Bai Ge's expression was a little dark, and he was beaten dozens of times. Fortunately nothing happened. If he had broken Lancelot, he said he would probably tear the place apart in one fell swoop.

"Then, I will send someone to take Lancelot to your home right away."

"Well, my courtyard can accommodate it, so I'll leave it to you."

nodded. He thought it would be good to decorate it in the garden. Although it was a bit strange, it still looked handsome, and he could drive it out for fun once in a while.

After leaving the army with Euphemia, Bai Ge glanced at the sky. Ling Tian helped with various experiments. It's past seven o'clock now.

The glow of dusk has disappeared, and the purple-blue starry sky has slowly lit up. No one else was seen on this road. For a moment, it seemed as if there were only the two of them left in the whole world.

[It seems that we can only back off the reservation and go to Lelouch's place tomorrow. 1

He remembered that he had promised to help a certain super girl-obsessed sister see if she still had legs. But it's very late now. let's talk tomorrow.

Walking back with Euphemia, Her Royal Highness blushed and hesitated for a long time before holding Bai Ge's hand. Someone smiled slightly, Her Royal Highness was so innocent.

"Well, thank you Bai Ge for coming to the banquet that day." Euphemia said

"If it weren't for you, that person would have become my knight by now." She was a little nervous.

"Well, you were really handsome that day.

Looking at the girl who was desperately trying to say something, Bai Ge couldn't help but smile. Her Royal Highness is so cute... I would like to take a photo if possible.

He raised his hand and touched Euphemia's head. If Cornelia saw this move, most people would probably die miserably, but Euphemia, who was still nervous just now, would probably die miserably. z is now slowly relaxing.

"Yuffie, I want to ask you something."


"What is the minimum title required to marry Her Royal Highness?"

"Well:.Only the most advanced ones

Only Duke L can have the possibility of marrying the princess.::Ah

"She suddenly realized something, and her face turned red again. Those amethyst-like eyes looked at Bai Ge full of interest.

"Duke, L, then I have to work hard. L, Yuffie, don't agree to other guys before I become the Duke~" Bai Ge said with a smile.

"Well" I will wait for you until Bai Ge becomes a Duke! ’ She openly hugged Bai Ge’s neck. The rose-red face was full of yearning.

Even if the princess has the right to inherit the throne. It is also impossible to inherit the Brittanian Empire, Yuffie’s future

It would only be a prop for political marriage, and she had actually already prepared to feel angry.


She doesn't need that kind of thing now. She just needs to wait quietly. Soon, a young man will become a Duke and save himself from the prison of politics.

Bai Ge, "But maybe there is a faster way."

When he and Lelouch take over the entire Britannian Empire... it doesn't matter whether it's a duke or not. Bai Gejian can do whatever he wants, and Yuffie won't be bound by the royal family or anything like that. .

The two walked for a while.

Sakura City was even more beautiful at night. Yuffie looked around curiously. She was not allowed to go out at night. Cornelia wouldn't leave her alone to walk around at night

"Let's go, it's already late now anyway." Then it doesn't matter if it's a little later. I can go there for a walk. "

"OK, all right! '

It's not easy being the younger sister of a girl-controller. Cornelia can command the entire army for Euphemia. Lelouch would destroy the world for Nunnally.

Someone seems to have forgotten. He is also a girl fan.

night city

, Yuffie walked around with him, and occasionally a few gangsters came to seek death, and they were taught by Bai Ge and knelt down to beg for mercy. Her Royal Highness followed him curiously and asked him this and that.

- "Bai Ge, what is this thing?"

"Hmm~ burger,... a delicious junk food, the kind your sister will never allow to appear in front of you."

"Can I eat it?"

"Of course, she can't see it now anyway."

"What about this?"

"Claw machine...let me catch it and see_it's actually not too difficult."

It's just like

In this way, the two of them walked around and played everywhere. Bai Ge now had several bags of soil in his hands and was also holding a huge stuffed bear.

This is Her Royal Highness’s trophy tonight

When they arrived at the city hall, it was already around nine o'clock. Bai Ge looked at Princess Cornelia who was gnashing her teeth at him at the door, and scratched his head in shame.

We didn't do anything. It was just a two-hour date with your sister.

"Yuffie, help me go to school and ask for leave tomorrow. I have to go out for something."

"No problem, but Kirisu-sensei will probably be angry again.

oh. "

"It's okay, I won't see her tomorrow anyway~"

He carelessly handed the bag in his hand to the maid next to him, and then let Euphemia hold the huge stuffed bear by herself.

Looking at the reluctant Cousin Qing and Bai Ge, they raised their hands and stared at a certain and younger sister with huge gaze pressure, and touched Yuffie on the head.

"I can take Yuffie out on a date at any time in the future, so don't show such an expression."


"Of course, I am your knight.

Reluctant to leave slowly, Long Femia hugged her

The giant stuffed bear looked at Bai Ge happily. Tonight she will spread out the map of the city and look for the date below.

The two waved and Yuffie walked into the villa happily.

However, just when Bai Ge was about to go home, eat, wash up and go to sleep, a shocking evil spirit suddenly spurted out.

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