Saturday came as promised.

A banquet of nobles will be held at the city hall, and tonight the ceremony of consecrating Euphemia: Li. Britannia will be held.

All the upper-class nobles in Sakura City will gather here, and that's not all. According to the information Bai Ge got from Kurumi, Euphemia and his own various channels.

This banquet also included the presence of several princes and princesses from Britannia. The splendid scene could be said to be quite grand, and Bai Ge also expressed his warm welcome.

Wouldn't it be nice to be lively? Although he likes peace and quiet. But it’s not too hot

Make a fuss because 111 will scream even louder when he makes a fuss!

"Ah!" Bai Gesang is so handsome tonight. "

."The same goes for you, Kurumi."

From the very beginning, these two people attracted more attention than anyone else. Bai Ge and Kuang San appear on stage.

Although the clothes are not as gorgeous as the spiritual clothes, it can be seen that they are of the highest quality worn by nobles. Baige is wearing a dark gold tuxedo suit, and Kurumi is wearing a bright red ribbon dress.

The eyes of all the noble gentlemen and rich ladies were focused on them. However, just when everyone was about to stage a scene where they invited l to strike up a conversation.

At that time, the two people were holding hands together...

"If someone wants to snatch you away, they have to fight me first. Look at these soft-footed shrimps looking at me with envy977."

"Huh? Then if the girls want to steal you, will I also have to duel with them?"

"Um::.I really don't know about that. Maybe."

Bai Ge scratched his head. He felt a little uncomfortable now. The tie seemed to be strangling his neck. It was so annoying, just when he frowned.

"Master. Let me help you."

"Oh, thank you Rem."

The little maid with long sky-blue hair took a step forward and started to take care of someone's tie with her slender hands. After a few seconds, Bai Ge felt that his breathing finally became smoother.


"Next time, please don't force yourself. Rem will change your clothes for you. It will be troublesome to wear this kind of clothes alone."

"Yeah, I've experienced it. It's really troublesome. I'll let you help next time."

Bai Ge nodded, and then touched Rem's head.

Everyone is allowed to bring an attendant to this banquet. Behind him and Kurumi were Rem and Ram.

8 The twin maids were behind them. The two people who were already very conspicuous were now even more conspicuous.

Just enough for Ram to complain a bit.

"It's unfair (ahae).. Why is Rem the young master's female form and I have to follow Kurumi?"

"Well, my dear sister, please complain. It doesn't make any difference either way."

: "Then you switch with me."

"No change."

Helplessly smiling and crying, L Bai Ge also touched Ram's head... Kuang San's eyes next to him were laughing, and his eyes seemed to tell him that he was really a sinful person.

Bai Ge said that he is quite conscious about this...

"Ahem, you two are almost ready. Didn't Ram decide by punching him in the first place?"

"The winner follows Kuang San, and the loser follows the young master⊥"


As if she was afraid that her sister would take away her husband, Rem moved closer to Bai Ge and grabbed his left arm.

If this continues, there will be no end. Bai Ge tapped the two girls on the head to signal that it was over.

Then he pulled Kuang San towards the entrance in front.

By the way, today’s Rem

Long hair down to waist. Because a certain A wanted to see how she would look like with long hair, she actually grew her hair long. The noble girls around her looked at her with envy and jealousy. If you have short hair. This girl might not hesitate to cut off her gorgeous long hair with scissors.

Of course, Bai Ge said that he would not do such a wasteful thing.


"Please show me your invitation."


There was a middle-aged man standing at the door in front of him. Wearing a black suit, he couldn't hide his ferocity, because there was a line on his face from his forehead to

The scar on the cheek"

No nobles around were rude to this uncle, and Bai Ge also got information about this man from Euphemia. He is Cornelia's deputy, second only to the royal knight.

His name is Dalton, and he is a man with a high military rank.

"Beer! This is an invitation from Her Highness Euphemia herself. Who are you two?" Dalton glanced at the invitation. . Surprised to speak bluntly.

"We are Yuffie's friends. The child comes home late from school most of the time because we take her to play in various places, uncle." Bai Ge said with a smile.


"Ah hahahaha, is that so? No wonder His Highness always looks happy every time he comes back. Thank you so much. Please be good friends with His Highness from now on."

"No problem, let's go in then~

Smiling and waving to the uncle. Dalton has a straightforward temperament, and what Bai Ge just said spoke volumes to him. Now the uncle is thinking in his mind, "What a wonderful young man."

He was very happy that Euphemia had good friends. In fact, every time Euphemia came back late late and they were worried, they also felt happy at the same time. Their princess had learned a good friend.

"Hey, did you hear that? Those two people were chatting so happily with General Dalton just now."

"I also heard that they seemed to have some special relationship with Her Highness Euphemia."

"real or fake?!'

Saw the conversation between the two. The noble princes and princesses below who had not yet passed immediately began to become agitated. Anyone related to the royal family should not be underestimated.

They began to guess the identities of Bai Ge and Kuang San.

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