hands are not moving?"

"Yes, your eyes are dazzled, it’s an afterimage!"

"Wind, the wind is coming from my fist"

"Is King Liu Hai really a hundred years old? I feel like he can beat ten Sun Haiwangs."

Guo Haihuang drank some tea and watched the battle between Liehai King and Liu Haiwang. He nodded from time to time. This is right. The Dragon Kingdom is vast and rich in resources. Even if there are trash who are just trying to make up for the numbers, the rest must be pretty good. Obviously , his idea was too good.

The air seemed to form an air wall around the two of them.

After Liu Haiwang took a punch from Lie Haiwang, he quickly fought back, retreated, gasped for air, and said:"Lie, your I taught you all the tricks. It would be too naive to use what I taught you to deal with me. Use it. Use everything Chen Xiao taught you!"

"Let me see the most essential power of Dragon Kingdom martial arts, Qi"

"look at yours......Be brave!"

Liehai King's body was covered in bruises and purples. Even though his body was aging, the short burst of power still left him with some color. Indeed, as the master said, if you continue to use these moves to fight, the final result will be nothing more than bangs. Wang's energy is exhausted before he can win.

If you want to defeat him at his best, you need other means



With two palms, he directly hit both sides of his head. Lie Haiwang used physical means to force his attention to shift from his opponent to himself. The energy in his body slowly flowed and gradually escaped from his body. A white smoke wrapped around his body. Go up.

Guo Hai (ha Zhao Hao), who was originally eating melon, finally opened his eyes that had been squinting.


A familiar yet unfamiliar word flooded into his mind. Having been immersed in countless martial arts for more than 140 years, he naturally had a deep understanding of the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts. In addition to the complex and wonderful techniques, there is also an eternal theme that runs through it. Concept, Qi!

Although he understands it, because it is too difficult to practice, he eliminated this concept from his own martial arts as early as when he was in his eighties, leaving only the purest skills. A big smile appeared on Liu Haiwang's face:" Right, that is it! Let me see how good you are! strong!"

Lie Haiwang's expression was stern. His falcon-like eyes stared at Liu Haiwang's whole body, constantly looking for weaknesses. Finally, his back feet took root and his front feet hit the ground. His whole body shot towards Liu Haiwang like an arrow from a string. :"Bang Fist!!!"

Chen Xiao was the first to teach it, and it is also the simplest and most efficient way to use it.

King Liehai has been practicing continuously for several weeks, and finally it has been engraved into his bones.

It was a confident move, but the next moment.

This white mist Wandering, like a man descending from the sky, the man fell to the ground suddenly

"Fa, what happened?"

"Why did he suddenly fall down?"

"By the way, what exactly did King Liu Hai do just now?"


Liu Haiwang touched his head, looked in the direction of Chen Xiao, with a smile on his face, and shouted to the host:"Aren't you announcing the final result yet?"

"Win, the winner is......Bailin Temple, King of Liu Hai!"

"The final winner of the master-disciple battle is......Fighting God Bangs King!"

Liu Haiwang looked up to the sky and smiled, leaving from the entrance on the right.

(End of this chapter)

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