Comprehensive Comics: Starting With The Tragic Miko Kikyo

Chapter 26: Qin Meng, The Reincarnator, Has A Red Name!

When Naraku was thinking of revenge, two reincarnations pretending to be villagers in a village felt a chill on their heads.

However, they didn't care, but continued to stare at the villagers' movements.

They were sent by the Rakshasa ghost to inquire about the news, mainly to see whether the village was rich or not. If there was some property, the bandits would go down the mountain to rob at night.

Reincarnation Qin Meng looked at the 7000 points displayed on his watch and couldn't help but smile happily.

"There are still 9 days left, and the novice mission will be completed. I believe we should be the one with the highest points among this batch of evolvers."

Zhang Kai also smiled and nodded, "Yes, buying intelligence from that person really allows me to be ahead of others. Choosing the Ghost Spider Camp is really the right decision!"

Mainly to trigger hidden tasks.

"Speaking of which, I remember there was a guy who chose the villagers, right? Hehehe, if I meet him, I think I can rob him."

"After all, the villager NPCs are supposed to complete the robbery mission for us thieves."

"Haha, you're right. I don't know what that guy was thinking. He actually chose the villagers' camp. He's too cowardly. I really don't know how he became an evolver."

Qin Meng mocked Lin Che, and then said with a smile:

"And the guy who chose the demon hunter camp is really naive. According to the information we bought, the highest mortality rate in this mission world is the villagers, and the second is the demon hunter."

"More importantly, if you want to become a demon hunter, you must have special qualifications, otherwise you can only trigger some miscellaneous tasks."

Zhang Kai also showed a proud expression.

"We two brothers are still the most unrestrained. We eat, drink, have fun, and find women, and we don't have to spend money at all. In one word, cool!"

"Yes, there are more cool things." Qin Meng suddenly said in a gloomy tone.

Zhang Kai was stunned, "What... Uh-huh!"

Qin Meng suddenly pierced Zhang Kai's chest with a knife.

Zhang Kai looked at him in disbelief, grabbing the knife that pierced his body with his hand. He was about to question, but Qin Meng took out another short knife and slashed directly at his former brother.

A head flew up into the sky and fell to the ground with a gurgle.

Zhang Kai's eyes were still wide open.

"Reincarnation Qin Meng killed Reincarnation Zhang Kai. Killing a companion in the same camp will get you a red name status and drop items. Zhang Kai's treasure chest, would you like to open it?"


Qin Meng didn't waste any words. As a brother, he should let me make a difference.

Brother Zhang Kai, have a good journey.

After choosing to open, the Reincarnation watch on Zhang Kai's hand turned into a white light and exploded.

"Open Zhang Kai's treasure chest and get 3500 reincarnation points!"

"It turns out that killing a companion in the same camp will only drop half of the reincarnation points." Qin Meng was a little dissatisfied.

But he was relieved soon.

"Zhang Kai, Zhang Kai, you are the most naive. I have special information. In the novice mission, the fewer people survive, the more generous the reward will be when the mission is settled."

"So, I must be the only living evolver!"

After saying that, Qin Meng kicked Zhang Kai's head off the ground, and returned to the bandit's den in a good mood.

Although becoming a red name will definitely cost some price, Qin Meng, who is a killer in the real world, doesn't care at all.

As long as all teammates are eliminated in the novice mission, he will be the only one to survive the mission. Then, according to the information he collected, the rewards for other people's survival missions will also be counted on him.

In addition to Zhang Kai, there is a villager, two witches and a person from the demon slayer camp.

Each is 3,000 reincarnation points.

It will be a big profit if you kill them all.

Thinking of this, Qin Meng's mouth corners raised, revealing a sinister smile.

At the same time.

Others, including Lin Che, received prompts from the reincarnation watch.

[Note, the reincarnation Qin Meng killed the reincarnation Zhang Kai in the same camp, and now he has become a red name. Killing a red-named reincarnation will get special rewards, and all the points accumulated by the red-named reincarnation will belong to the killer. ]

Seeing this, Lin Che was a little speechless.

Qin Meng?

Isn't this one of the people who joined the Ghost Spider camp?

This is a ruthless person!

He even killed his companions!

Now he has become a red name.

This is good news for Lin Che.

Because through the news of the reincarnation space, it can be learned that the main god of reincarnation does not like red-named reincarnations.

Red name means being marked, and will be hunted down by all other reincarnations in the future.

Killing 100% of the treasure chests, just ask you if you are tempted?

As a failed author, Lin Che has also read a lot of novels about infinite reincarnation space before crossing.

Therefore, he naturally guessed Qin Meng's thoughts.

It is estimated that this guy got the news from somewhere, thinking that eliminating everyone in the novice mission and leaving only himself can maximize the benefits, so he killed his teammates.

It is better to stay away from such people.

If you have a chance to meet them, you must be the first to kill them.

Regardless of whether the treasure chest explodes or not, such people are profit-oriented and will think of killing everyone for the sake of profit. Keeping them is just a nuisance.

In a dungeon world with such people, you may be backstabbed at any time.

Shaking his head, Lin Che practiced his spiritual power for a while.

When he felt his spiritual power slowly increasing, he couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

"Then, it's time to exchange!"

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