Chapter 58 The tree that brings death.

As the cherry blossoms fell, something indescribable that had been pressing down on the city like a black cloud finally arrived.

In and out of the city, in almost every place, people whose souls had been taken away by the Saigyo cherry blossoms could be seen, like zombies, rushing to the Saigyo Temple and to the Saigyo cherry blossoms like a tide.

But before they reached the tree, they were already dead. They were not killed, but it was as if life had disappeared from their bodies, or in other words, the existence of these people itself changed from”alive” to”dead”.

It was the essential power from the underworld. As the Saigyo cherry blossoms opened, the power of the underworld tree quickly dissipated. Just by looking at this scene, it can be concluded that it possessed unimaginable power.

Occasionally, there were people who were born with some spiritual power, who barely resisted the death power dissipated by the Saigyo cherry blossoms, and looked at this scene with dull eyes, as if in a dream.

Saigyouji Yuyuko was still dancing. She was watching this scene. Zhou Yuan couldn’t imagine how she felt at the moment, but in any case, Zhou Yuan saw that Yuyuko had a sad look in her eyes, as if she was about to cry.

“The unimaginable power, just the precursor to the hatching of the underworld tree, has already caused such great damage and casualties.”

Shiki Yingji, who appeared out of nowhere, had a serious face and said in a low voice

“How is the situation in the underworld?”

Zhou Yuan asked in a low voice. He was very worried about Xingxiong Yugi and Ibuki Suika who were in the underworld.

“It doesn’t matter. The underworld has been preparing for this moment for many years.”

“On the contrary, you, the girl who went west, seems to be crying, why don’t you go over there?”

Zhou Yuan did not respond. He walked quickly forward, walked in front of Youyouzi, and stared at the pretty face full of sadness.

“”Yuan Jun, I regret it.”

Zhou Yuan knew.

Of course he knew what his woman’s mentality was now. He knew it at a glance.

“When I really saw this moment, I realized that I was so cowardly. Just like when I faced their ridicule and insults, I could only curl up in the room and cry.”

“Watching their lives fade away, watching those faces that were once full of disgust now only filled with death, I thought I would be happy, but why, why is it like this.”

She finally couldn’t hold on any longer, stopped dancing, and collapsed on the ground.

Zhou Yuan quickly helped her up and held her in his arms. Only then did he realize that the girl in his arms was so haggard.

“I am such a ridiculous woman, no matter my pathetic life or this ridiculous end.”

A crystal tear slid down her pretty face, which was once so delicate but now pale.

The blood of Saigyouji Yuyuko, which originated from the Saigyou master, and even her soul, are deeply bound to Saigyou Sakura and the tree of the underworld.

Now that the tree of the underworld has hatched and become a real”existence”, Yuyuko’s existence itself will disappear. Following that wonderful connection, she will take over the”illusory” nature of the tree of the underworld and become something that does not exist in this world.

But Zhou Yuan will not allow it.

Karna’s myth clearly mentions that the thunder god Indra feared his indestructible armor. , so he disguised himself as an old man and asked him for the armor. The noble hero knew that the old man in front of him was Indra in disguise, but he still stripped off the armor and gave it to Indra.

Not to mention Indra’s return later, the essence of this myth means the”gift” of the armor.

In the Type-Moon world where legends are power, and one can even distort oneself through legends, Zhou Yuan obtained all of Karna’s power, which means that he can proceed with the next operation.

He showed the armor outside, then took off one of his earrings and put it on Youyouzi’s crystal earlobe.

“The realm of existence and extinction!”

Yakumo Yukari appeared from the gap beside her, her pretty face full of solemnity. She waved her folding fan with some effort, and even used a move with all her strength.

It seemed that she had consumed all her strength. After using this realm, Yakumo Yukari turned pale in an instant, and fell down weakly.

But under the protection of part of the divine armor and the power of Yakumo Yukari’s realm, the changes in the essence of Youyouzi’s existence finally stopped.

“That’s all. According to the plan, everything will be left to you. I really can’t hold on any longer.”


Yakumo Yukari slumped beside Zhou Yuan, her little head resting on his shoulder. Her usually charming face turned pale, and her expression was unusually serious. She begged

“Old man, just sit here and have a good rest. Leave the rest to me.”

Zhou Yuan gently moved Yakumo Yukari and Youyouzi away, straightened up, and looked at the Saigyo Sakura in front of him.

Now if this Saigyo Sakura is destroyed, it is unknown whether the hatching of the underworld tree will be interrupted, or whether it will directly break through the barrier between the two worlds and spread the tentacles of power to the human world.

But Zhou Yuan never thought of doing this. Since the

Western Kingdom heard that Xingxiong Yugi was injured by the underworld tree, he first went to the underworld, then came to Heian-kyo, and traveled to many places. Now it has finally come to this last moment. At this time, Zhou Yuan is asked to interrupt the hatching of the underworld tree?


He, what a joke! If someone really wants to do this, Zhou Yuan will be the first to kill him!

Zhou Yuan’s expression was cold and solemn, and he was ready for battle.

“”Crack, crack, crack.”

There was a sound as if something was cracking.

No, not as if. In the sky of Heian-kyō, above the Saigyō cherry blossoms, an illusory, huge tree appeared.

The tree seemed to be struggling against something. Its trunk was shaking and its branches were swinging around. It looked like an illusory shadow, but with the shaking, cracks appeared in the surrounding space. The shadow of the tree of the underworld seemed to accelerate the arrival of certain things. The entire Heian-kyō area, no, the entire neon, felt the breath that seemed to be coming to an end, which seemed to come from some more essential and special death.

At this last moment, Zhou Yuan felt a joy from the bottom of his heart.

Strong enemies face to face, enemies face to face, mortal enemies face to face!

No need to refute, no need for verbal confrontation, just wait for the enemy in front of him to completely show up, and what is about to embrace Zhou Yuan is an unprecedented battle to the death!

When Zhou Yuan realized this clear and definite fact, he only felt so happy.

So impatient to face


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