Comprehensive Comics: That Infinite Conquest

Chapter 82, Alpha: I Want To Monopolize You As Much As Possible (Please Subscribe)

"Why don't you make this public?"

"Because no, I don't want to be jealous of everyone in the courtyard. This is not good for the leader's position."

"Alpha's only shortcoming is that he would go too far for me."

"Haha, what a happy flaw."

The blonde elf showed a satisfied smile, and there were fine beads of sweat on her forehead. She was curled up on the black prince's arm.

This can only be said to be a natural result.

They have grown up now. They are not like they could only admire him when they were children. Now that they have further conditions, it would be strange if they don't become like this.

But Alpha didn't make it public.

In her words, this will have an impact on the current perfect situation of the courtyard.

Now Alpha is trusted and respected by everyone in the courtyard. Although he is not as respectful and respectful as Mo Ge, he is undoubtedly the second in command.

Except for Mo Ge, she has the absolute right to speak, but if the two of them are together is made public, the girls will definitely become jealous.

Especially the girls of the Seven Shadows!

"I don't want the courtyard to be a field of intrigues and intrigues every day, each with his or her own agenda in order to compete for your favor."

"Well, it's really not good, my back hurts just thinking about it." Mo Ge nodded seriously. 12

Even if he is extremely powerful, he has no chance of winning against 650 descendants of heroes.

Alpha wanted to change his position to sleep, but found that he could no longer move at all, so he just leaned on Ge's shoulder and closed his eyes.

In fact, she is not selfish.

Even if it's just one more second.

I want to monopolize this person.

Companions are very important. We are all compatriots who have similar tragic pasts as [Demon Possession], but... these are two different things!

Even as generous as she is, there are things she will never give in to.

After the second day.

When Mo Ge woke up, the elf beside her was no longer there. If her body fragrance hadn't still lingered in the space, people would have thought that last night was a sweet dream.

"You actually used your magic power to cheat. Alpha, you are cheating."

Mo Ge supported his head and pinched a strand of blond hair that fell on his arm. He was sure that he would not be able to get up again last night. Normally, he should lie down all day.

As a result, a certain elf used healing magic on himself without any sense of martial ethics to recover from his injuries. Mo Ge couldn't help but sigh that he was still as unyielding as ever.

Not only was he unyielding but also very considerate. He glanced at the sandwiches and black tea placed on the desk.

I thought to myself that today is a good day.

"Then it's time to go take a look at the territory, although we need to make various preparations before that."

Mo Ge has not forgotten the king's final trial.

"Dingling bell~~"

He shook the delicate little bell, and immediately several beautiful and lovely maids came in and started to help Mo Ge change clothes.

"Your Highness?!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"


Mo Ge raised his eyebrows. The maid today was very strange. After seeing her face, she showed a very complicated expression for some reason, as if she was about to cry.

It's like falling out of love.

Inside the palace.

"Father, I choose this territory."

Algard pointed to a place on the map and said.

"Okay, let's go. I explained in advance that this trial is your last chance. If you continue to lose your temper, even if you are the princess's child, you will never succeed to my position.



Watching his third son leave.

Only then did Orpheus sigh. He lay on the throne a little tired, looking at Algard's choice.

It was quite a fertile land.

Public security is also very good.

Even if we do nothing and keep the status quo, there won't be any problems... What a lackluster choice!

"I used to think that even if I didn't have any talent, I could at least do a good job in general. Why am I becoming more and more dissatisfied now? Is it because I have Mo Ge as a comparison... eh, I'm so worthless!"

Osfen said with hatred that iron cannot become steel.

Then the whole person was excited and subconsciously looked around. Only then did he realize that his princess was not there, and he breathed a sigh of relief. His Majesty the King is a strict wife...

He has already met the results of Algard's trial, so he has no expectations. Now His Majesty Orphans is only curious about Mo Ge's results.

That's the worst territory.

What will happen in his hands?

"It's not good, it's very bad. If His Highness the Second Prince is really allowed to ascend the throne, will we still have a good life in the future?"

In an unknown basement, the nobles who supported the Algard faction were discussing with frowns.

"We have to stop it, but in such a barren land, I think the third prince will fail."

"You idiot! Think about what His Highness Mo Ge has done over the years. He is different from His Highness Algard whom we chose to support. He is so capable!"

"Well, it's just not good to be too capable...

"If he really grows flowers in this barren land, then Prince Algard will be completely defeated."

These noble grandfathers looked at each other and saw the fear and trust in their eyes. It was precisely because they were enemies that they understood how powerful Mo Ge was.

As if nothing is impossible for that black prince, if such a person ascends the throne, it will definitely bring prosperity...but he will definitely be unlucky!

Just in the prince stage, Mo Ge made many actions that harmed the interests of the nobles.

For example, the release of 043 "Magical Medicine" has led to fewer and fewer civilians seeking healing magic from nobles.

For example, the release of "magic props" made magic accessible to the common people, which further challenged the status of aristocrats.

"This His Highness must be eradicated."

"Second, but what should we do?"

"It's better to kill him once and for all..."

One of the nobles made a ferocious gesture of slitting his neck. As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the room broke into a cold sweat, thinking that this guy would not leave any chance of survival for the enemy or himself!

"Isn't it too much?"

"Yes, if you are found out..."

"Hmph! Why was it discovered? As long as it was done covertly and without leaving any evidence, I happened to have a very suitable candidate here.

The aristocratic master smiled confidently, and the rest of the people looked at each other and nodded to each other, all looking at him with extremely trusting eyes.

"Okay, you go ahead!" xN

"++, you should also contribute!"

The noble man's eyes twitched. Why don't any of these teammates have the spirit of sharing weal and woe? Although I am confident, what if something happens to me?

We are all good partners who do bad things together. We hold each other's hand, and we have to go to the guillotine together.

Ninth update!

Alpha has been captured, and next is Euphilia. Don’t worry, it’s not a brainless capture.

Please be the first to order, please be the first to order, please be the first to order!

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