The unlimited time cc possesses makes her spiritual power stronger than ever before.

_""Zaphk__ie1\u0026-z-\u003c+一之 DanL

_Yod.Bet2! '___

A huge golden dial appeared behind Kuang San, and now the pointer on it pointed to the twelve position for the first time. The black and red spiritual power turned into bullets and entered the muzzle of the flintlock gun.

"Then the time we want to travel to is August 3rd five years ago, right?"

"Ah, this_... put the date forward to the night when the meteorite fell. The meteorite fell but then disappeared. I am very interested."

"Then it's August - I know. According to your request, Bai Gesang, I have violated the huge spiritual power that is enough to keep you here for three days."

Kuang Sanlu slightly adjusted his spiritual power and then pointed the gun at Bai Ge's head again. Someone couldn't help but panic. If Ruli was confused at this moment, wouldn't it make her feel cold if she put a bullet with ordinary spiritual power in it?

Even at zero altitude, Awanlong can’t even be saved.”

"Then, is there anything else you want to say? Bai Gesang."

"Hmm. Let me think about it. 2:: I bet you don't have a gun in your gun---Ahaha, I've wanted to say this line for a long time. It feels so cool."

"Haha, I really like joking. So I wish you a happy time travel."

Kurumi smiled and pulled the trigger. The last thing Bai Ge saw was the girls at home smiling and waving to him.

Then there was a bang.

"Time travel begins."

Asking for flowers. Please vote, please reward.


Chapter 200: A gift from heaven (please subscribe)

When you open your eyes again. It is a vast night sky.

The sun, moon and stars shine like diamonds. The night wind blew against his cheek. Letting his consciousness wake up a little, Bai Ge felt everything around him. A few seconds ago, he remembered that he was still at home with the heating on.

But now L is falling from a high altitude.

"Ah, let me go. If it had been an ordinary person who had just traveled through time, he would have been dead."

He was hit by the twelve bullets of "Emperor Keke" and was now transported to Eryue No. 1 five years ago. Bai Ge quickly became aware of the situation.

He is currently at a high altitude of several kilometers, and in a moment he will hit his head on the ground and fall straight to the ground into a box.

"If most people use "Koke Emperor" to travel through time, they have to bring a parachute."

Bai Geye said a few words and his body lit up with a platinum-gold light. _[The ninth version of the Divine Power Spiritual Equipment appears on the body. He broke away from the weightless state in an instant and began to control the sky freely. "Thirty soil

The city five years ago came into his eyes. It was almost the same as five years later, but there were some subtle differences. Bai Gebiyu raised his head slightly and looked at the scene in front of him with some nostalgia.

However, this spiritual outfit was too conspicuous. When Bai Ge slowly landed on the ground, a little loli who happened to be passing by looked at him blankly.

"You, are you an angel?"

In the dark night, Shen slowly landed like the most dazzling shooting star. He was wearing a powerful spiritual outfit that even the most advanced fashion designers would worship after seeing it, coupled with Bai Ge's own exquisite face.

It is understandable to be mistaken for an angel who has fallen to earth.

Bai Ge scratched his head and looked at the little loli in front of him. His twinkling eyes were really pretty. But he was sorry. Little sister, you are wrong.

Even if I take a hundred steps back, the person in front of me cannot be described as such a bad word as an angel. He likes to eat, drink and have fun. He is often very willful. He has close relationships with many women and hates thrift. He likes luxury and is a completely self-centered guy.

If such a person is also useless, then the god who created him would be ashamed.

"Yes~ I am an angel~ Hello little sister~"

After being stunned for a second, Bai Ge understood that the child had misunderstood. But because it felt so fun, I just fell into it.

"Wow, Lord L. Angel. You are so beautiful."

"Ahem. I'm a man."

"But you are really beautiful. Even more beautiful than my mother!"

"Hmm, if your mother hears this, it will probably be very bad.

Bai Ge touched the child's head and made a comparison in his mind: x Sure enough, our Yui, Qiong and Yoshino's are more comfortable.

"Little sister, what is your name?

"My name is Ayumi, Yoshida Ayumi. Angel-sama!'

"Oh~ little beauty, it's so late now, hurry up and go home. Girls should avoid walking at night, otherwise

Not safe. "

Xiao Ge said with a smile, but she always felt that the child's name sounded familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while and he was in an emergency soon, so she didn't think about it.

On the other side, Yoshida Ayugai was a little unhappy with the letter.

"Master Angel, are you going to set up my house that day? I want to introduce you to my mother and friends."

"No, no. I have a very important mission this time." Bai Ge refused righteously.

"Jun3⊥What what!"

"There will be meteorites falling in this city later. I'm going to collect the meteorites.


'Meteorite 9!'

Yoshida Apocha's eyes were sparkling and he was jumping up and down with excitement. Bai Ge slowly took a few steps back with a smile on his face. He just looked at the time on the child's watch. It will be time for the meteorite that Origami mentioned to fall.

Therefore, he has no time to continue playing with the little loli here.

"That's it. I'm leaving now~"

"Angel is too human, can you bring me with you x_"

"No, you should go home now."

Speaking of which, Bai Ge didn't give her any time to react.

Jumping back, with Ayumi Yoshida's stunned expression, she flew into the night sky again.

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