Comprehensive Comics: That Infinite Conquest

Chapter 32, Beta Vs Epsilon (Please Collect)

"Ah! It's rare that we go on a mission together, Epsilon."

"Haha~ Yes, it's a rare opportunity, Beta."

Somewhere in the forest.

[Dark Night Courtyard] The two beautiful elves in the Seven Shadows are looking at each other with smiles.

But both men's subordinates smelled the inexplicable smell of fire magic.

Beta, the second seat of the Seven Shadows.

A beautiful and lovely silver-haired elf, his pitiful appearance can easily arouse his protective desire, and his unusually well-developed figure and the tear mole at the corner of his eye make him even more charming.

Epsilon, the fifth seat of the Seven Shadows.

The elf is as cute and beautiful as the former, with hair as clear as a lake, deftly tied into twin tails, extremely delicate facial features, and a bright soprano voice that goes well with the piano.

"Ah ah ah! Run quickly!"

"Devil! These two elves are demons!"

"Don't, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

The two are carrying out Mo Ge's mission.

Annihilate all thieves in the nearby area.

The two girls know very well that these scum are garbage that does not need to exist in the Lord's ideal world.

Therefore, the thieves who used violence to cause countless tragedies in the past are now being punished with greater violence by the [Dark Night Courtyard].

The leader who commanded them was the first to die.

Because he was captivated by the beauty of Beta and Epsilon, he had just talked so wildly about taking the two girls as his slaves.

He has now paid the price for this nonsense and has become a piece of meat on the ground.

However, although they were completing the task faithfully, Beta and Epsilon's attention was completely on each other, and there was something black hidden in their narrowed eyes.

"Speaking of which, I was praised yesterday when I reported to the Lord. My hair was said to be beautiful. What a waste of words."

"Yes, yes, hehehehehe~"

The corners of Beta's lips twitched wildly, and the hand holding the sword gradually became stronger, and Epsilon shook his twin ponytails as if to show off.

The hair looks even more elegant under the moonlight, which is a beauty that Beta does not possess.

But the silver-haired elf also has his own weapons.

"So, when I woke up from a nightmare the night before yesterday, I happened to meet the Lord who was coming back from a walk. Haha~ It turned out that the Lord told me a new bedtime story."

"Huh? A bedtime story from the Lord!"

Epsilon gritted his teeth in envy. This time it was Beta who raised her head proudly, her eyes full of superiority, yes, full of it!

As if she was deliberately emphasizing, she stood up for something that Epsilon did not possess. Although the two slimes were slightly inferior to her in appearance, they were the perfect match for her in terms of figure! (at present)

The surrounding [Dark Night Courtyard] members turned a blind eye and concentrated on cleaning up the thieves. They were obviously used to this matter.

As an original member of the courtyard.

The two really trust and value each other. After all, they are important partners who have overcome trials and shoulder the same ideals. They can even be said to be family members.

Usually there are basically no disputes.

Well, basically.

"Such hair will only get in the way during battle, right? How about cutting it short like mine, Ai! Pu! Xi! Long!"

"Hahaha! Even though you are already so old, you are still pestering the Lord to tell you a bedtime story. How childish! Beita!"

"Ah la ah la~ Do you want to be favored by the Lord with your figure? As an elf, you must be self-aware, Ai! Pu! Xi! Long!"

"Hmph! You're the one here. The Lord must also find it very troublesome. After all, this certain person used to be a super crybaby. Beta! And I'm still in the growth stage and it's not over yet!"


The weapons in their hands were swung harder and harder, roaring like thunder, but after all, they were "companions", so they would not really fall on each other.

So the thieves were out of luck.

"Don't come over here!" xN

They burst into tears and tried to escape.

These thieves are also men, and as long as they are men, they will inevitably have fantasies about the beautiful opposite sex, and elves are the perfect fantasy targets.

But now...

Beta and Epsilon are extinguishing that beautiful fantasy and instead searing nightmares into their souls.

Thieves: "It's terrible, it's terrible, the elves are so terrible, the elves are so terrible! This is a race that kills without blinking an eye and still smiles!"

The two of them had no intention of stopping. They were smiling but staring at each other with gritted teeth.

As for why the relationship between the two is so "good", it can only be said that like repels each other.

"As expected, you are my biggest enemy, Beta."

"This is what the Lord calls like repelling each other, Epsilon."

The two women looked directly at each other, with high fighting spirit.

These two elves know very well.

Among companions, each other is the best at sneaking away!

Alpha has an upright and upright aura, Gamma doesn't know how to play tricks, Delta doesn't have that kind of brain, Zeta looks cool on the surface, but will be shy when his master touches his head, and Eta admires his master's knowledge the most.

Only each other!

The best at using cunning means!

And what happens when two sneaking cats run into each other? When the sneak targets are the same person, people of the same sex will never attract each other, they will only repel each other.

"Let's fight it out, Epsilon."

"Agreed, let's see who kills the most thieves."

"Whoever loses, let me think about it... show your ugliness to the Lord."

"Okay, don't regret it then, Beta."

So the two elves went on a rampage at the same time, killing like berserkers with a posture that was completely devoid of the elegance and beauty of the elves.

Then at this moment,

The door to space was opened, and Mo Ge who walked out happened to see this scene.

Mo Ge: "What are these two people doing..."

First update.

Claire will finish it later, during the academy plot.

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