The purple-gold spiritual power entered from the girl's eyes this time. Bai Ge had already

The visual nerves stimulated by 8eass may be able to recover if they underestimate the root cause through their own magic eyes.

The principle is very simple, but treatment is not as easy as destruction. At that time, Emperor Charles had no control at all, and Bai Ge couldn't do this. If he stimulated his wife, it would not only restore Nunnally's vision, but it might even further damage her eyes. Carry out destruction.

The Keyboard of Light began to play requiem music again, which served to treat and weaken Bai Ge's stress fatigue.

He focused on using his spiritual power to repair the girl's nerves one by one.

-----hours later---

"Tired, I'm exhausted:...."

."Bai Ge, how's it going?"

"Lelouch, you idiot, you can't care about me first. All the nerves have been repaired and activated... Now you can wake up Nunnally-chan and see the effect..."

Bai Ge wiped the sweat from his body, sat down on the sofa and started drinking black tea, thinking that the profession of doctor is not that easy after all.

Although today’s can only be regarded as a special case

On the other side, Lelouch is already gentle

He woke up his sister e

The girl who had fallen asleep slowly regained consciousness. She felt that she was a little different from usual. Her eyes seemed to feel something, and she slowly opened her eyes.

What came into view was a young man with black hair and purple eyes. It was a face that she hadn't seen for more than ten years. Because it was very different from the memory of her childhood, she didn't realize it for a while.


"Brother... Big... This is...: You're dreaming." She opened her eyes too wide. Looking in front of me in disbelief

"Nunally? Your eyes!"

"I can see L, I can see my brother-sama"

The purple-eyed brother and sister's eyes were filled with tears at the same time. Lelouch looked at Nunnally in ecstasy, and he couldn't help but cheer.

"Great, so great! Nunnally can finally see her again!'

"Brother is too Ax..."

"3,6 By the way, Nunnally,... come down and take a look. I don't think you need the wheelchair anymore. You should have recovered!" Lelouch said excitedly.

"Really, really?. My brother is too kind and I can really do it."

angel moment

Finally opened her eyes and stood up from the wheelchair!

The bare feet walked awkwardly on the ground for a few steps. Just this short distance made the brother and sister burst into tears again. Lelouch no longer knew how to describe his mood at this moment.

Nunnally took a deep breath. He showed an angelic smile.

"Thank you, brother, for taking care of me until now."


On the sofa, Bai Ge couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

It’s this, it’s this. What he wanted to see was this

Wonderful picture.

First update. Please give me flowers, please vote, please give me a reward. _


Chapter 187, Between Demon Kings (Please subscribe)

"Thank you, Brother Bai Ge."

"Haha, you're welcome, Lelouch and I are friends."

Bai Ge smiled and looked at Nunnally who looked grateful to him. This angelic girl looked so beautiful when she smiled. Although it's already cute when you close your eyes. But opening your eyes makes your eyes brighter.

No wonder Lelouch is a late-stage girl-obsessed person. If anyone has a sister like this, he will definitely become a girl-obsessed person.

At this time, someone had already thought of a girl with silver-white twin tails, and recently it was time for him to find a chance to accompany Xiao Qiong.

"Miss Crown Prince, can you take Nunnally outside to see if she has finally recovered? Let's go and experience it as soon as possible.

"Yes, Master Lelouch."

The maid named Shizi is also happy for Nunnally now. She has taken care of her for a long time, and she also feels pity and sympathy for the girl. Now she has regained her sight. She is also very grateful to Bai Ge.

"Yeah, but aren't Brother and Brother Bai Ge coming with us?" Nunnally asked expectantly.

From the very beginning, she walked around excitedly, using her eyes to take in every inch of the home where she lived.

Read it carefully. Of course, what I saw the most were the faces of two people.

But now, the girl still lacks a pair of shoes. But she will have them soon.

"Sorry Nunnally, your brother and I need to communicate about something important," Bai Ge said.

"Important things?_" The girl tilted her head and asked in confusion.

"Well, it's about winter vacation plans.,

"That's it, I understand. Please talk slowly. Lianshi Zisang and I are going out first."

Nunnally smiled beautifully. He waved his hands at the two of them.

"Next time three

Let's go out together.

"Okay, Brother Bai Ge!,"

Bai Ge also waved his hand towards the girl. From the bottom of my heart I thought it would be great to be able to get her back to her normal self.

Accompanied by the sound of a door closing. There were only two demon kings left in this room. Bai Ge looked around and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket.

But before he could take action, Lelouch stood up. Bowed deeply to him.

Purple eyes are full of gratitude

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