Long Luo, no, he should be called the Four Fighting Gods at this moment, emerged from the smoke and dust.

The three heads of Long Luo, Ji Luo, and Shou Luo were squeezed together. Gang Luo’s armor protected his whole body. The two arms that originally belonged to Long Luo held two swords and two huge claws from Gang Luo. The body after the fusion became huge. Wind and thunder followed when he waved his hands, and Ji Luo’s flames flashed during his roar.

This was the true strongest posture of the Four Fighting Gods, which made Zhou Yuan know that he could not defeat them a few days ago and was helpless, and made Zou Ji worried. It was the nightmare that Zhou Yuan would think of from time to time in the past half month since he crossed over.

Now they are standing here, and they are about to start a shocking battle with Zhou Yuan!

Is that so?

Zhou Yuan, who suddenly appeared in front of the Four Fighting Gods, stabbed out the divine spear and the weapon given by Rama holding the axe, the immortal blade.

The fused Four Fighting Gods have indestructible bodies, and have defenses that even Inuyasha’s diamond spear is as weak as drizzle.

It was pierced by a single blow.

The Four Fighting Gods were stunned.

Zhou Yuan did not give them a chance to make their last remarks, and a blazing flame ignited on the gun.

The magic power released A (flame).

Zhou Yuan, who wanted to burn the Four Fighting Gods, saw the look in the eyes of the shrine maiden. He realized what Zou Ji wanted to say, so he weakened the power of the flames and only burned the heads of the Four Fighting Gods, preserving most of the bodies. The

Four Fighting Gods, who frightened him, made him worried, and even made him unable to sleep most of the night, just died like that.

Looking at the bodies of the Four Fighting Gods, thinking about himself and Zou Ji who were worried in the past few days, and thinking about himself who could only stand aside and watch Zou Ji fight from afar, Zhou Yuan once again clarified his goal.

“In this world, problems are ultimately solved by force.”

“Why do we keep their bodies?”

Zhou Yuan asked in confusion.

“The foundation of this Penglai Island is maintained by the Roaring Cauldron and the Miko.”

“Now the Roaring Cauldron has lost its energy. Although the witch is still there, the island will not collapse, and the energy of the cauldron can be restored slowly over time.”

“But if the bodies of the four fighting gods and the remaining demonic power are thrown into the cauldron, the Ringing Cauldron will burn their demonic power and transform it into pure energy, accelerating the recovery of the Ringing Cauldron.”

I understand, the Precious Lotus Lantern has changed from a wick to burning lamp oil.

“Anyway, it’s finally over.”

Zouji felt relieved.

It is already the third day after the war.

As the Roaring Cauldron has been drained, the island’s time barrier can no longer be rebuilt.

“Do you remember how long you have been guarding this island?”

Zhou Yuan, who was sitting opposite Zou Ji, asked

“It’s already very vague, I just remember it was a very long period of time”

How long has it been since I suppressed my own heart and continued to fight against the monsters that coveted the power of the Roaring Cauldron?

“The time barrier can no longer be rebuilt. You can’t protect them forever.”

“Even though he is a half-demon, he has the monster blood inherited from his father.”

“My father once said that the hands of monsters are the hands of protection. My mother once said that the hands of humans are the hands of nurturing.”

“In the nursery rhymes on this island where humans and monsters live together, have they never thought that as half-monster children, they also inherited their father’s protective hand?”

Zhou Yuan felt pity for the witch in front of him.

Zou Ji gradually lowered her head. Although she was not the pitiful witch in the original work who watched the children she protected being thrown into the cauldron one by one but was powerless to do anything and only woke up at the last moment before death.

But she was speechless.

Zhou Yuan hugged her.

“Have you never thought that you are also a weak girl who needs protection?”

The unprecedented feeling filled Zouji’s heart, making her feel at a loss. She struggled slightly in Zhou Yuan’s arms, but she missed the warmth and was reluctant to really use all her strength.

“I like you.”

Zhou Yuan said.

Forgive him, he is just an old second dimension who has been doing solo for more than 20 years. At this moment, he was thinking of all kinds of earthy love words in his mind, but when he said it out loud, he only said these four words.

But for Zou Ji, who had never felt warmth before, these four simple words seemed to hit her heart.

She stopped struggling.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe decades in the feelings of the two people whose body temperatures were constantly rising?

Zou Ji hugged Zhou Yuan with her backhand.

“Is it really possible for a woman like me to do this?”

She sobbed.

“I am a woman who only knows how to fight and kill, without any femininity, and whose most clothing is warrior armor.”

Zhou Yuan gently lifted her head with his fingers.

The two looked at each other.


I can’t write any more here. If I continue writing before the new book is out, I’m afraid I’ll be in trouble.

Please give me data! Please give me flowers! Please give me monthly votes! The current first-day data is ridiculously bad. Is it because I write too badly? Oh, oh, oh.

I listened to people’s advice and changed the name of this book to Zongman: The Linking Journey Starting from Inuyasha. The previous title was really not very good.

As the first book for a newbie, I will try my best to make it have a beginning and an end, so everyone can rest assured.

I suddenly realized that I thought I knew it was Inuyasha from the introduction at a glance, but in fact, there are very few friends who have watched the movie version of Crimson Lotus: Hourai Island. I called myself an old second-dimensional writer in vain, but now it seems that I am probably a dead bone in the grave.

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