Seeing the little girl who looked exactly like herself falling from the branches of the World Tree from a distance, Nasida was still surprised by the scene in front of her, although she had been mentally prepared in advance.

"Are you the Great Ci Tree King?"

Nacida carefully observed her past life, and it was clear that their appearance was exactly the same, but their temperaments were completely different...

"Well, you are calmer than I expected. It seems that your growth has exceeded my expectations..."

The Great Ci Tree King looked at herself after reincarnation with a smile. After enduring alone for five hundred years, she was finally able to fulfill the responsibilities she had failed to complete in the end.

"I'm sorry, I'm actually more useless than you expected. Even when I came here, I was led here by the teacher."

Facing the King of Great Mercy Tree, who could be seen as outstanding at a glance, Nasida felt ashamed of herself, and she was not worthy of the King of Great Mercy Tree's praise.

"Teacher? It seems you have a very good teacher..."

King Daci Shu looked at Zhong Rui next to Nasida and recognized his extraordinary character at a glance.

Unexpectedly, the rock god would actually hand over the divine throne to a descendant, and he also obtained the divine throne normally. It seems that the law of heaven has...

Forget it, these are not things that she, the remaining consciousness of a dead person, needs to worry about.

"Leveraging the strength of others is also a sign of wisdom, so there is no need to feel ashamed."

"But I failed to live up to your expectations...I failed to become a qualified god."

Facing the comfort from the Great Merciful Tree King, Nasida tried her best to explain that she was unworthy and how unqualified she was as a god.

Only in this way can the existence of [Nasida] disappear completely from this world...

Xumi has proven with facts that they don't need an immature god. Compared with himself who can't do anything in the face of disaster, Xumi needs the control of the Great Merciful Tree King more!

"Buyer, you have never failed to live up to my expectations, just as you came to me as I expected..."

The Great Ci Tree King stepped forward and hugged the self-denying Nasita, soothing her inner uneasiness and panic, while also reading her memories and thoughts over the years.

Imprisoned by a sage for five hundred years in the Jingshan Palace, he considered himself immature and worked hard to learn knowledge. After being persuaded by his teacher, he witnessed another way of governing Sumeru and regained his confidence as a god.

But this confidence did not last long before it was shattered by this sudden disaster. Facing the taboo and unknown curse, she could do nothing...

She once thought that she was a canary imprisoned in a birdcage, and that when she left the birdcage, she would be able to soar high in the blue sky.

But the reality cruelly told her that the world outside the birdcage was more difficult than she thought. She could only use the wings borrowed from others to barely prevent herself from falling from the sky.

"But I..."

"Buyer, you can't become me."

The Great Merciful Tree King patted Nasida's back gently, but he whispered in her ear the extremely cruel truth to Nasida.

Being admired and completely denied by the goal she had been chasing made Nasida bite her lips silently and spoke forcefully for the first time in a tone of denial.

"No, I can! Because I am your reincarnation, I am your reincarnation!"

"Well, because of this, I believe you will become better than me. After all, you have a very, very good teacher by your side. This is a condition that I did not have at the time."

The Daci Tree King felt that his thoughts were a little chaotic. It seemed that the consciousness she left behind in the World Tree could not last long...

Just when she was about to tell Nacida the crueler reality, her mind suddenly became much clearer, and even the World Tree she wanted to connect to had recovered a lot, revealing its vibrant green leaves.

Could it be him?

King Daci Tree looked at Zhong Rui next to him and thought of the other party's method of curing the demon scale disease. Could it be that he could actually eliminate the forbidden knowledge directly? !

"I can not do it..."

"No, you can. I don't allow you to continue to deny yourself. In fact, you have already noticed my state. You just don't want me to disappear, right?"

Tears appeared in Nacida's eyes after being wronged by the Great Merciful Tree King. In the memory of the Red King and the Tree King dealing with forbidden knowledge shared by Zhong Rui, Nacida had already realized her mission of reincarnation as the Great Mercy Tree King.

That is to banish the Great Mercy Tree King...who was contaminated by forbidden knowledge from the World Tree.

And the price of doing this is that no one in the world will remember the god Daci Tree King anymore...

She didn't want to do such a cruel thing, nor did she want the Great Merciful Tree King, who was respected by the Sumeru people, to disappear.

This is something that no one wants to see, and the teacher thinks so too...

She will become a new vessel like the false god, taking back the memory and power of the Great Merciful Tree King. From then on, the incompetent god [Nasida] will disappear, and the [Great Mercy Tree King] as the god of wisdom will disappear. Will return to Sumeru again.

"You have a little misunderstanding about your teacher. I think he must be reluctant to let his lovely student choose to sacrifice himself, right?"


Chapter 424: King Daci Tree looks at you tenderly and says nothing

"it hurts..."

"This is a punishment for bad students with bad memory. You turned around and forgot about what I just taught you. You are really the worst student I have ever taught!"

Nasida rubbed her bulging head, and she was about to burst into tears because of the pain. This was obviously the space of consciousness, but the teacher's fist felt extra painful for some reason, as if her head in the real world also had a bulging...


After listening to the explanation of the Great Merciful Tree King, Nasida also realized that she had misunderstood the meaning of the teacher. Although he said he would help her get back the power and memory of the Tree King, he never said a word about letting her become the Great Merciful Tree King.

"Instead of apologizing, it's better to remember this lesson and the next time you hit me, it won't be on the head."

Feeling that Zhong Rui's gaze moved downward, Nasida immediately understood what he meant and nodded with a blushing face.

It would be too shameful to be spanked or something...

"But teacher, what are you going to do?"

Nasida looked at the smiling Great Merciful Tree King. The Great Merciful Tree King himself had been contaminated by forbidden knowledge. Her memory and knowledge had long become a hotbed of forbidden knowledge and were the cause of the World Tree's disease.

According to the treatment of forbidden knowledge thousands of years ago, it can be seen that only by making it forgotten can the impact of forbidden knowledge on the world be completely eradicated.

If the teacher wants to help her retrieve the memory of the Tree King, then there is no way around the existence of forbidden knowledge.

"Of course we need to address the root cause of the problem."

Zhong Rui's palms lit up with golden light, the divine power in his body was mobilized, and the divine power of purification was used to the extreme.

At the same time, changes also occurred in the outside world. The originally terrifying black tide receded like a tide, and the distorted monsters turned back into the appearance of mushrooms or beasts. The withered and dead land regained its vitality, and Xiangzui Slope seemed to Back to the original look.

But only the false gods who are moving step by step towards Xumi City are still surrounded by taboos and curses.

"Look at the little grass god!"

Noticing Nasida's changes, a scholar's exclamation made everyone come back to their senses from the miracle that had just happened and look at Nasida who was wrapped in soft white light.

That ray of light became stronger and stronger, and Nasida at the center of the light gradually grew, eventually turning into an intellectual woman with long white silk hair hanging down to her waist.

"Daci...Tree King?"

The sages who were already in despair saw the being born from the light and stared at her like a sleeping beauty and opened her eyes.

The kindness and wisdom in his eyes, the noble and unblasphemous temperament in his behavior, yes, yes! That one must be back!

"People of Sumeru, there is no need to panic."

Her voice spread throughout Sumeru, but this gentle female voice sounded in their ears, making them feel unprecedentedly calm and at ease...

【that's me? 】

The false god stopped and looked confusedly at the white figure on the high platform of the Order House, with intellectual doubts and confusion in his eyes.

After the forbidden knowledge of the World Tree was purified, her intelligence regained the upper hand in this body, but this body had been seriously polluted by the forbidden knowledge and became their new carrier.

【she is me? So who am I? 】

The false god recalled various deeds and quickly came to a conclusion that was difficult for ordinary people to accept.

[I see, I am an experimental subject, a puppet made by people to imitate the Great Ci Tree King. 】

In her heart, she did not feel the sadness of being deceived, nor did she feel any hatred for the prototype of the Great Ci Tree King. Instead, she looked at the returning Great Merci Tree King with great joy.

She has gathered the memories of the rain forest and the earth's veins. She will not hate all the lives that this land has given birth to, but will tolerate everything about them.

Because she is such a god, and this is the kind of god that the sages long for.

[The Great Merciful Tree's great to be back. 】

"No, I'm not the Great Ci Tree King."

The gentle voice sounded in her mind, and the false god panicked and wanted to cut off contact with the other party, because she had long been contaminated by forbidden knowledge. In order to prevent the other party from falling into the same fate as her, she had to cut off contact.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."


"I'm sorry that I made you bear all this for me. You should have become a more perfect good god."

[Compared to that kind of thing, please stay away from me...]

"So as compensation, I will save you..."

In the adoring sight of the people of Sumeru, the holy figure on the high platform folded his hands as if praying. The dreamlike and magnificent Maya Temple enveloped the entire rain forest and expanded towards the desert.

The dead zone in the forest is gradually coming back to life, and the black scales on the skin of the patients with demonic scales lying at home are gradually fading away.

Those scholars whose brains had been polluted by the knowledge of the gods also recovered from their crazy talk and saw the palace of Maya, which symbolized wisdom and love, and knelt devoutly towards the Sumeru City in the center of the palace.

The desert people living in the yellow sand and sandstorms saw those terrifying sandstorms suppressed by the green and transparent palace, and for the first time, they felt confused about their inner hatred for the King of the Forest.

Is this loving God who saved them really like the Red King who plotted against them in the legends of the desert people from generation to generation?

"Is this King Daci Shu..."

Sainuo looked at the holy figure, listened to the light songs humming like children around him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

And those sages showed regretful expressions. After seeing such a perfect god, their idea of ​​supporting the new god to ascend to power seemed like a clown.

The great sage Azar was even more ashamed when he saw this scene. His lifelong pursuit and research not only failed to solve the stubborn problems of the World Tree, but also ended up being a disaster for Sumeru.

In the end, it was the little grass god he looked down upon who finally solved all this...

Seeing that the false god standing on the lawn had disappeared, a smile appeared on the face of the holy figure, and then his body became illusive.

"Lord Tree King! Are you leaving us again?"

"Lord Tree King, please don't leave!"

Seeing that the gods they believed in seemed to have exhausted all their strength and were about to pass away, those Sumeru people who witnessed this scene burst into tears.

But she just didn't respond to everyone...

In the consciousness space, Nasida looked at the Great Ci Tree King whose figure had gradually become blurred and transparent in front of her, with reluctance and regret in her eyes.

With the help of Zhong Rui, she completed the synchronization with the deceased Great Mercy Tree King and became both [Nasida] and the [Great Mercy Tree King].

But [The Great Merciful Tree King] is, after all, just a ray of consciousness she left behind in the World Tree. After completing her mission and releasing her power, it's now time to say goodbye.

"Are you really not going to stay?"

Nacida's vision was blurred by tears as she stared at the adult-looking Great Ci Tree King.

"Buyer, you have proven yourself to be a mature god, haven't you?"

The Daci Tree King had a relieved smile on his face. Using human knowledge as a metaphor, she could leave without any distracting thoughts.

"But I did it because of your support!"

"You can't lie to me, and you can't lie to yourself..."

Nacida's voice suddenly stopped. After integrating the memory and power of the Great Ci Tree King, she has always been in control of the body, and the Great Ci Tree King has not interfered with anything.

"Nascida, you thought you flew out of the birdcage called the Palace of Pure Goodness, but you still locked yourself in the cage called [Immaturity]."

For the first time, King Daci Shu directly called Nasida by her human name instead of calling her a formal god.

"If I can't open my hands, the blue sky can't embrace you. My life, my pride, it's time to set off..."

"But, I still have a lot to say to you..."

Big tears fell down Nasida's cheeks.

"You will embark on your own life and leave your own trajectory..."

The figure of the Daci Tree King began to disappear from her legs, but she still had a smile on her face.

"This kind of thing is too cruel... everyone obviously misses you so much..."

Nacida stretched out her hand to save the disappearing soul in front of her.

"In this journey of life, you will grow, enjoy people's praise, and eventually become a virtuous god who surpasses me..."

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