Chapter 76: Surface Best Friend.

Seeing Zhou Yuan no longer asking questions, Yakumo Yukari breathed a sigh of relief, then realized

“Why should we feel relieved?”

She suddenly became angry again, puffing up her mouth as if she was trying to be cute.

“Blind, why is the old woman pretending to be a virgin?”

Looking at Yakumo Yukari’s puffy face, Zhou Yuan couldn’t help but smack his lips.

He felt as if something was broken, it seemed to be his own girlish heart.

Yakumo Yukari cast a terrifying look at Zhou Yuan, as if she wanted to devour someone.


“We came to the underworld to find Suixiang and the others, and we have some important matters to ask them for help.”

Yakumo Yukari said casually.

She said it lightly, as if it was a trivial matter that was not worth mentioning. Zhou Yuan was thoughtful after hearing it.

He already had a rough idea. A dignified monster sage came to the underworld to ask the ghost king for some things. To be honest, Zhou Yuan couldn’t think of any other possibilities except the moon landing plan.

But it shouldn’t be so fast. If Zhou Yuan’s guess is true, such a big thing can’t be done on a whim. It should just be to find the ghost king who has the best relationship and is the most warlike to finalize some directions. Things on the top.

Zhou Yuan, who was thinking in his mind, couldn’t help but smile, which made Yakumo Yukari, who was pretending to be relaxed, jump with fear.

This is a perfect opportunity to take down this old witch.

Youyouzi’s pretty face with a little baby fat looked at the two people who had their own thoughts, showing a smile that seemed cute and naive, but in fact, it seemed like she had other calculations.

One of these two is her eternal love, and the other is her only friend. In Youyouzi’s eyes, Zhou Yuan and Yakumo Yukari’s thoughts are like reading the lines on the palm of your hand, and they are not out of her control at all.

“Ah, in that case, let’s stay at the White Jade Tower first. Tomorrow, Ah Zi can go to the ghost tribe’s residence with Yuan Jun.”

Youyouzi said softly, and at the same time looked at Xiao Yaomeng who was holding a sword. That silly smile made Yaomeng feel cold for some reason.

The next moment, Xiao Yaomeng understood the reason for this sudden premonition of danger.

“I’ll leave dinner to Youmu today. I’m really hungry after walking for so long.”

From Youmu’s rosy little mouth came the words of the dream demon that would become Youmu in the future.

“How could you abuse child labor like this!”

Zhou Yuan wanted to stop this inhumane scene, but maybe it was because Youmeng had honed her skills in taking care of Youmeng for many years, the food she cooked was really delicious, so Zhou Yuan decided to teach this bad woman Youmeng a lesson later. He didn’t know if Youmeng would thank Zhou Yuan if she knew.

“”Hmm, delicious. Xiao Youmeng’s cooking skills have improved again. It is worthy of the results of so many years of practice.”

Youyouzi let out a long sigh of satisfaction. In front of her was a mountain of plates. It was humorous to say that after Youyouzi became the princess of the underworld and possessed power that was not inferior to Yakumo Yukari, the most obvious performance was not anything else, but her already amazing appetite, which became even more terrifying.

Zhou Yuan looked at Xiao Youmeng who was tired and panting. It was not until this moment that he realized that the Konpaku Youmeng, who he originally thought was a little loli, was actually a monster in essence. Her age could not be viewed with ordinary eyes. She looked young on the surface, but in fact she was older than Youyouzi, who had just transformed from a human to an immortal species.

“Oh no, this one is also older than me.”

Zhou Yuan, who also became an immortal after traveling through time, thought silently, and then he was shocked to find that all around him were old monsters who were eyeing his young and handsome body.

“What’s that strange look in your eyes? You must be plotting against me again, you bastard.” Yakumo Yukari felt that Zhou Yuan’s eyes exuded an extremely strange emotion. As an elder, her life experience allowed her to immediately judge that Zhou Yuan must be plotting against her again.

“Tsk, I suddenly found that there are so many old witches around me who are eyeing my beauty. Alas, I feel that my chastity is threatened.”

Zhou Yuan sighed and said a little sadly. He said whatever he thought and never hesitated. This is the way of ninja of Zhou Yuan.

Even the charming face of Yakumo Yukari seemed to have blue veins, and the folding fan was creaking when she squeezed it.

“Ah, it’s true.”

Youyouzi’s soft voice was filled with a hint of surprise. She seemed to have finally discovered it, and even her pink eyes opened wide.

“It’s not a good behavior for an old cow to eat young grass, Ah Zi.”

Yakumo Zi calmed down after hearing this. She looked at Zhou Yuan and Youyouzi in front of her with empty eyes, and she looked more at Youyouzi, as if she didn’t expect her best friend to turn against her at this time. Then, she smiled.

“Ah, not to mention that I am a 17-year-old beautiful girl, even if it is an old cow eating young grass, I should be the young grass. Moreover, I am indeed very interested in Yuanjun.”

This is the first time that Yakumo Yukari calls Zhou Yuan by his name. Youyouzi is not surprised at all, but seems very happy. Her beautiful pink eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a smile on her soft face.

“That would be great. I’m already troubled by Yuanjun’s strength, and it would be great if A Zi could help share the burden. Come and fight alongside me tonight.”

God Tm fighting side by side, Yakumo Yukari couldn’t hold it anymore. She liked to tease others, but she hated others teasing her bad character. That is, I can do it, you can’t do it, but she can’t use that arrogance when facing Youyouzi. She couldn’t beat Zhou Yuan, so she kept humming, but in the end she had to retreat.

She opened a gap and ran away directly.

Zhou Yuan closed his mouth and watched the confrontation between his best friends in front of him silently. He wanted to cheer in his heart. He almost took a bag of melon seeds in his hand, if he had.

Seeing that the verbal confrontation was finally over, he smacked his lips with satisfaction, thinking that Yakumo Yukari’s defense was even lower than he thought.

It’s reasonable. Only Yakumo Yukari can be sarcastic to others, but no one dares to mock her. Most of the strong men who have the ability to fight with Yakumo Yukari don’t like words, and prefer to educate this old woman with fists.

Over time, this old woman has become high attack and low defense. That’s it.

“Ah, Yuanjun, Ah Zi has escaped. What should we do tonight?”

Youyouzi seemed to have turned on some switch. Did she find it funny to talk like this? Zhou Yuan was in a bit of a dilemma. What if she kept talking like this? He had to deal a heavy blow, including Xiao Yaomeng, and severely correct her!

With Xiao Yaomeng present, he had to be cautious, otherwise with Zhou Yuan’s temper, he would probably have held Youyouzi down right there.

He stood up, carried Youyouzi on his shoulders and walked towards the room, with Tongzi following closely behind him.

Youyouzi seemed to be struggling on his shoulder, and seemed to be laughing secretly.

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