"Let me also thank you. It's really all thanks to you this time. Bai Ge."

"Well, me too:::Thank you very much for saving me, senior."

Tohsaka Rin looked at Bai Ge tenderly. On the other side, Matou Sakura also bowed deeply.

They will not forget when the despair of death comes to them. The snow-white boy who stood up. . That back view is so reliable and the figure is so majestic, they can't help but be fascinated by it.

Bai Ge's attitude has been deeply imprinted in Rin and Sakura's eyes. Their hearts were still beating rapidly. At that moment, fear was driven away like the dark night pierced by dawn.

"Ah ha ha

, It doesn’t matter, rather it would be really great if the two beautiful girls could be saved in front of me. I have nightmares at night. e" he said

"Really, haha. I will keep this kindness in my heart."

"Me, me too!"

Rin and Sakura are now full of affection for Bai Ge - a hero saving a missionary is something that all girls look forward to. The handsome and unrestrained prince, risking his own life to protect himself, the princess, from the crisis. Save yourself...

Everyone has imagined such a dreamy thing, but it happened so unexpectedly in front of them. Tohsaka Rin and Wen Tongying still feel...

My brain is a bit unable to think a


There's only one thing Rin wants to confirm

"Now, can you tell me...why you came to save me? Although I know it's rude to do this, but...1 I want to know your reason, Bai Ge."

Rin looked directly into those red eyes. asked extremely seriously.

She couldn't understand that even if she signed an alliance contract, she wouldn't do this, but Bai Ge didn't hesitate:: Yun Banchan wanted to know the reason.

What drove this person to take steps at that time?

“I don’t know this either.

."on the way"

The answer was somewhat beyond the girl's expectations. There was no reason. Bai Ge scratched his head as if he was also confused. He shrugged his shoulders and said with a helpless smile.

"I don't know L, when I just wanted to save him: 11 When I reacted, my body had already started moving without permission. Then when I came back to my senses, I was standing in front of Rin. Haha, I was shocked. "

Tohsaka Rin was stunned, while Artoria and Cu Chulainn had their eyes widened. They looked at Bai Ge as if they were looking at something amazing.

"That means. You...:

"Compared to the brain's thinking, the body takes the lead in action!'

"Uh-_It seems so."

There was a brief silence. The red-golden dusk light shone on the young man's body, and Bai Ge looked like a golden statue on his chest.

It was as if there was a heart of gold beating.

Gradually hearty laughter came.

"Haha:::1: Hahahahaha! What is this? Is there such a thing?_! Hahahahaha!"

Cu Chulainn pressed his head

laugh it out. He raised his hand and put it on Bai Ge's shoulder with such a cordial and enthusiastic look that it was completely impossible to tell that the relationship between the two parties was temporarily hostile.

"I didn't expect that there was such a person. It really surprised him, little...ahhh, Saber, I really admire you to death. You can have such an interesting Master!"

"Ah, ah, me too,] Marer. My aster is e. You are really great. You are an extremely upright and noble person. In this way, I, as a sword, will also feel honored."

Not far away, Tristan was also shocked, and then he bowed to Bai Ge.

If this were their time, with the charisma of the young man in front of them, countless noble and sincere knights would follow him from the bottom of their hearts.

Artoria: Pendragon is a king who suppresses his selfish desires. What he needs is what he needs, and what he doesn't need doesn't exist. From a king's point of view, she is perfect to the point of being beautiful.

Bai Ge is different from her, but very similar.

His soul itself is the most beautiful miracle. He has never thought of suppressing his emotions. This self can exaggerate everyone who is close to him, making people can't help but follow his personality charm... It's incredible.

Discussing young man.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting. I was not summoned to this era in vain.

"Ah Mingke, I'm really impressed by you. I didn't expect this answer:::Thank you."

"Master. I'm so touched right now that I don't know what to say. But please - keep yourself like this."

Being praised so harshly, even Bai Ge, who was deaf, blushed a little.

In fact, he doesn't feel that he has done anything extraordinary. It's like--it has always seemed to him that this was just his own willfulness.

He was too tired of tragedy...so he would stop it. Bai Ge didn't think he was a righteous partner. He just appreciates and loves all good things. .Enjoy luxury and happiness: .and be extremely frugal. , (Bai Ge: "It is impossible to save money in this life.")

If another Matou Shinji were standing by, he would just watch the spear pierce the opponent, and then look at the dead scumbag and clap his hands and cheer, and at the same time make a request to do it again z

[If I, Lingtian, had not saved Rin and Sakura. I will definitely regret it, I will regret it to death:. But I have decided a long time ago that I will never do anything that I regret in this life::1 Bai Ge thinks so


Although he did not realize it, this idea itself was noble and noble. This is the brilliance of the soul that shines even in the eyes of heroic spirits like Artoria and others.

Cu Chulainn:-"Saber. You have to protect this kid. It would be a pity if such a guy dies. It's a loss to this world."

Artoria, "Of course, I won't hesitate to use my life. - Besides, if something happens to Master, I won't have the face to face Irisviel and the others."

And she herself won't forgive herself.

At the same time, what Artoria didn't know was that Bai Ge had decided at this moment to make a wish for the Holy Grail.

Please give me flowers._Please vote and give me a reward.


Chapter 348: The Submission of Lancer and Rider (Please subscribe)

"Although I no longer plan to have sex with you, it's better for you to be more careful... - My Master is not as good-natured as you."

"Ah, that Father Mapo, who I also know some information about, is a bad guy in every sense of the word."

Cu Chulainn said with a cold expression. His master's name is Kotomine Kirei.

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