
It was definitely not something that people would laugh at. Those two people were serious about going to school for subjects they were not good at, and they had put in countless efforts so far.

As a genius, he works harder than ordinary people.

"If there is any complete certainty in this world that these two

There is only one person who is successful, and that is me. Bai Ge said with great confidence: "So wouldn't it be pitiful if I abandoned them too?" "

"What are you going to do?" Shi Yuting stopped typing on the keyboard and asked.

Bai Ge smiled slightly: "Although I can't make those two people get perfect marks all at once, but... if I share my talents with them, I can at least offset the shortcomings of not being good at it and give them some opportunities."

Give [Science Talent] to Fumino Furuhashi, and [Liberal Arts Talent] to Ogata Rizu. "Bad" and "excellent" cancel each other out, at least it can give them [average]


Although the three women looked like they didn't understand what someone was saying, Bai Ge didn't intend to continue explaining.

"Because of this, I will continue to tutor those two idiots~"

He picked up the two notebooks that were tattered from being turned over too many times and walked towards the second girl's classroom.

Looking at Bai Ge's back, Asuna said: "I don't know why, but I suddenly feel envious of Furuhashi-san and Ogata-san."

Shiyu/Eufemia: [Agree, I also want Bai Ge to help me with tutoring! ]

The third update is asking for flowers, collections, and rewards.


Chapter 21, Kirisu Mafuyu: "That's all I can help with." (New book requested)

"You two forgot your notebooks, please pay more attention to them next time." On the rooftop of the school, Bai Ge returned the notebooks of the two girls to them.

Furuhashi Fumino and Ogata Rizhu were both stunned for a moment, looked at each other and then took the notebook.

"Thank you." x2

After speaking, they turned around and prepared to leave, but Bai Ge grabbed their shoulders.

"Where are you two going? Today's tutoring is not over yet." He said seriously.

"Eh? But, but..."

"Didn't you say that we have no hope at all? Haven't you already given up?

? "Ogata Rizhu said.

Bai Ge frowned and knocked Ogata Rizhu's head unceremoniously: "When did I say I gave up? When did I give up? The words about being hopeless were not mine."

As long as he agrees to do anything, he will definitely complete it. No matter what kind of accident happens in the middle, he will not let him choose to change. Even if he hits the south wall, he will break it.

Someone once said in the past that he was just a dead kid who would never look back even if he broke through the wall.

"It cannot be denied that it is most correct to develop the talents you are good at. It will be easier and more efficient, but developing

It will never be a mistake to show what you are not good at. "Bai Ge raised his hand and touched their heads skillfully.

"If you give up in the end after making so much effort, this kind of thing... always feels very unpleasant."

Because he looked unhappy, he decided to change it. Bai Ge pointed at the two women's notebooks. The densely packed notes on them made him speechless.

"Besides, this is not all for you. I just happened to take this opportunity to develop my [teaching talent]." Bai Ge said with a smile.

[This is the first time I’ve met someone who can say that. ]

Fumino Furuhashi held his notebook and felt a little shaken.

This is the first time. In the past, [educational instructors] either gave up or advised them to give up. They were ruthless and negated their efforts so far. However, now

Only Bai Ge is willing to accompany them on the path of fools.

"Bai Ge-san, this is strange, but...thank you."

"Me too, um, I'm troubling you today too." Ogata Rizhu's eyes changed when she looked at Bai Ge, and the relationship between the three of them was greatly deepened.

Furuhashi Fumino: “Oh, by the way, where is Yui Naiyuki’s classmate?


Ogata Rizhu: "I am the only one who is lucky? Who is it?"

Bai Ge: "Don't worry about it, don't worry about it. We agreed in advance that you won't let me eat unless I get a 10-point score today!"

The second girl: "Ehhhhhh?!"

Bai Ge: "Isn't this a matter of course! I have given my [talent] to you!"

At this time, the halo of a certain former leading actor on his head is slowly getting rusty.


After school, Furuhashi and Ogata looked at the papers in their hands in shock, twenty points!

highest record ever


Bai Ge on the other hand was so moved that he almost wanted to cry. It was really not easy. Although he knew that this was the result of sharing his talents with them, he still really wanted to cry.

These two idiots have finally made some progress!

"Bai Ge-san! Bai Ge-san! Look, twenty points! I have never scored so high in the exam!" Fumino Furuhashi happily held up the paper and walked around Bai Ge.

Ogata Rizhu on the side was also trembling with excitement.

Although if you think about it carefully, it makes people feel weird. If you are so happy to get a score of 20 on the exam, is it possible that you are sick...

“I don’t know why, but I feel like some of the questions this time are understandable!”

"Well, of course I taught you this~"

This guy has no humility, although in fact most of the credit does belong to him, and Bai Ge does not have the habit of being humble.

In the library, just when the three of them were planning to strike hard and continue.

At the same time, behind a bookshelf behind them, a female teacher with long cherry hair was peeking.

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