“That’s what happened, so I need you to help Suwako build a huge barrier that can cover Honshu Island to resist the aftermath of my battle with the Underworld Tree.”

Zhou Yuan stroked the dark and smooth hair of Orpheus in his arms and said, then lowered his head and gently sniffed the fragrance on Orpheus’s small body.

Tongzi heard this and sighed softly, with helplessness on her pretty face.

“What a willful god, ordering people around like this as soon as you come. How can you exploit your”pet” like this? I’m regretting it already.”

“Hahahaha, it’s too late to regret, what I own will never leave my hands.”

Zhou Yuan laughed twice, first picked up Orpheus with his right hand, then walked over and held Tongzi in his arms.

“Just like now, if it were an ordinary person, he might think, put Orpheus down first, and then come over to pick you up? Hahahaha, so stupid! Why can I only hold one woman in my arms? And I want to hold both of them tightly!”

Orpheus looked at him blankly, not knowing whether he understood what Zhou Yuan meant, but there seemed to be a tiny arc on that expressionless little face.

Tongzi was not angry, and she snuggled in Zhou Yuan’s arms, listening to the heartbeat of the man behind her, smelling his scent, and feeling his arms tightly holding her.

The feeling of being owned, valued, and protected made her crazy.

Zhou Yuan just held the two girls who were sitting in his arms for some reason, and he didn’t take advantage of them, just sat there.

If it weren’t for the divine armor protecting him, Zhou Yuan estimated that his legs and arms would be numb. The two of them were really good at being in a daze. Zhou Yuan thought silently in his heart.

Tongzi turned her head at some point. , those beautiful dark pupils looked at Zhou Yuan, and then finally revealed a smile from the heart that dazzled Zhou Yuan.

When Zhou Yuan came back to his senses, Tongzi’s elegant fragrance, shy eyes, and that slightly cool warmth were already within reach.

Tongzi had no resistance, no, she closed her eyes, slightly opened her cherry lips, and then the empty door was wide open.

Orpheus was sitting next to him, watching this scene play out in front of him, his scattered and lifeless pupils seemed to be focused, and inexplicable emotions were brewing in them.

After a long time, Zhou Yuan and Tongzi separated.

Then Zhou Yuan felt someone pulling the corner of his clothes on the other side.

It was Orpheus. Seeing that they were finally over, Orpheus straightened his body slightly and looked at Zhou Yuan

“I want one too.”

She said so.

The naive and ignorant Dragon God was actively asking for something from him.

It was not the so-called”rent” without any emotional factors in the white space. Zhou Yuan understood that what Orpheus was asking for at this moment was qualitatively different.

It was difficult to describe Zhou Yuan’s mood at the moment. Maybe it was extreme joy? Maybe it was the satisfaction of finally gaining something?

But in short, he said nothing, hugged Orpheus’s arm hard, pressed the Dragon God against his body, and then moved closer, savoring the fragrance of the Infinite Dragon God.


After catching Tongzi back, Zhou Yuan had nothing to do for a while. There was nothing much to do in the current situation. He only had to wait for the Underworld Tree to think that its power had accumulated enough, so that it could break the seal of Saigyo Sakura in one fell swoop, tear apart the natural barrier between the human world and the underworld, and completely transform into a real existence, and come to the world.

Before that, he only had to wait quietly.

But his mood was unusually peaceful. He was awakened by the words of little Yilin, and now he no longer cared about the Underworld Tree. Every day he accompanied Orpheus in a daze, had meals with Youyouko, and went shopping with Yilin, as if he was on vacation.

But on this day, Hanakaiin Yuura came with a girl with long dark blue hair down to her waist, a slender figure, a shrine maiden’s red hakama, a beautiful face, but a solemn expression.

“I am here to serve Lord Zhou Yuan at the order of my father Taijun. My name is Tsuchimikado Natsume.”

The lines were very formal. This girl was very serious in front of strangers.

Finally she came. I had been looking forward to it since the day I saw Tsuchimikado Taijun. However, since she was already on the plate, there was no need to be too hasty and offend the beauty.

Zhou Yuan was very impressed with her. Tsuchimikado Natsume was a girl with a rather old-fashioned and serious personality, but she was extremely proactive, gentle, and loyal in front of her chosen lover. For the sake of her lover, she would not hesitate even if she died twice.

This was an objective description, not an exaggeration, and she really died twice.

Zhou Yuan liked her very much. Whether it was her appearance or her personality, she was a real good girl who deserved to be taken seriously.

“It doesn’t matter, there’s no need to be so rigid, my name is Zhou Yuan, you can just call me Yuan Jun.”

Tsuchimikado Natsume in front of him blushed when he heard this. For Japanese people, this kind of address is quite intimate, and it is only used for familiar friends.

“How dare I? I am just a servant, how dare I overstep my bounds.”

She refused, which was completely within Zhou Yuan’s expectations. If she had directly called him”Mr. Yuan”, Zhou Yuan would have suspected that the girl in front of him was a different person with the same name.

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t have so many things to say about overstepping one’s bounds. As long as I like someone, they are equal to me.”

Zhou Yuan said softly. He really did. He wanted to distinguish between the upper and lower classes of a girl he really liked. He made Zhou Yuan sick just thinking about adding class distinctions to their relationship.

Tongzi was just having fun.

“Don’t use such a flowery way of speaking, it sounds annoying, and there’s no need to be so distant, I really like you.”

Zhou Yuan really likes her, and if you like her, you have to say it.

But for the serious Tsuchimikado Natsume, it might be a bit out of line.

Her pretty cheeks flushed instantly, and smoke seemed to come out of her little head. Her jade hands waved gently, and she couldn’t even speak clearly.

“Imperial…..What are you talking about! It is not something a god should do to tease a girl you just met for the first time!”

Zhou Yuan was amused when he saw her cute and helpless look.

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