Chapter 160 Si Fengyuan Ye Yi: Then, there is only one answer!

Aizen: I see. In that case, I can provide two special pieces of artificial bones.

Zhong Rui: Thanks.

After receiving the red envelope sent by Aizen, Zhong Rui threw the two prosthetic skeletons that had been specially adjusted by Aizen to Nellie and Yoruichi.

In order to allow Nilielle to move freely in Liyue Port, Zhong Rui also asked the immortal for advice.

But after all, the soul is not the strong point of the immortals, so Zhong Rui approached Aizen. After all, Aizen was also a rare scientist in the world of death.

After a brief exchange, Aizen took out two special prosthetic skeletons that could accommodate Nellie and the others.

"Thank you, Master Zhong Rui."

Nilielle obediently entered the body, and then the body gradually changed into her appearance. However, the body could only change into the body, but not the clothes on the body.

However, Nellie didn't care about this, but was adapting to her current body.

Zhong Rui is her master, even if she exposes her body in front of him, there is nothing to be ashamed of...

"Did you get this righteous skeleton from that guy Aizen? Did he do some tricks in it?"

Ye Yi looked at the corpse on the ground with disgust, showing a reluctant expression, but as Zhong Rui's prisoner, she couldn't refuse.

After waking up from that weird space, she also thought about escaping secretly, but after discovering that this was not the original world, Yoruichi also gave up the idea of ​​​​escape.

After all, in this strange world, where can she escape even if she escapes?

It's better to stay with Zhong Rui and see if he can find a chance to return to his original world.

Moreover, Zhong Rui didn't treat her completely as a prisoner of war. He just fed her some blood and asked her to be a teacher in the school. In the future, she would teach students the techniques of killing fists and walking away ghosts.

Although she is most proficient in Bai Da and Shunpo, she is also involved in Kidō and Zanjutsu.

As the former captain of the Second Division, it is naturally more than enough to teach students these basic skills...

"Hey, pervert, when do you plan to see us? Isn't it about time you gave us your clothes?"

After putting on the prosthetic body, Yoruichi, like Nellie, did not avoid Zhong Rui's sight at all.

He openly showed off his healthy wheat-colored skin and body without a trace of fat.

"That's really rude. I'm just curious about where the special adjustment Aizen mentioned is."

Zhong Rui calmly replied to Ye Yi that he did observe carefully this time out of research.

Moreover, as a gentleman, he prefers the looming appearance after putting on clothes than this kind of straightforward exposure!

"Oh? Did you see it then?"

Ye Yi felt a little bored when she saw Zhong Rui's expressionless reaction.

But he didn't react at all to these two beauties. Could it be that he likes men?

Moreover, he and Aizen seem to have a very good relationship. Could it be that the two of them...

Just when Ye Yi maliciously speculated on the relationship between the two, Zhong Rui reached out and touched Nellie's shoulder.

"Well, I see, these two artificial skeletons can be used to bury Bengyu."


When she heard Bengyu's name, Yoruichi frowned and used it to place Bengyu's righteous skeleton, which reminded her of the special righteous skeleton that Urahara Kisuke had originally prepared.

However, before he deposited Bengyu into the corpse, Zhong Rui appeared first and snatched Bengyu away from him.

"Give one to each person. Don't worry. These are the righteous bones used to enhance your strength. The righteous bones can help you adapt to the wavelength of Bengyu."

Zhong Rui said that two pieces of broken jade appeared in his hand, and he handed them into the hands of Nellie and Yoruichi.

Nilielle has seen Zhong Rui's methods before, and now she won't show a surprised expression on her face and directly integrates Bengyu into her body.

"Is this, is this the real Honyu?! It's stronger than Urahara Kisuke's one. Is it the one that's fused with Aizen?"

And Ye Yi looked at the broken jade in his hand, the expression on his face was a little broken, and he once again had a new understanding of Zhong Rui's strength.

During the time she followed Urahara Kisuke, she was very aware of Bengyu's power.

It was precisely because of this power that Aizen set his sights on Urahara Kisuke being blamed for the virtualization experiment.

Now the extremely important and cherished Bengyu was actually treated as a marble by Zhong Rui and just thrown to him? !

What kind of existence is this man? !

"Don't be so surprised. The students you will teach in the future may all be broken. However, the specific situation still needs to wait for the research results of the immortals."

Zhong Rui said to the shocked Ye Yi, in fact, everyone is a bit exaggerated.

According to Mebius' recent research, ordinary people may not be able to withstand the power of Bengyu.

What's more, Bengyu is a self-aware existence. If the host is too rubbish, it will directly reject the other party.

Just like the broken jade he gave to Mebius before, it was because he had become accustomed to his body that he naturally disliked Mebius in every possible way.

It just depends on whether the Immortal can figure out other ways to use Bengyu...

"Tsk, aren't you afraid that my strength will increase greatly after merging with Bengyu, threatening your position?"

After Ye Yi integrated the Bengyu into her body, she could feel that her spiritual body was being affected by the Bengyu, and her spiritual pressure was slowly increasing.

In response to Ye Yi's question, Zhong Rui smiled slightly and waved his hand to open a space crack, and then walked out of it a black and red skeleton wearing an imperial robe. This skeleton was Bailegang who was controlled by Zhong Rui with the power of erosion. .

A piece of broken jade in the center of its sternum is completely fused with the bone. At this time, the spiritual pressure on its body is already dozens of times that of the Vastod-level Daxu.

"Let me introduce, the former king of Hueco Mundo, Bailegang, has the ability to age all things. Now I have made it into a puppet. With the help of Bengyu, its strength is steadily increasing."


Ye Yi looked at the extremely terrifying Bailegang in front of him, and fell silent in the face of Zhong Rui's threat.

He can even control Bailegang in this state, let alone her. What's more, Bengyu was originally created by him, and he himself may be using Bengyu to improve himself.

"If I don't obey, will I become like it?"

"No, how could that be? I am very gentle towards women. At most I can use this to modify your memory."

Looking at the golden feather in Zhong Rui's hand, Ye Yi recalled the previous battle with Zhong Rui.

I didn't expect that this feather can modify memory in addition to illusion...

But now her memory has not been modified, and she can see Zhong Rui's sincerity.

Then, there is only one answer before her...

"I know! I will be an honest teacher! But as the former Death Captain, I should have preferential treatment in terms of salary and treatment, right?"

"Of course, after all, you are Shungami Yoichi, so I will naturally give you preferential treatment~"

"Hmm... Then it's time to give us the clothes, right?"

"Ah, I almost forgot, what style do you like? Black stockings or white stockings?"

Chapter 161 Liyue Law Expert Yan Fei!

"This is our first meeting, Your Majesty the Emperor. I am really flattered to receive your invitation to discuss Liyue's new laws in the future."

Yan Fei greeted Zhong Rui with a somewhat nervous expression. Although she heard from Grandma Ping that the Emperor Tianrui was younger than her,

But he is the rock god of Liyue after all!

Coupled with the aura of a superior person in him, Yan Fei subconsciously thought of Emperor Yanwang, whom she had a close relationship with.

"It's okay, don't be nervous. We are about the same age, and we are the two closest in age among the immortals. And although I invited you here this time because of work, you should treat it as a private meeting between friends!"


After Yan Fei saw that Zhong Rui actually spoke, he did not have the arrogance and majesty of a superior person, and her inner nervousness relaxed a little.

Then, under Zhong Rui's deliberate guidance, Zhong Rui chatted with her about many interesting things about Liyue Port.

Among them, the most eye-catching things in Liyue Port recently are the yellow electric mice on the shoulders of Yu Hengxing, and the round land shark following Zhongli, the guest of the Hall of Rebirth.

As one of the parties involved in the rumor, Yuhengxing Keqing was also here at this time. After all, she was the first person among the Seven Stars in Liyue to obtain Pokémon.


Pikachu, which had evolved from Pichu, heard Yanfei talking about it, jumped from Keqing's shoulder to the table, and rubbed its cheek against Zhongrui's palm.

Then, with Yan Fei's envious eyes, Zhong Rui held Pikachu in his arms and stroked it like a cat. From time to time, he would take out energy cubes from his pocket and feed it to its mouth.

"Pikachu, come back quickly!"

Ke Qing looked at Pikachu lying comfortably in Zhong Rui's arms, and subconsciously envied it...

No, what on earth was she thinking? !

Hearing the owner's call, Pikachu reluctantly left Zhong Rui's arms, otherwise its tomato dinner tonight might be gone.

"They're cute, right?"

"Well, I heard Mr. Zhongli say that you gave him his Round Land Shark."

Yanfei looked at Pikachu with some regret. She actually wanted to touch this cute Pokémon, but she had not had much contact with Yuhengxing recently.

Only by chance, when I met Zhongli, I took Yuanlu Shark home and played for a long time in exchange for paying for his meal.

However, because the round land shark is made of shark skin, it actually doesn't feel very comfortable to the touch...

But even so, she really wants a Pokémon like this!

"Actually, the reason why I came to you this time is to discuss the bill to protect Pokémon. This is the bill I have summarized. Can you see where the shortcomings are?"

"Pokémon Protection Law? Are you, Lord Emperor, planning to implement Pokémon in Liyue?!"

After Yan Fei saw the name on the document, she stood up excitedly. She suddenly found hope of getting a Pokémon!

Although some people in Liyue Port regard Pokémon as mutated monsters and are afraid of their existence.

But after most people have seen the appearance of Pikachu and Round Shark, they are not afraid of them, but more curious.

In particular, Pikachu is extremely popular in Liyue. I heard that someone has already established a Pikachu fan club, and there are businessmen who want to find Keqing to buy Pikachu image-making peripherals...

"Well, Pokémon are actually creatures from another world. They have incredible power and need to cooperate with a trainer to exert their full strength. And some Pokémon have established enough bonds with the trainer to perform special tasks. Evolution, such as the Pikachu with engraved shoulders, evolved from the intimacy of Pichu.”

Yan Fei listened to Zhong Rui's explanation, then calmed down and carefully looked at the Pokémon protection method that he and Ning Guang had sorted out.

The emergence of Pokémon will inevitably lead to the existence of poachers. After all, things are rare and valuable, not to mention that Pokémon also have the power to control elemental forces.

This will naturally make many criminals focus on these magical Pokémon, and many rich people will pay high prices to buy these Pokémon.

"Your Majesty, regarding the punishment of this stolen Pokémon..."

Zhong Rui listened to Yan Fei's suggestions and recorded the changes that needed to be made, preparing to pass them on to Ning Guang later.

Unconsciously, an hour passed. Yan Fei also felt a little dry and took a sip of tea.

There is some conflict between the Pokémon Protection Law and some laws in Liyue in terms of punishment, because the punishment plan of the Protection Law seems a bit mild.

When Yan Fei saw this protection law, she subconsciously mistakenly thought that Zhong Rui was actually a kind god. Later, during the discussion, she discovered that she was quite wrong.

Zhong Rui's protectiveness towards Pokémon was almost at its peak. Every time she asked for a harsher punishment, he would resort to rock-eating or death.

Therefore, this gentle protection method definitely did not come from his hands, but it does not seem to come from Ningguang's hands either.

"It's been really hard on you today..."

"Ah, it's nothing. When the Pokémon is launched, you just need to tell me in advance where to adopt it..."

Yanfei said a little embarrassed, but she really wanted a Pokémon!

For example, the Pikachu on Keqing's shoulder will be asked to help when she encounters civil disputes in the future. I believe the person involved will calm down a little when seeing the cute Pikachu, right?

"It's a small matter, I'll give you one directly!"

Upon hearing Yan Fei's request, Zhong Rui took out a red and white ball and put it in Yan Fei's hand.

This was originally a Pokémon that he was going to give to Qianyan Army to train, but he also had several Cady Dogs in exchange for them from Sirona, so it would be okay to give one to Yan Fei.

"Is this really okay?!"

Yan Fei carefully held the red and white ball in her hand, swallowed a sip of water, and confirmed to Zhong Rui.

After getting his affirmative reply, Yan Fei opened the red and white ball and released the Pokémon inside.

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