Dangerous hybrids evolve in the direction of dragons. But in the end, they became dead heroes.

There is no case in this world where a hybrid has evolved into a pure-blood dragon. Deadpool is just a monster whose spirit and brain were damaged by dragon blood. Although they possess dangerous strength, they can only rely on their vicious instincts to keep fighting.

"I have found the red well where the White King's remains are buried. All that's left is to find this girl."

He glanced at Eriyi in the photo, as if he wanted to devour her. Minamoto had always just thought that the reason why Herzog asked "The Demons" to look for Eriyi was because he was afraid of her power. " Yan Ling: Judgment

The spiritual power of "Judgement" is indeed very dangerous.

Eriki's strength is comparable to that of the dragon clan of the next generation of the king. She may even kill the weak white king who has just been resurrected.

But they were wrong. For Herzog, he had already found his way to the throne. "Eri is a necessary tool on the road to the throne."

He found the red well that contained the holy bones of white jade. The holy bones can turn the creatures they parasitize into pure-blooded dragons! However, the consciousness of the white king will invade the other party and even let the ordinary hybrid species parasitize the king. None of the qualifications.

Only Eri Yi, she was born as a vessel, parasitizing the White King’s holy body.

Container! Herzog will use Eriyi to filter out the poison in the dragon's blood. .Suppress the White King’s consciousness. This is the tragic value of that girl!

'Go find this girl and bring her to me, _!'

The dead waiters behind him heard his order, jumped off the tower one by one and began to spread out to look for Eriki. The girl's beautiful journey has faced a crisis. It's time to let the blood flow for a while. e,

After finishing dinner, Bai Ge and Eriki sat on a table and looked at the city outside the glass. The colorful streets of this city are constantly shining with rainbows, lighting up Eriyi's eyes.

The girl's little hand is gently held, which makes her feel very at ease. She also likes to let Bai Ge touch her head, which feels inexplicably comfortable. On the contrary, Bai Ge is afraid of accidentally hurting the girl's delicate little hand, so he keeps paying attention. With.

"Bai Ge is very gentle. 1 Eriyi held up a small book and showed it to him.

"Yeah. I'm very happy to be told this by Eri." The boy said with a smile.

He also likes painted pear clothes, which is natural and simple. .Ignorant of worldly affairs to the point of being completely defenseless against the male self. The mental age is much younger than the appearance. Cat-like girl.

And she is very beautiful, soft and smooth red

Her hair, swan-like white neck, and slender figure make countless women envious, and like Bai Ge, she has a pair of deep rose-red eyes.

Eriki listened to Bai Ge's words obediently, as if he were a cat. She would do whatever Bai Ge asked Eri to do. She put all her trust in Bai Ge. If he said that when staying in a love hotel, two people must sleep together, she would not refuse.

How could people dislike such a girl? He couldn't help but give this girl more care and try his best to compensate the world for this girl.

"After we get home, we will carry it again

Let’s play two games. I like playing games with Eri. "

I Hmm. I also like Bai Ge. l


Maybe she didn't write it clearly...it should mean "likes to play games with Bai Ge". But looking at the confession-like words in the small book, someone's heart still beat rapidly.

Being liked by such a girl is really a pleasant thing.

I also like painted pear clothes.

He took the girl's hand and stood up. The waiters who were already waiting immediately came forward to pack the food boxes. Tai Tang Jing

Li bid them farewell with a smile and praised them.

"You two are truly a match made in heaven. The young master and the young lady are the best couple I have ever seen. Romeo and Juliet will pale in comparison in front of you."

Bai Ge thought to himself that this person has a future. Brother, you have good eyesight. Romeo is not as handsome as me, and Juliet is not as beautiful as Eri. Although it is a pity to tell you that we are not in that kind of relationship. But you are right about them. There is no comparison with us~;

He always enjoyed compliments. When others praise you, you just need to be honest and happy. (Wang Nuohao)__The night wind blew across their faces, and the Lamborghini

Reflecting the brilliant light of the Xiahong lights, one by one passed through the cars in front. Bai Ge once had a problem: When he saw a car in front of him, he couldn't help but want to overtake him, as if he was always racing against something.

But L will indeed have to race against something tonight.

Eriki suddenly trembled. The girl seemed to feel something terrible approaching. She picked up a small notebook and wrote hurriedly.

Run away quickly. l

Bai Ge subconsciously stepped on the accelerator. In the rearview mirror, he saw a monster with sharp teeth and golden eyes. "That's Deadpool⊥

Illustration is white king and black

Jade asks for flowers. I beg for votes and rewards. I had insomnia last night and fell asleep at six o’clock. I was so sleepy::


Chapter 265: Crisis is coming (please subscribe)

The bloodthirsty Deadpool chased after the taillights of the Yibokini. They ran no less than a sports car, roaring and chasing towards Bai Ge and Eriki.

"Asshole! Looking for death!"

Seeing that two of them had already caught up with the rear of their car, Bai Ge cursed and stepped on the brakes, knocking the dead one away. The huge impact made it fly backwards and crash into the truck behind.

Bai Ge had no time to relax, because the next moment more deadpools rushed towards them.

He stepped on the accelerator, and the Lamborghini roared forward violently. Now Bai Ge only hated himself for driving instead of the red Lamborghini that Irisviel gave him.

Try to modify your Ferrari, and no one can catch up with them in that car, no matter if you are a monster or destiny!

"It doesn't matter, I will protect you L. No one can hurt you while I'm here."

Bai Ge pulled the trembling Eriki into his arms. This girl can only rely on him. He also said that he would take her to more places. How could she be caught up here?

The trembling girl huddled in Bai Ge's arms. This was the only person she could rely on. Bad premonitions filled Eri's heart, and she felt something.

"Ho ho 680 ho ho ho!'_

"It's so noisy


Another Deadpool rushed over and tried to scratch the car door with its claws. Go get the girl inside. However, the next moment the car door opened upwards. What greeted L was a sharp knife and a big sword!

Bai Ge cut off its neck with a sword. Black and red blood spattered, and the boy's crimson eyes looked like they were filled with blood!

"Since you dare to come, then watch me kill you all to pieces!_"

Evasion and defense have never been his personality. A [Golden Lock Lian 1] flew out of the Lamborghini's window and tied the neck of a Deadpool behind him. Bai Ge pulled hard.

The opponent screamed on the ground, and his sharp claws rubbed against the ground, causing sparks. , but it was still dragged to the side of the Lamborghini, and it was still cut into two pieces at the waist.

"Come on! Come over if you can! Watch me kill you all!'

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