Yuffie suddenly turned her head and stopped looking into someone's eyes - and she already had someone she liked, so it was naturally impossible to say such a thing.

Bai Ge didn't pay too much attention, anyway, You Fei was not happy.

Since she is not willing, no one is allowed to force her."


But I really like this kind and beautiful Royal Highness, but now she has such a troubled expression that she even sighs while eating-: Bai Ge said that he felt a loss of appetite after watching it.

Let's make a "little" fuss about that party on Saturday.

"Yuffie will wear a beautiful evening dress then."

Seemingly remembering something, Bai Ge asked

Euphemia tilted her head, somewhat confused as to what Bai Ge meant by asking this.

"Well, that's it. Because it's a very formal occasion, you have to change into a formal dress."

"That's really disappointing

Looking forward to it, it must be very high. "

"Bai Ge, are you going to come?"

"Haha, trust me, L, I will help you."

Although she didn't know what this person was going to do, Yuffie subconsciously chose to believe in her unparalleled confidence.

Her Royal Highness lowered her head and began to concentrate on the steak in front of her. I couldn't help but think of this in my heart.

"It would be great if Bai Ge could be my knight. l

Then she will definitely be too happy to sleep.

Fourth update. Please give me flowers. Please give me votes. Ask for a reward of soil. _


Chapter 146, Her Royal Highness’s help (please subscribe)

"By the way, Yuffie, there is something I want you to help me with. Speaking from your position, it will definitely produce very good results."

After lunch, Lu, who had had enough of showing off her love with Bai Ge, went back contentedly. He also said that Bai Ge’s favorite strawberry cake would be served as dessert in the evening.

Bai Ge decided on the spot that he must go home for dinner tonight.

Just be patient while Miku eats.

And now, one more important thing.

"Can you help?"

Bai Ge asked Euphemia:

"Yeah. Okay, what should I do?"

"Eh? I haven't said what to do yet.

Her Royal Highness's promise was too straightforward, Bai Ge couldn't help but remind her.


What Yuffie said next made him a little touched. ,

"As for Bai Ge, I'll help you with anything." "Two, three, three."

"Wow, I'm so pampered."

Somewhat flattered::2 Bai Ge thought to himself. If I said I wanted to marry Yuffie at this time, would she agree?

Hahaha, just kidding. Thinking about it, he probably wouldn't even accept such a big deal.

Euphemia, ".:If you really said it. Maybe I would."

She felt that she would have given up her right to inherit the throne by then. I will be with the person in front of me no matter what.

"So, what exactly do you need me to do? If Bai Ge is short of money, I can probably borrow 500 million..." Yuffie asked. She was about to take out her black card as she spoke.

"Oh, oh, oh, L. Yuffie is so rich. As expected of the Royal Highness, but wait! Why do you have such an idea?"

Bai Ge

With a serious expression, he felt that this needed to be investigated further.

Euphemia tilted her head cutely: "Because...:: Bai Ge has always been very lavish in spending money. I thought that the work

"Wait! That's it." That's not what happened.

Are you spending too much money? Someone's mouth is twitching.

We just buy all the things we want to buy. Isn’t that what money is like? What should we keep and not spend on?

To enjoy a better life. Those things are just floating clouds!

"Ahem. If I'm short of money, I'll go stock trading. I'll be done in two or three days.

There are several hundred million, so there is no need to worry about eight. "Sweet E, he said that he was not in financial crisis.

"Oh, that's it. I'm sorry. I misunderstood Bai Ge."

"Mmm, since you are so cute, I will forgive you."

"Thank you~⊥_".

Euphemia smiled like an angel

He took back the black card that he had already taken out: But the conversation between the two people just now made the surrounding students who accidentally heard it tremble.

Is this an amount that someone of this age should be able to have?⊥

By the way, Euphemia is too beautiful, you

You must be too doting on this guy Bai Ge." He borrowed 500 million yuan without hesitation at all!

So much so that she didn't hesitate. She also had a smile and an "I'm happy" expression on her face

"So. What does Bai Ge need me to do? As long as I can do it, I will agree." Yuffie said, making everyone crazy and bear the pain.

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