"Run now, run with all your strength," Bai Ge shouted.

"Yes! aster!'__Icarus

He flapped his wings fiercely and left.

Bai Ge has been monitoring the battlefield since just now. He has already made his spiritual equipment appear and rush here. If it were him, he would still have a chance to talk to Tori-Z Origami.

On the other side, seeing Icarus flying away at a speed that he could not catch up with, Tobi Origami gritted his teeth and gave up the pursuit.

it is a pity. She failed to repay her parents

But even this doesn't matter much. Because I also achieved my greatest goal.

That's right. Since it has disappeared, this means: z-The elf who killed Origami's parents is no longer here.


Ah, that’s it, that’s all right..”

Her whole body relaxed.

Low as - look.

The familiar young man's figure was flying towards her. Looking at the young man, her mouth rose slightly. She had no strength now. But she achieved her counter-wish. After Bai Ge came to her side, she might be able to lean on his shoulder for a while.

Origami's parents were finally saved from being killed by the elves.

In this way, his tragic past can be changed.

The world will be reconstructed a

she is full of

Looking forward to it, my mood is starting to get better, and the effect of [Twelve Bullets] will be over in about a minute.

When the time limit is up and we return to modern times, our parents will definitely greet us with gentle smiles.

"Dad...Mom::::That's great.."

Tears began to ooze from the corners of Origami's eyes

I succeeded. She used her hands to take back her parents.

Erasing the absolutely unchangeable facts.

Origami relaxed, and suddenly noticed something.

“Ahhh, fuck daddy and mommy!

The place where her Crown Cannon was hit after being dodged. The huge cave-in is hers, and it is her most important home."

That young self was standing there blankly looking at herself, and slowly uttered the words that made her fall into the abyss.

"It's you, that is, you gave:.-father and mother--absolutely, unforgivably:::1 I want to kill you... I want to kill you:::1 I must--with my own hands Kill you!"

Three thousand chapters. Look at the pictures. Please give me more flowers. Please vote. Please give me a reward.

rest assured. There's nothing like that in the forest. The next chapter will be

Will get it done. (But I have to say that Origami is quite sad:::His own cannon hit his own house. On the way, he murdered his relative.)_


Chapter 215, The Last Hope (Please subscribe)

What a cruel tragedy.

On the ground and in the sky. The two girls from five years ago and five years from now are looking at each other. Bai Ge is in the middle of the distance between the two. The Yingsha Gong in his hand has fallen to the ground.

The girl on the ground is Tobiichi Origami from five years ago. Her hair is pinned up to her shoulders with hairpins. She is probably a girl in the sixth grade of elementary school. Although he has a cute straight hole...but now it is set off so tragically by the black coal and blank expression

"That is, you, give your-.father and mother-_absolutely, to unforgivable one:.1 I want to kill you:--I want to kill you-.LI-determine--to kiss

I’ll kill you with my hands!”

The little girl looked at herself in the sky with anger and resentment. She still couldn't understand that it was an elf, and she didn't know that that person was herself. But just now the most cruel thing in the world happened in front of her.

Beams of light falling from the sky. . Killed her parents and destroyed her family: I don’t have this meaning... to mom--.1 Ahhhhhhhhhhhh⊥I, in the end I:..."

She hugged her head in fear. Tobiichi Origami couldn't help but tremble. She finally knew. She finally knew and was forced to understand the truth.

At the same time

The memory of five years ago finally became clear. When I came home from school, I saw a fire burning on the street.

The parents supported each other and walked out of the smoky house. However, before Tobiichi Origami calmed down...a huge light Lord fell from the sky.

My parents were not killed by that elf

It wasn't anyone else, but her own crown cannon!

"Ahhhhhhhhhh". Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'

What a sad truth L

What a tragic fate L

How miserable


Tobiichi Origami knew everything, and the crystal light slowly slid down her dull cheeks. She felt that everything around her suddenly became cold.

She fell 1:: into the abyss of despair


At this moment, she suddenly heard someone calling her. Yuan opened the paper and raised her head sharply. The familiar boy was flying towards her with all his strength.

She struggled to reach out her hand and looked at him painfully.

"Bai Ge, Bai Ge, Mei, save me. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry. Help."


It felt like the world was about to be turned upside down. Her heart was about to fall into infinite darkness, and she wanted to throw herself into his arms immediately. I want to hide in his arms immediately. If it were him, I would still be able to be myself1

However, her body is slowing down

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