However, three seconds later, Kato Megumi felt deeply regretful.

Bai Ge, "Fasten your seat belt, don't talk, close your eyes if you're scared!_"

Megumi Kato, _"Hakuge-kun, are you going to...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh buthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so to so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so to you to..."

When they arrived at the school gate, there were still a few minutes left before Kim L. Kato Megumi got out of the Ferrari shivering. He walked into the school gate under the curious eyes of passing students.

Tohsaka Rin appears in the next chapter. Please give me flowers, tickets, and rewards. _


Chapter 322: Transfer student Tohsaka Rin (please subscribe)

-"Sorry, I just had to drive faster because of time constraints."

"Ah, well, don't mind. Bai Ge didn't do anything wrong."

Kato Megumi covered her heart, which was still beating wildly, and began to take a deep breath.

She had no idea what she had just experienced, and she honestly thought she was going to die more than ten times.

However, there was no blame or complaint against Bai Ge.

[Because it was me who was helped. If it weren’t for Bai Ge, I would have been late this time. l

Although the process is a bit thrilling, it is

Less results are better. As the saying goes, if you want to get good results, you must go through painful training... Kato Kei comforted herself in her heart.

Bai Ge, "Hey, but I still like to get something for nothing~"

The two chatted for a while in their positions. Because Bai Ge had been busy with various things during the winter vacation and had not contacted Kato Megumi. He was also very surprised when he decided to grow his hair long.

And it’s hilarious.

"423 Hey, look at the girl at twelve o'clock. Who is she?"

"There used to be this beautiful girl in our class

Are you alive?"

"No. Oh, I know, she is the rumored transfer student!

In the past, because he was so inconspicuous, his name was not even remembered. Now that he suddenly became more conspicuous, he was misunderstood as a transfer student. Bai Ge smiled bitterly when he heard the voices around him.


"Looks like an acquaintance of Bai Ge's

"Huh? Did that guy strike again?"

"This morning someone spotted the guy they came with, Bai Ge's Ferrari."

For a moment, the hostile gazes focused on the boys.

The dialogue and singing face showed a fierce look like a hungry wolf. ,

"It's such a nostalgic sight attack~ Hmm. If possible, I would like to stare back with my golden dragon eyes." He said to himself with a smile e

Isn't it just a matter of staring, who is afraid of whom?"

(adfh) Looks like it was misunderstood though. But neither of them cared. They still have a pure relationship as classmates and friends. They just bump into each other by chance at the market sometimes. Then just go shopping together.

Bai Ge swears that his personal relationships have never been so simple, pure or too little. 2./

"The bell bell bell

"Ling Ling L,"

The class bell rang. Accompanied by Kirisunao who was in serious teacher mode, the class that was very noisy just now was immediately quieted down 2ε\u0026-

Speaking of which, Kirisuma and I both have our own differences - we haven't seen each other for a while.

If I am right now, the house must be in a mess, right? Do you want to help me clean it up later? 3

"It's a miracle that this person can survive to this day. I guess mushrooms can grow in Teacher Mafuyu's house now, right?"

Bai Ge was sitting in his seat, thinking very rudely

..although it cannot be denied. These are all undoubtedly true.

"Ahem, welcome everyone back to school. Today I have some news to inform you 1. Our teacher has a new classmate who has transferred here this semester. Everyone, please treat each other well.

Kirisu Mafuyu said.

For a time, everyone below became curious and excited.

Boy A "Here comes! Fixed transfer student event!."

Boy B: "Is it a boy or a girl?!"

Girl C: "Could he be a super handsome guy like Bai Gesang 2?"

Girl D, "Speaking of

There are so many transfer students in this class. "

Finally, someone finally remembered to complain about this fact. Last semester, it was Princess Euphemia first, and then Itsuka Shiori. The previous Furuhashi Fumino also transferred here

Bai Ge's eyes dimmed slightly. Because among those people, there is one person who only he remembers, Eryi-Kite-Origami.

Glancing at the empty space of origami not far from him, he had already changed the history of the past. Let the other person live a life without tragedy.

So that memory is now remembered by Bai Ge alone.

"Ahem... Quan

The members quieted down. Tohsaka-san, you can come in. Please introduce yourself. "Tirsu Mafuyu said


The next second the classroom door opens.

A girl wearing a red coat and black twin tails walked in. For a moment. Everyone in the class exclaimed. _(see picture)

"Oh! It's a girl."

"So beautiful, she looks like a young lady."

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