After Kikyo helped Cuizi leave, only Zhou Yuan, Xiaosheng and Hecatia were left in the small room.

“Hey, since you don’t want to fight again, I’ll leave first. I have something important to discuss with the monster sage.”

Hekatia said with a smile on her face, but she gritted her teeth. Then, without waiting for Zhou Yuan’s response, she disappeared.

Zhou Yuan didn’t care about it. He believed that Hekatia would not be too harsh on her comrade who was fighting in the same bed last night. Besides, with Yakumo Yukari’s personality, if she was really offended by Hekatia, she would ask Zhou Yuan to help her get revenge next time they met.

“Let’s go out for a walk together. You are also curious about this world, right?”

Zhou Yuan directly held Xiaosheng’s delicate jade hand. Although he seemed to ask Xiaosheng’s opinion, his tone was firm and there was no room for Xiaosheng to refuse.

Xiaosheng smiled helplessly, and the tender hand did not mean to break free. Instead, it responded quite softly. Kikyo

‘s shrine is located on the edge of Maple Village. Because the Four Souls Jade is preserved in the shrine, monsters often attack, resulting in the traces of repairs on the houses near the shrine. The houses of this era are actually very dilapidated. Even if they are repaired, they can only barely shelter from the rain.

“Every world is actually similar, and the lives of ordinary people are always so difficult.”

Xiaosheng said with some sadness, but Zhou Yuan had an expression of indifference. He simply could not put himself in the shoes of Xiaosheng, a kind person who does not seek rewards. He just thought it was none of his business. It can’t be said that if a monster appeared in front of him and attacked the weak, he would not mind crushing the monster to death, but that’s all.

But this did not affect Zhou Yuan’s appreciation of Xiaosheng’s mercy. She was a kind god who was truly worthy of this word. She really had goodwill towards everything in the world equally. She was probably the only one who deserved the words preached in the Christian scriptures,”the Lord of Mercy.””

“I don’t understand at all. For me, the only people I can focus on are you, the people I love. The rest of the people are like grass to me and are not worth my attention.”

Zhou Yuan did not hide his cold nature. Even though this was contrary to Xiaosheng’s character, he did not hide it at all.

He liked Xiaosheng, there was no doubt about that. Xiaosheng’s kindness and her compassion made Zhou Yuan very moved, but even so, Zhou Yuan would never deliberately cater to her or show the side of himself that Xiaosheng would like.

Xiaosheng smiled helplessly when she heard this. Zhou Yuan’s nature and his cold nature could be seen through by a stranger in just a few words, not to mention Xiaosheng’s intelligence.

But she unexpectedly discovered that she I don’t hate him. I don’t hate this cold Zhou Yuan. His personality is obviously different from mine, but I surprisingly can’t feel any bad feelings towards him.

Maybe it’s because I am one of the women he likes and watches. It seems that even I can’t escape the nature of a woman and feel happy for the attention of an excellent man.

Xiaosheng smiled bitterly in her heart. She knew that her behavior itself was not resisting the man’s feelings for her.

But at least now, she hopes to see Zhou Yuan more clearly, see everything about this man, and see what he hides deep in his heart.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the wilderness over there and take a look.”

The two of them did not use any power, but wandered in the fields beside the shrine like ordinary people. The breeze in late spring carried a little fragrance, and I don’t know if it was the fragrance of the blooming flowers or the fragrance of the virgin beside them.

“It’s great to be able to put down the burden on my shoulders and the responsibilities in my heart like now. This kind of peace is something I have missed for a long time.”

“Only at this time, even I would think, if time could just stop at this moment.”

Xiao Sheng’s voice was a little confused. When Zhou Yuan looked at her, he could clearly see Xiao Sheng’s reluctance and worry about her hometown in her light golden eyes. Although she said that she had left the burden behind, she was actually worried about her hometown all the time. Zhou Yuan couldn’t stand this. In Zhou Yuan’s eyes, a good girl like Xiao Sheng only needed to smile happily under the love and care of his uncle Zhou Yuan.

Like worrying about her hometown and thinking about how to improve the strength of the people in her hometown every day, Zhou Yuan could understand the former, but the latter, just DXD that Most of these ungrateful people only think about fighting and fighting for power after getting the magic weapon. How can they be worthy of Xiaosheng’s painstaking efforts?

In the whole DXD, the only person who can truly”resist EXE” in Xiaosheng’s heart after getting the magic weapon is probably the dog god. The rest are like Cao Cao, who are waving the banner of proving the human race, but in fact they are just for their own greed.

Zhou Yuan is also a person with strong desires, but he never pretends to be anything. He says it directly when he wants to. Cao Cao is the type of person who is both a hypocrite and a hypocrite, which Zhou Yuan despises the most.

“Then stay here, stay by my side, be my lover, my wife. What you worry about is nothing but a trivial matter that can be easily destroyed in the face of absolute power.”

So Zhou Yuan expressed his deepest desire very directly. He liked this kind girl so much that he couldn’t bear to see her so worried. This was exactly the same as the feeling of the incompetent time traveler who wanted to soothe the worried Zou Ji. The only difference was that the weak old second dimension now had enough power to break all obstacles.

“I am such a bad woman, I can even be described as a despicable person. I am ashamed of the feelings that Yuanjun has for me, and even more ashamed of the seemingly perfect me in Yuanjun’s heart.”

Xiaosheng did not respond directly to Zhou Yuan’s desire, but spoke seemingly unrelated words.

Indeed, Xiaosheng is a bad woman, she is taking advantage of me, Zhou Yuan. Zhou Yuan knew this very well.

It is not enough to just keep her by his side. She cannot abandon the world where she was born, and cannot abandon the countless lives. She is a true great benevolent god who worries about the country and the people, and is a paranoid who shoulders inexplicable responsibilities and refuses to let go.

This woman really has an excessive saintly heart, Zhou Yuan thought, and then decided to teach her a little lesson to let her know that not everyone in the world is worth Xiaosheng’s efforts and to mess around with. Kindness.

So Zhou Yuan directly and forcefully pressed down Xiaosheng’s slightly thin shoulders, with a trace of anger burning in his dark pupils. He stared at the God of the Bible who was a little shivering at the moment, but Xiaosheng met his gaze, bit his lower lip lightly with his pearly teeth, and then smiled stubbornly.

Zhou Yuan felt that the smile was so pitiful and sad.

This stubborn woman, even at this moment, refused to admit defeat, refused to believe, refused to entrust the uncle Zhou Yuan in front of her, just like the three little devils in the shrine before, for the unspeakable burden, but just suppressed it in his heart and silently endured it.

The lightness and heaviness of things like responsibility are different for different people.

For the weak, What seemed like a catastrophe to them might be just a small matter of waving their hands to a strong man.

The essence of their behavior was that they did not believe in Zhou Yuan’s power and majesty, and chose to hide the important things in their hearts silently, not wanting to entrust them to Zhou Yuan, who was a strong man.

This was not okay, it was simply a contempt for Zhou Yuan. As a woman of Master Zhou Yuan, she should have absolute confidence and trust in him like Zou Ji.

So Zhou Yuan lowered his head and kissed her hard. The force was so great that Xiao Sheng’s thin body shook slightly, but she did not resist at all. The confusion in her eyes faded a little, but after a while, she She bit Zhou Yuan hard.

So Zhou Yuan became even more ferocious. For a moment, the two people who were hugging each other seemed to be intimate, but also seemed to be fighting.

After a long time, the fight between the man and the woman finally stopped. I don’t know when, Xiaosheng was already panting, her light golden hair was slightly moist, sticking to her temples, she was slightly fragrant, but at this moment, she showed a bit of delicate beauty. After all, she was still weak, and such a venting kiss was a little too much for her current physical condition.

But different from the weakness and slight fatigue of the body, Xiaosheng’s elegant and delicate face finally showed some joy that should have existed, and the breathtaking beauty after opening her heart.

“Since Yuanjun says I’m a bad woman, I don’t have any burden anymore.”

“”Yuan Jun, please help me.”

She pushed Zhou Yuan away and took two steps back. She was a little embarrassed because of the fight just now, but now she has straightened her posture.

Xiao Sheng closed her eyes, feeling the gentle breeze, and she was very happy to dance. Her posture was agile and soft. Zhou Yuan could feel that she was relieved and relieved like a new life.

“That’s right. It’s a pity for a good woman like you to worry every day and frown. Just leave everything to me. EXE and the Mechanical Evil God are nothing but chickens and dog ears, and they are vulnerable.”

Zhou Yuan said calmly, without any intention to prove anything. He just said it casually as if it was a trivial matter.

“Well, thank you very much, Yuanjun.”

Xiaosheng also responded casually. Unlike last time, the two of them were no longer joking about the exchange of interests, but were very calm, like requests from close friends.

Compared to EXE and the mechanical evil god, Xiaosheng was more concerned about this rare comfort and the eyes of the man beside her. After truly coming to a new world and leaving behind the unbearable burden, Xiaosheng found that she seemed to have a little fear of her past life.

She was also an intelligent creature, she also had feelings, knew pain, and felt tired. Xiaosheng She was just a powerful, compassionate creature, not a monster without blood or tears.

Then, she would definitely not like the inhuman life in the past. No intelligent creature would be willing to accept a life full of exhaustion and pain, with wolves lurking inside and powerful enemies watching outside.

Now, next to this dissolute and lustful man, Xiaosheng felt unprecedented relaxation and the instinctive joy of being a woman, even though the most important thing about her as a woman was always being watched by him and even being treated as a thing in his palm.

“Yuanjun, what a beautiful scenery! It is so beautiful in any world. You asked me before why I shouldered such a heavy responsibility. The reason is very simple.”

“What I like is this beautiful world itself.” (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Xiaosheng smiled and fluttered her sleeves, dancing gracefully. The elegant pure white robe on her body showed a very strange beauty. Although she said something about the scenery, Zhou Yuan felt that the only real beauty was the beautiful and gentle woman in front of him.

“I am different. I just like you.”

So Zhou Yuan said this, expressing his thoughts without hiding anything. He is always like this.

Xiaosheng just smiled and did not respond, but her dance became more and more moving and fascinating.

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