"Guh! Asuna, you just stepped on mine..."

Bai Ge expressed such emotion seriously for the first time.

":Dancing is so difficult."

The picture is nice, but if you can’t see it, it’s all because of your mobile phone, really.

The third update, please give me flowers...please vote, please give me a reward. ,

Chapter 157: The first dance partner (please subscribe)

(Famous General - Classmate Zhao Yun, I gave out sweets in the forest again, "You're welcome~ Eat it.")_

In the dance room, the boy and girl still started to dance a little awkwardly to the distant classical music.

Half an hour has passed since the beginning, and the only thing Baige and Asuna feel is -... their feet hurt e

"Ahaha, it looks like I'm going to be a little uncomfortable on the way back today."

"Can't Bai Ge fly back? I'm the only one who's miserable."

"That's true L, then I'll just go back with Asuna flying in my arms."

Bai Ge smiled and said, _Although in fact

There is no need to worry about this. 2 He kicked off his shoes. The white skin and feet made Asuna's eyes twitch.

But now my feet are a little red. It's obvious that I stepped on them badly.

"Asuka, take it off too. I'll help you treat it.,"

"Tu? Oh oh!"

She remembered Bai Ge's ability and immediately nodded and started kicking off her shoes. Akira Hina's feet were bright red, indicating that she was really sorry and that he had paid close attention to it.

Raising his right hand, the keyboard of light appeared in front of him, and Bai Ge struck the keys skillfully. Suddenly the beautiful melody Qin Xiang

Get up e

""The Army Singer"_One by One I Requiem 1!" and the effect of relieving fatigue began to take effect, and the two people's feet quickly returned to their original appearance. Even his mental fatigue was cured.

"It's such a convenient ability."

Asuna sighed and shook her feet. The straight and slender girl's long legs were really charming... although both the girl and the girl's long legs belonged to the boy next to her.

."Ah, yes⊥"

Bai Ge seemed to suddenly remember something. He made a fist with his right hand and slapped it on his left palm.

"now that

If you are afraid of being stepped on and it hurts, then wear it; wouldn’t it be nice to wear a pair of shoes that are not afraid of being stepped on?

"Huh? W-what 2"

Asuna was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Bai Ge meant.

However, the next moment, Bai Ge stood up from the ground, and he told her what he meant directly through actions. Ichishiban≥! '

The next moment, the purple-gold spiritual armor appeared on Bai Ge's body. The majestic and handsome armor is really every boy's romance. Bai Ge looks really handsome wearing it.

However, Asuna's face instantly turned pale. She understood what Bai Ge meant

. The moment I saw that spiritual outfit.11

The shoes part of \u003cKamui Spirit Equipment Toban≥...are metal boots L

The purple-gold combat boots made of unknown material look quite hard. It feels so reliable, in fact, Bai Ge dared to kick a hedgehog like a football while wearing it.

Medieval Cavalry Style Metal Boots_Bai Ge just jumped in place and small cracks appeared on the ground.

"This way you won't be afraid of being stepped on, Asuna. Let's continue."

"No". If I get stepped on, it will hurt me a lot."

Covering her feet, Asuna loudly denied that her feet would probably be broken if her dancing shoes were stepped on. Your own feet wrapped in it will not be spared either. 1.

"I can still accept the ninth edition's spiritual equipment. The tenth edition's decision cannot be accepted."

At least the ninth rank is still in formal wear, while the upper rank is in armor!

In the end, it turned into Jiuban's platinum-gold dress. Baige looked at the white shoes on his feet with regret. He liked Shiban's boots very much. How handsome he looks~

Of course, my favorite is Kurumi’s gothic lolita outfit. The girl with black twin tails is so eye-catching in that spiritual outfit L

After a short break, practice begins again

"Be careful this time. Although L said it can be cured, it will still hurt if you step on it."

"Hmm? Don't worry:: I won't step on it again this time."

Bai Ge's body surged with infinite confidence. Tomorrow Naidu was stunned.

However, before she could ask what the reason for this confidence was, Bai Ge had already taken her hand, raised the corners of his mouth, and began to take bold steps!

"Asuna, let me see. What is a genius! 1l

It's incredible.

Just now, the dance was disorganized and swaying. At this moment it became extremely beautiful. ,

Rotating, stepping, holding hands - everything becomes smooth and flowing.

Asuna's eyes widened, she was led to beat, her long chestnut hair swayed with the rotation, Baige's skills became ridiculously high in just ten minutes of rest!

"You. How did you do it 3"

"Huh? I just digest what I just learned. Then I will progress and deduce the best pace, and then slightly modify some places according to my habits."

"Monster x."

The corners of Asuna's mouth twitched a

It usually takes at least more than three months to achieve such results. Even the senior dance teacher who taught Asuna in the past said that it took her more than two months... She said it one by one. Face of pride and pride.

However, the person in front of me only used ten points⊥

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