Comprehensive Comics: That Infinite Conquest

Chapter 87, Euphilia Longs For Work (Please Subscribe)

"What a Sbarasi power."

Mo Ge looked at his fingertips with admiration, and the gathered magic power was beating on his fingertips. It is not wrong to say that this power is a miracle in itself.

"You can make wind and rain just by waving your hand, you can turn it into reality by just chanting, the key to turning the impossible into the possible, the ultimate mystery and beauty... Magic is the miracle of the birth of this world."

It is precisely because he has lived in a world without magic that Mo Ge can understand what an incredible power this is.

If used correctly, prosperity can come easily.

There will be no more drought.

There will be no more cold.

There will be no more hunger.

There will no longer be anything impossible.

This world is simply like a fairy tale. Because of the existence of magic, any misfortune can be subverted into beauty, and all sadness can be rewritten into comedy. .


"If the person with this power cannot use his magic power to fulfill his obligations, then it will be up to me to take back this power."

Song said with a cold expression.

What arrogant words.

This is no longer simple arrogance. The Ministry of Magic regards magic as a gift from the gods to people, but Mo Ge now wants to monopolize this gift to the whole world.

If he really succeeded, it would be unimaginable what it would look like. It would be like a lion appearing among the sheep. It can no longer be described as ugly.

The song that monopolizes the magic power of the world may become the karaoke of the new world.

[I will use this power to create a beautiful world. If you don’t have such an idea, then hand over your magic power. 】

Mo Ge's goal is to build a utopia. To do this, he needs the power to destroy the current world first and then recreate it.

And when everyone becomes powerless and weak, the Black Prince, as the only strong one, his status will become supreme and unshakable, and his words will be the rules of the world.

at dusk.

In the lord's mansion.

"Lord Anye, the support sent by Lord Gamma has arrived. We will establish a new chamber of commerce here and make adjustments according to your instructions."

"Excellent. The first thing to do is to build roads. As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first. Then the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce and the reconstruction of buildings should be carried out at the same time."

"I see."

"The manpower we bring will definitely be insufficient. Let's recruit in the territory. I'll raise the salary by one or two cents. Give me a makeover in this territory within ten days."

"As ordered, I will take care of it now."

Then Lingge casually formulated a detailed and reasonable rules and regulations and asked another subordinate to post them on the territory's bulletin board.

There were ten times more regulations than the previous generation of nobles, but no one felt dissatisfied after seeing the notice.

All the severe and heavy taxes in the past have disappeared, and the new rules are all in the direction of protecting people, such as prohibiting theft and harming others.

Afterwards, Mo Ge also asked a team of knights given by the king to patrol every day to maintain law and order and uncover all the pests hiding among the poor people.

Three days passed after that.

"What? It's that simple." Mo Ge yawned a little lazily.

He stood on the balcony of the mansion and looked at the people who looked at him with respect from a distance.

The hostility of the day was gone.

Euphilia, who was standing next to him, felt it was unbelievable that in just three days, in just three days, the worst territory in the kingdom had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Mo Ge gained love through actions and results, and made the silver-haired girl feel more and more out of reach.

"What's wrong, Yuffie, are you in a bad mood?"

The only thing that makes Euphilia happy is that in the past three days, Uta's name for her has changed from Euphilia to Euphie. This can be regarded as a closer distance, right?

But it is also possible that the full name is too long and I am too lazy to pronounce it.

"It's okay. I just always feel like I haven't done anything to help His Highness. It feels a little empty... I don't actually need to follow you."

Euphilia said in shock.

Before she set off, she thought of many ways and strategies, hoping to help His Highness, but it was outrageous that none of them were used.

If Alpha were here, her words might resonate with her. Having an overly capable master would really undermine the confidence of their subordinates.

Sometimes I feel like a waste.

"Um, is that so?"

Mo Ge blinked and froze for a moment.

It seemed like I should give this girl some work. Seeing Euphilia clearly wanting to help but having no idea how to do it made people feel pitiful and cute.

And there is a saying that Euphilia is very beautiful.

His beautiful appearance and elegant manners, especially his silver-white hair, struck a chord with Mo Ge. He is actually a white-haired man.

"Let me think about the rest of the work, emmm, can you be my partner tonight?"


Euphilia blushed instantly.

To be honest, this was not the job she was looking forward to. She wanted to help Ge with her affairs rather than deal with that aspect of her desires, but...

The girl's mind flashed back to what happened last night.

When she stayed up late to learn how to deal with territorial issues, her mother suddenly visited her bedroom and imparted some indescribable special knowledge to her.

Euphilia bit her red lips.

"I know Your Highness, this seems to be the only job I can do at the moment."


Mo Ge scratched his face in embarrassment.

Looking at that face, he was obviously very shy, but he already had a look on his face that was ready to wake up.

He just didn't have time to say [Hahaha, I was just joking, don't take it seriously], but now it seems that he really can't say it out.

However, Euphilia with this expression is also very charming, which makes Uta feel a little bit excited.

"Ahem! In addition to this, I have other tasks. I have posted notices so that people in the territory can come and report any troubles or conflicts at any time. I will leave it to Yuffie to handle these matters."

"Can you come back?!"

Euphilia was overjoyed and her eyes lit up.

"Of course. After all, I occasionally want to be lazy. I'm not interested in dealing with these little things. I'll leave them all to you, Yuffie. Can you do it?"

“We will definitely live up to your expectations!”

Euphilia bowed and saluted, she was very happy to finally have a decent job.

【It’s so easy to handle...】

Mo Ge also raised the corners of his lips, thinking that if Euphilia was an orc, her tail would probably have turned into a propeller by now.

After the silver-haired girl left with a face full of joy because she finally had something to do.

Another beautiful figure walked out from behind the curtain. Although she couldn't see her face clearly because she was in the shadow, her figure was already very impressive.

Update 14!

There is a dragon slaying plot today! I just went to scan the dragon clan in the forest again, and I already have some inspiration.

The blood of any king will end with the sword!

Asking for flowers, asking for votes, and asking for rewards. .

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