Chapter 63 From today on, you are the boss of Gensokyo.

Who is the strongest in the entire Eastern worldview?

Some people may say it is Yuuka Kazami? The Lord of the Demon Realm? Or Yukiyomi-sama who is far away on the moon?

No, none of them.

The strongest in the Hakurei Great Barrier should be the ultimate absolute secret god; and the strongest in the demon world is of course the creator of the demon world, the god of the demon world with white hair; the strongest in the heaven is hard to say, but it is nothing more than one of the three noble sons, or perhaps it is the dragon god who is not sure whether he is in the heaven.

But they are still a little bit away from the strongest in the world, perhaps the distance is like the universe at the fingertips.

In the entire Eastern worldview, the strongest person standing at the top is undoubtedly the woman in front of Zhou Yuan.

She is the goddess who controls the three realms of hell: the earth, the moon, and the otherworld. She is friends with Chunhu and enemies with Chang’e. She is one of the most feared enemies of the Moon City. Her power covers the entire Eastern worldview. One of her powers,”otherworld”, refers to the underworld, including the top sky, the fairy world, the subspace, the dream world, etc.

“I don’t know if this”other world” includes the demon world. If the demon world is included, then she will be in heaven if she steps on the head of the god of stupid hair.”

Zhou Yuan thought to himself, and then laughed at the imagined scene.

What’s even more outrageous is that in Zhou Yuan’s memory, the reason why Hecatia hated the people of the moon was that”they were the worst among the residents of various other worlds.”

This is bad. The Eastern worldview seems to have changed into a superposition of subspaces, and even to the level of multiple worlds.

Her ability is also abstract, which is”the ability to have three bodies”. At this moment, she is standing in front of Zhou Yuan, representing the side of the earth, and she is representing the side of the moon, perhaps drinking afternoon tea.

The most outrageous thing is that among the”three bodies”, the one representing the”other world”. If”other world” refers to multiple worlds, then what about the body of the”other world”?

This is bad, she seems to be reproducing asexually.

Her strength itself is even more simple and crude. Hecatia is the supreme commander of all hells. Her pure output is enough to cleanse the surface, but whether she can shatter the planet is a question mark. This is one of the reasons why Zhou Yuan thought that Orpheus was enough to fight her when he tacitly classified her as an enemy.

Now looking at her like this, she must be unable to beat Orpheus, otherwise she would not be so peaceful.

“You don’t seem surprised to see me at all. You really have known me for a long time.”

Hecatia laughed softly. Each side of her had a completely different personality. The side representing the earth seemed to be the gentle side. She appeared in front of Zhou Yuan in this posture, which was also a sign that she didn’t want to worsen the relationship.

“Alas, there is no other way. When you come to someone else’s territory to beg for food, you must know something about the local boss. It would be better to say that you come to visit me in person, and I, a foreigner, should be very terrified.”

Zhou Yuan still leaned on Zou Ji’s knees and said with a happy smile

“Hahaha, stop teasing me. What do you mean by the chief? I can’t beat the girl in front of me. Now the position of the chief is yours.”

Hearing this, Hecatia laughed. A strong person must be pure, whether it is pure evil or pure lust. And her essence, Hecatia, is a true hero who appreciates bold people and brave men.

She really admired Zhou Yuan, so she didn’t want to be Zhou Yuan’s enemy. This was also a fact, not only because Orpheus’s fist was bigger.

Zhou Yuan knew it in his heart. Apart from anything else, from the fact that Hecatia hated the Moon People and thought they were very bad, Zhou Yuan knew that he and she would get along well.

Because Zhou Yuan also hated the Moon City, that’s it.

“I am really happy that we can sit together and tease each other like this. I like you very much. If we have to be enemies for some reason, I can only feel sad.”

Killing her with a sad heart, Zhou Yuan will never be merciful because of gender or feelings that have not yet happened. The only person who can make him give in is the woman who is truly accepted by him and placed by his side.

Hecatia was not angry at all when she heard this, but became more happy.

“I don’t want to see that scene at all. Not to mention that I also like your bravery and your purity. If you want to be”enemy”, it would be better for me to commit suicide immediately.”


“Oh? You like me too? Then let’s go to the training tonight?”

Zhou Yuan was overjoyed.

But he was pinched by Zou Ji. Even Zou Ji, who indulged him without any bottom line, couldn’t stand the fact that he was still leaning on her arms, but he applied for training for another woman he met for the first time.

“Ok, ok, my lover is not happy. I am a great man who respects my wife. Unfortunately, it seems that you and I are not destined to be together tonight.”

“What do you mean there is no destiny tonight? And you actually dare to call yourself that.”

Iitsuka Maru Ryuu next to him cast a look of disdain, muttering in his heart


“Let’s get back to business, the matter of the Westward Journey Girl.”

Hecatia’s expression became serious, and she said softly

“I have some guesses, but the details are up to you to figure out.”

Zhou Yuan also became serious. He couldn’t help but be serious when it came to Youyouzi.

Hecatia was a straightforward person, so she wouldn’t hide anything, and she wouldn’t talk nonsense.

“She is the wedge between the underworld and the human world, the spokesperson chosen by the underworld itself, and the princess of the underworld.”

As soon as she spoke, it was a shocking and heavyweight news.

But Zhou Yuan remained calm, not because he had expected it, but because he knew it.

The intelligence network of the old second dimension, boy

“You, how can you be so calm? I thought I could scare you.”

Hecatia seemed to be very sorry, sighed, and continued

“First of all, you need to understand that the underworld and the human world are interdependent and inseparable, but they must be separated.”

“This kind of connection requires a”wedge” to maintain it, and the appearance of the Underworld Tree is the first attempt of the Underworld.”

She whispered the news that was enough to shock the world.

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