[Solo 1""

The keys of light appeared in front of Bai Ge. He played a unique melody at will, and the eyes of the people in front of him suddenly lost focus.

"Solo's abilities are brain-selecting and small-scale sonic attacks. However, leaving aside sound waves, the brain-selecting ability can only be effective against targets that are at least fifty levels lower than his own danger level.

The group of weak chickens in front of us are effective even if they are low level 100.

"Hmm, now you guys beat each other up, try your best to beat each other to death" until the end: when you are alone, go to the police station and surrender to me 1-:0K"

"Okay, no problem." x3

Then, a surprising scene appeared. Three guys who didn't look like good guys beat each other hard. Under Bai Ge's brainwashing, they all hit the vital parts and face, and they were not allowed to defend themselves.

It was really exciting to hurt each other, blood and teeth kept flying out:: Bai Ge was very happy to watch.

Two points

In less than a minute, these three guys were beaten to the point where even their own mother could not recognize them.

Bai Ge's satisfaction was: "Very good, then go to the police station and surrender yourself obediently (aecg)

Remember to be a little more heinous in what you say. "

"It's 1!'x3

Seeing these three guys staggering out, Bai Ge waved to them as a farewell. Be a good person in prison from now on.

"Teacher Kirisu, are you okay~"

After it was over, Bai Ge turned around and let go. He covered Kirisu Mafuyu.

eyes hands

The beautiful female teacher looked blankly at the three people around her who no longer knew where they had gone.

When she looked at Bai Ge, she saw someone looking relaxed and at ease.

"I, I'm fine. Where were those people just now?"

"Beat them away~" (by themselves)

Bai Ge said with a smile, he just likes this kind of thing that makes the guy who offends him half dead without getting his hands dirty.

Seeing that he was indeed not injured. Kirisu Mafuyu breathed a sigh of relief, but still said seriously.

"Not allowed next time

Don't do such dangerous things again. do you know!."

"I know, I know. But it wasn't me who was in danger just now, it was Kirisu-sensei~


Bai Ge looked at Kirisu Mafuyu with a smile. If he hadn't come just now, the situation would have been really bad.

"If I hadn't been passing by, Mr. Kirisu would have been surrounded and harassed by now. He was taken to a place where no one would respond no matter how he called, and then he was pushed to the corner, and then there were a lot of indescribable things~

"Don't, stop talking⊥I know. It was my negligence this time."

Kirisu Mafuyu

I imagined it for a moment following someone's words, and suddenly the whole company started to tremble. It was really terrifying. She had never even been in love before.

If someone does something like that, the only option is to commit suicide.

"I won't work overtime next time..."

"Hmm~ This is the right thing~"

Bai Ge touched Kirisu Mafuyu's head with satisfaction. There was a bit of joy on the face. He had wanted to do this for a long time. The teacher's head has never been touched, but at this time, she can only obey and please someone.

"Then that's it, I'll go back first and return the dinner and strawberry cake.

Haven’t eaten yet. "

"Then go back quickly and be careful on the road.

Kirisu Mafuyu waved his hands, looking tired. She was already working overtime again. He was harassed by gangsters again. _My head was touched by my own student again, and now I really can’t wait to go back to my room to sleep.


Can't move my feet. I can't feel energetic all over my body. No matter how her consciousness gave orders, her body remained completely motionless. He even sat down directly on the ground.

Bai Ge stared blankly for a few seconds, and finally asked tentatively.

"Teacher Kirisu. Could it be that you..."


"Because of what happened just now, I'm so scared that my whole body is weak and I can't move?"

"It's impossible to break up without L! I'll just sit down and rest a little bit - will!'

He shook his head in panic. Cold sweat broke out. It was obvious that he was scared and now his whole body was weak and his legs could not stand up, but he still showed off his strength here.

Bai Ge smiled awkwardly. This person really didn't want him to see her weak side, but she was used to seeing her for a long time. Why did she mind so much?

"Teacher, let me take you back."


Uta came over and squatted in front of Kirisu Shindo, stretching out his hand to her.

"No, no, I can do it alone...".

"You can't even stand up now. Are you going to crawl back? And there are more than just those three people around here. If I leave, you will end up being circled and..."

"I, I know, please, please⊥"

I felt that Bai Ge's tone became stern, and he seemed a little angry. Kirisu Mafuyu immediately surrendered. And what someone just said is indeed terrifying...

"That's right. Then teacher, please come up."

"Um, can't you change your position?_"

"If you wish, I will also provide princess hug services."

"No thanks."

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