Chapter 70: Fear, crying, and sense of security.

The next day, Yakumo Yukari regained her charming and artificial appearance, as if nothing had happened before.

Zhou Yuan realized that something was wrong. With the old woman’s style, she should be wailing in front of him at this moment, and then pretending to be sad and saying things like”We lost our Youyouzi, ah wuwu wuwu”.

Since she didn’t do that, it was very abnormal. The more she acted as if nothing had happened, the more something must have happened.

Thinking back to what happened last night, Zhou Yuan also had some speculations. Zhou Yuan just liked to disturb and hated conspiracies and calculations, but he was not brainless. On the contrary, his brain was pretty good.

But it doesn’t matter, just eavesdrop if you want to eavesdrop. If you don’t eavesdrop, you won’t be Yakumo Yukari. Anyway, those words can be said word for word even in front of her, Yakumo Yukari.

Yakumo Yukari hid her pretty face with a folding fan, and looked at Zhou Yuan who seemed to be thinking with complicated eyes. Two smart people could communicate without saying it directly, and Zhou Yuan’s reaction was nothing like what she expected last night. Zhou Yuan would not avoid her for those words last night, and he would not say them deliberately because he knew she was eavesdropping.

But the more this happened, the more complicated and indescribable Yakumo Yukari’s mood became. In the end, she opened a gap without saying a word, leaned back, and fell directly in.

Zhou Yuan ignored her. This old woman was thoughtful and could not be won over with just a few words.

Compared with Yakumo Yukari, Zhou Yuan had more difficult problems to deal with at the moment.

Hitomi is missing

“Saying”I still have some things to deal with” and then disappearing somewhere is a bit too much.”

Zhou Yuan was really angry. He was very tolerant of his lovers. As long as his bottom line was not touched, he would allow and support his lovers to do whatever they wanted in this world.

Whether it was Xingxiong Yongyi kicking his Chi hard in the disturbance, or Youyouzi wanting Xixing Sakura to bloom, or Fumu’s advice to him.

As long as the red line was not touched, then he, Zhou Yuan, would support their reckless behavior. Even if it was Xingxiong Yongyi, it was nothing more than getting back at them in bed..

Anyway, I have my invincible armor to protect me, even Chi can’t beat me.

But I must not hide anything, let alone say something inexplicable.

Mutual honesty is the foundation of maintaining a relationship. This is Zhou Yuan’s most simple concept of love.

After catching her, I really have to put her in a cage. Zhou Yuan made a decision silently.

But where can Tongzi escape to?

She has nowhere to go. Except returning to the original village, there is no other way.

Then let’s go directly. No matter what her reasons are, she can’t be let go easily this time.


Zhou Yuan didn’t expect that Tongzi in front of him would be so indifferent. When he found her in the village, she was sitting on the green grass, looking out quietly. He didn’t know what she was looking at or thinking about.

Because he had never thought about returning here before, he didn’t leave the Seal of the Flying Thunder God when he kidnapped Tongzi, so Zhou Yuan could only fly over obediently.

Along the way, Zhou Yuan was thinking about how to deal with this overly reckless woman, but the moment he saw her, Zhou Yuan couldn’t help but fall silent.

Tongzi looked very calm, even with a smile on her face, looking quietly into the distance. When Zhou Yuan came in front of her, she gently turned her head and showed Zhou Yuan a beautiful smile that was so beautiful that it made people lose their minds.

Zhou Yuan didn’t think it was beautiful. He felt the loss and deep sadness in Tongzi’s heart.

“Why? Are you dissatisfied with your relationship with me? Or do you not want to stay with me?”

Zhou Yuan was infected and influenced by this emotion. He liked Tongzi from the bottom of his heart, and liked this strong and kind girl. Although he loved many people equally, his love for Tongzi was absolutely true.

Promiscuousness does not mean ruthlessness. On the contrary, Zhou Yuan gave all his trust and affection to every girl he truly loved.

So he was puzzled and he was in pain. If Tongzi really nodded at this moment, Zhou Yuan didn’t dare to imagine what he would do. Maybe he would really catch Tongzi back and put her in a cage until the day she surrendered.

“How could that be? Meeting Yuan Jun is the greatest good fortune in my life. Even if I deny my own existence, I will never deny my feelings for Yuan Jun and my love for him.”

Tongzi was still smiling like that, her dark and deep eyes staring at Zhou Yuan, unwilling to leave for a moment.

“I really like Yuan Jun, I like the life on Penglai Island, and I like everything I have experienced with Yuan Jun.”

Tongzi’s tone was a little heavy, as if to prove something.

Then why is she so sad? Zhou Yuan did not speak, just looked at Tongzi, looking at this sad woman

“As for me, the first half of my life was dark and gloomy, with only the pain and exhaustion that almost made me want to end it.”

Tongzi turned her head, and her tone became trembling, as if some emotions were about to be suppressed and wanted to be vented.

“This kind of growth experience made me extremely pessimistic about the world.

Tongzi confessed her thoughts, ideas, and everything to Zhou Yuan without hiding anything.

“I am not jealous, because I already have enough. After meeting Yuan Jun, I have the life I always dreamed of. No, it is the life I dare not even imagine in my dreams.”

Her originally clear and pretty face was crossed by crystal tears, and her thin body trembled slightly.

“But why, when I see Yuanjun nestled in the arms of another woman, while I have nothing, I am so scared.”

It’s not jealousy, not resentment, not envy.

Tongzi felt a deep fear for Zhou Yuan nestling in the arms of another woman, for Zhou Yuan sleeping in another woman’s bed.

“I am very scared. These are just illusions. I am just a miserable woman. I am not gentle or strong. I can’t help Yuan Jun. When facing battles and killings, all I can think of is cowardice.

Her pretty face became distorted and her emotions gradually lost control. But when facing Zhou Yuan, her tone was always gentle.

“I don’t know what to do. I had imagined that one evening, I would dress up beautifully, appear in front of Yuan Jun’s door, and flatter him with a smile on my face.”

“But when I came to my senses, I had already escaped and was sitting here, leaving Penglai Island, leaving Yuanjun, and returning to my original life, as if the bubble had finally been punctured.”

Tongzi’s trembling voice could no longer speak, but she stubbornly bit her lower lip. At this moment, her posture was so pitiful, and yet had an indescribable beauty.

Even this beauty, in Zhou Yuan’s eyes, was only as painful as a knife.

He knew, he knew very well, Tongzi’s feelings, in the final analysis, were nothing more than five words, insecurity.

Zhou Yuan could not accept that the person he loved was so painful. Since you have no sense of security, since you feel fear when you see me being intimate with others.

Then you can only deeply feel this real love, and that’s all it can be.

So he directly released the armor, locked everything around it, and then held Tongzi down directly on the green grass.


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