The Liyue people near the main entrance showed very excited expressions when they saw Zhong Rui.

Although since the appearance of the Immortal Palace, the ethereal immortal gods in Liyue's past are not as difficult to see as they imagined.

But among the immortals, the existence of Emperor Tianrui is undoubtedly the most special!

Nasida, who was sitting in the float playing with the flower rope, heard the boiling sound of Liyue Port in the distance and curiously looked out of the window of the float.

When she saw Zhong Rui greeting her above the main entrance, Nasida instantly smiled with joy.

Teacher~I’m here to find you~

Nasida mouthed towards Zhong Rui, and outsiders didn't know what she was talking about to Zhong Rui.

Although she has now regained the rights of ruler from the Order Council, she still needs to maintain the majesty of the god to avoid the previous situation.

Even if the person escorting the float is her re-selected disciplinary officer...

"Seno, let's speed up too."

"Yes, Lord Grass God."

Sai Nuo, who was in working mode, immediately asked the discipline officials to speed up, and at the same time, he also noticed Emperor Tianrui above the main entrance.

Recalling that some time ago, Nasida suddenly solicited love-related knowledge at the Order Academy, Seno decided to find a reason to leave the escort after entering the city.

As one of the few insiders, he did not want to be involved in the turmoil in the Shura field between the previous grass god and the modern grass god...

I heard that there is a limited-edition card for Seven Saints Summons in Liyue. It is said that the two founders of Seven Gods Summons came to Liyue for medical treatment and were cured. He would go there and take a look at the special card... .

With the arrival of the Xumi delegation, everyone now understood the reason why Emperor Tianrui was waiting here. The float in the center, which was protected by the Disciplinary Officer, probably contained Xumi's Little Lucky Grass King, right?

As Emperor Tianrui waved his hand and sprinkled a golden light, the slightly tired officials instantly returned to their best condition, and then Emperor Tianrui disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Thank you for your hard work coming all the way. Liyue has prepared a resting place for you. Please come with me."

Gan Yu, who was responsible for welcoming this group of envoys, dealt with the formalities with Seno with a smile. Both of them knew that the two gods had probably left here, and they only needed to go through the rest of the process.

In Zhong Rui's home, in an environment without outsiders, Nasida also shed her majesty as a god and hugged Zhong Rui with a cheerful smile.

"Teacher~Long time no see! Did you miss Nasita?"

"Of course."

Zhong Rui touched Nacida's little head. When he was playing games with Paimon last night, he did think of Nacida...

But after Paimon returned to his original size, Zhong Rui thought of Kiana...

"Nascida misses her teacher too. After all, we have been apart for 17 days, 9 hours, 43 minutes and 36 seconds!"

After hearing Nasida say the time that was accurate to the second, Zhong Rui's hand stroking her hair froze...

Nasida...won't she develop into a yandere in the future?

Probably not?

Just when Zhong Rui felt something was wrong with the temperature in the room, Nasida's hand holding Zhong Rui's abdomen gradually moved downwards...

"Is little Nacida here?"

The sudden appearance of a female voice in the living room caused Nasida to retract her hand movements and look at the smiling Great Ci Tree King.

"King Daci Shu, it seems that you are living well in Liyue..."

"Not bad, right? After all, I live in Zhong Rui's house and can eat his desserts every day. As a result, my weight has been a little out of control recently..."

When she heard about Versailles written by King Daci Shu, Nasita grabbed Zhong Rui's clothes and subconsciously tightened her grip. That dessert that made her dream about, King Daci Tree could actually eat it every day? !

Ugh...she seems to want this kind of treatment!

Otherwise, she should let the Great Ci Tree King be the Grass God, and she should replace the Great Ci Tree King as the terminal of the Tianrui system!

"Speaking of which, Nasida, have you lost weight recently? Have you had a good meal in Xumi? Do you live on eating rice and curry every day? How pitiful~ I will take you to try Liyue later. Is the food good?"

King Daci Shu smiled and pulled Nasida from Zhong Rui into his arms, stroking her hair at the same time. For some reason, the places she touched overlapped with Zhong Rui's movements just now.

"Thanks to King Daci Shu for your kindness, but it is better for girls to be slimmer. After all, if they become chubby, it will lower men's evaluation of themselves, right?"

Nasida also smiled and pinched the abdomen of the Great Ci Tree King with her small hands, as if she was using this action to hint that she had fat on her body.

Smelling the smell of gunpowder between the two, Zhong Rui silently turned around and walked into the kitchen to make desserts, preparing to use desserts to end the grudge between them before the two started a formal war...

Chapter 469 Who will the grass gods choose? I want them all!

"Teacher~ I want to eat lotus cake, can you feed it to me?"

After Zhong Rui came up with the dessert method, he thought he could calm down this war without gunpowder, but he didn't expect it to be self-defeating, and the war between the two continued to him...

Seeing that the Shura Field could no longer be avoided, Zhong Rui simply changed into a form of dealing with the Shura Field, maintaining the principle of not taking the initiative or refusing, and just watched and had fun by himself!

What's more, when he was chasing the fire moth, it was a Shura field every day. By now, he has long been used to these little fights~

"It's just come out of the pot, be careful when it's hot."

Zhong Rui carefully picked up the lotus cake with chopsticks and handed it to Nasida's mouth, reminding her.

"Teacher, can you help me blow it?"

Nasida showed an "innocent" smile and said coquettishly to Zhong Rui.

As an [ordinary] guest at home, Daci Shuwang, you must not be able to let the teacher feed you dessert, right?

And she has the identity of his only student! Naturally, she can use this to act coquettishly to her only teacher!

Judging from the interaction between King Daci Shu and the teacher before, she should have made little progress with Zhong Rui after arriving in Liyue!

This time, she has won too much!

This is the advantage of being a teacher's childhood sweetheart (as she calls herself), and the victory of her bond with her teacher!

What can a heavenly heroine like you do to win over me? ?

The teacher and I have known each other for a month, why should I lose to you, a guy who has only been here for half a month! ?

Feel the weight of this time, and then retreat from this battle!

"The lotus cakes made by the teacher are more delicious than any lotus cakes I have eaten before~"

Nasida deliberately threw herself into Zhong Rui's arms, and while continuing her coquettish offensive, she showed a victorious smile to King Daci Tree from an angle that Zhong Rui couldn't see.

"Haha, the coquettish Nasita is so cute~ Zhong Rui, do you think so too?"

Faced with Nasida's provocation, King Daci Shu showed a motherly smile and looked at her with a gentle look at his daughter. At the same time, he quietly moved his chair closer to the distance between him and Zhong Rui.

Seeing that the Great Ci Tree King ignored her provocation, Nasida was stunned for just a second before realizing this woman's conspiracy!

King Daci Tree is using language to imply that she is just a coquettish child, and fixating himself on the identity of her elder!

This woman is aiming to be her "mother"!

In this way, no matter how much she uses her status as a student to act coquettishly towards Zhong Rui, she will become a good daughter who likes to cling to her father in the eyes of others!

Because King Daci Tree looks almost exactly like her, the three of them look like a harmonious family of three!

Zhong Rui is the father, Da Ci Shu Wang is the mother, and she undoubtedly plays the role of daughter! Become a prop to bring the Daci Tree King and Zhong Rui closer together!

Even a five-hundred-year-old child like her wants to take advantage of her! How abominable!

After seeing through the conspiracy of the Great Merciful Tree King, Nasida became extremely wary of the former God of Wisdom, and indeed she could not be taken lightly!

"Lord Tree King, I suddenly remembered something about Xumi and I want to ask you for advice, is that okay?"

As Nasida said, she inserted her seat between Zhong Rui and King Daci Shu, blocking the close contact between the two. At the same time, she also changed the subject and intercepted King Daci Tree's offensive.

"Of course. After all, Nasida is my important junior. As long as I know anything, I can tell you everything~"

King Daci Shu didn't feel any pity when he saw that her conspiracy was resolved by Nasida. After all, Nasida's counterattack was now also a part of her plan!

Now she has successfully sealed Nasida's coquettish offensive!

Now that both of them are on the same starting line, she obviously has the advantage as a mature big sister!

This can be seen from the women who have had an affair with Zhong Rui so far. He still prefers a beautiful older sister like her!

After all, Nasida's appearance is still too young. No matter what Zhong Rui says, he won't take action against a child who looks underage, right?

Just when the Great Ci Tree King thought she had the advantage, she suddenly remembered Mebius and Xier whom she had met not long ago, and Bronya, whom Zhong Rui seemed to care about...

He shouldn't...shouldn't he?

This suspicion caused King Daci Shu to waver in his originally calm mood, and he decided that he would also start to take the initiative to attack!

Although she can't act coquettishly towards Zhong Rui like Nasida, adults also have their advantages!

"Well, this almond tofu is delicious~ Zhong Rui, you have been feeding Nasida since just now. Don't spoil the child too much. Eat some yourself~ Come on, open your mouth~"

The King of Daci Tree dug out a spoonful of almond tofu and handed it to Zhong Rui's mouth. He looked at him tenderly with his emerald eyes, as if to say, "If you refuse, will I cry?"

Naturally, Zhong Rui would not refuse the feed from the beautiful girl, so he opened his mouth and ate the spoonful of almond tofu under Nasida's dissatisfied gaze.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot that I just used this spoon, but now we are indirectly kissing~"

"It doesn't matter, I don't care, as long as you don't mind."

"I... don't mind either..."

The Daci Tree King pretended to be shy and looked away, with a lovely blush on his cheeks. For a moment, the atmosphere on the tea table suddenly turned pink...


King Daci Shu made a victory gesture in his heart, Nasida! This is the power of adults!

A child like you, no matter how coquettishly you act, can never cause any real and effective harm!

Because no serious adult would consider a kid-sized guy as a romantic partner!

Hold on to your seemingly gorgeous invalid output and drown in your fantasy!

"Teacher! Teacher! You have been feeding Nasida just now, and Nasida wants to feed you too!"

Naxida didn't expect that King Daci Shu's methods were so insidious, so she immediately picked up a piece of cake anxiously and put it into Zhong Rui's mouth.

Of course, she will not make a poor imitation of King Daci Shu, but will have her own innovation!

After all, the same move will definitely not have much effect on Zhong Rui!

After Zhong Rui just took a bite, Nasida put the piece of pastry he had eaten into her mouth.

"Yes! This pastry is delicious! Teacher, let's eat the desserts together~ It's my turn to eat first!"

Seeing Nasida's move, King Daci Shu showed a smile of ease. How could Zhong Rui, as a serious adult, possibly make such an outrageous request...


Why do you agree? ! Don’t you have mysophobia?

Will you agree to any request now, no matter how outrageous it is? !

King Daci Shu looked at Zhong Rui blankly, and then she realized that she could no longer sit still and wait for death!

Picking up the milk pudding, he deliberately pretended to be careless and dropped the piece of milk pudding on her chest.

"Ah~ I accidentally dropped it, Zhong Rui helped me take it out~"

When Nasita saw King Daci Shu using his forbidden hand, her eyes widened. She didn't expect this woman to be so shameless, and she decisively spread cake cream on her cheeks.

"Teacher, I accidentally got cream on my face, can you help me clean it up?"

Regarding the request made by the two grass gods, Zhong Rui naturally... punched them both on the head with a black face.

"No wasting food! Don't play with the food I worked so hard to prepare! must eat responsibly, otherwise you won't get your share of dinner! Do you understand?"

"Ugh... Got it..." x2

Chapter 470 Wendy: Help me! Zhong La A Meng!

"Hey, Zhongli, I heard that you have made a lot of money recently..."

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhongli turned his head and glanced at the cuckold poet who smelled of alcohol, and then said to Biting Lu Shark who was holding a gift box next to him.

"Bite Land Shark, take these with you, let's go."


Just when Zhongli was about to pretend he didn't hear anything and leave, the cuckold poet flew over to him, hugged his thigh and started to cry.

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