Under the turbid gray sky, a girl wearing pale silver armor held the dazzling holy sword. The delicate and beautiful cheeks are stained with red blood e

This is the battlefield where many lives have been lost. A girl is an invincible king. With the scabbard on her, she won't be hurt. The blood on his face also came from the enemy.

The girl was surrounded by corpses and swords. But she had seen this scene several times. As if she was used to it, she left the battlefield with an expressionless face and returned to her own camp. 2: There are still things that need to be dealt with when I go back today. Government affairs.

"This is Saber


Bai Ge clearly realized that this was Artoria's past memory. . A master who has signed a contract with a servant can occasionally learn about the heroic spirit's past through dreams.

In other words, he was dreaming based on Artoria's memory.

But this dream is so real and so disturbing.

"The king's triumph⊥_"

"Our King who brings peace to Britannia!"_

"The Promised King! Master Artoria Pendragon!'

Medieval City Bug.2 None

Countless people were on both sides of the street. They looked at the king's troops who had returned from the war with respect. They cheered to the young man sitting on the horse.

That figure was much shorter than the other knights. But he was advancing at the forefront of the army:::Bai Ge couldn't imagine how L's slender body could carry the wishes of so many people in this country. The armor alone was obviously heavy enough.

Arturia calmly accepted the cheers from the people without showing any expression. At this time, she had become accustomed to sealing her emotions.

Bai Ge can't get involved in this dream. He could only look at Alto quietly

After Liya returned to the castle, she processed the rent reports on the table one by one until the stars appeared at night.


In the deserted castle, there was only one girl left - two if you included Bai Ge. At this time, she was feeling headache and fatigue due to the food problem somewhere.

As if she couldn't hold on any longer, Artoria put her head down on the round table with a "thud" and fell asleep immediately.

If possible, Bai Ge would like to move her to the bedroom, or at least put the quilt robe hanging at the back on her body. But of course there is no way to touch it.


"You've worked very hard..." That's all I can say.

However, when Wang opened her eyes the next morning, she continued to stare at the report in front of her and began to process it.



Knives and swords collided with each other. The flowing blood seemed to dye the earth red, just like before. The girl in silver armor waved the holy sword and started to attack the enemy in front of her.

Here again is the memory of the battlefield.

Zhi Wushang slashed away the last enemy in front of him. The golden holy sword was also stained with red.

Colorful blood, however, this time there is something different.

"When no one saw the sitting girl, she held Shengchuang 2 with both hands and began to breathe heavily. If it weren't for the support of the holy sword, she probably wouldn't even have the strength to stand.

"You are already very tired, rest.


Bai Ge knew that the other party couldn't hear his voice, but he still couldn't help it.

After a brief breather, Artoria returned to her original indifferent appearance. That's right. For her, even showing fatigue is not allowed.

Wang's fatigue will make her subordinates have bad thoughts, so she has to seal all her emotions, even this fatigue is a sheep.

The legend of the great king that amazed the world was formed in this way. Every glory and glory is based on her efforts.

The girl's shoulders carry a country.

Bai Ge can't look straight at a

"Yan Lingmeng Tapir!"

This speaking spirit of the White King's bloodline originally had the ability to pull her into a dream and then kill her, but in other words, in a certain sense: he had the ability to participate in dreams.

Bai Ge suddenly thought of this method. He used this word spirit to intervene in his own Chu state. Now he can no longer just sit back and watch as before.

"I won't ask you to give up, because this is disrespectful to your enlightenment. This is the path you have chosen, and it is the past that has happened. I can't do anything, but..."

He successfully met Arturia and supported her tired body, which was hesitant to speak.

Bai Ge likes the legend of Artoria

Admire the glory of Saber's construction. He won't exchange gold for soil, so he won't ask you not to be a king anymore. He will live the life of an ordinary girl.

:-:Such as that.


"Please at least take a good rest during this dream."

Bai Ge raised his hand and waved, and the battlefield filled with blood and tears instantly turned into a magnificent hall. The rectangular dining table was covered with spotless white cloth and filled with countless delicacies.

This is his dream. This world is naturally dominated by him.

To Dry Artoria. However, Bai Ge "willfully" took off his armor and battle skirt and put on a beautiful dress. , which transformed her from a knight into a noble girl.

That stone insect sword

It was also inserted back into Shi Wei by Bai Ge.

"At least in Vanli. Please live happily

As if she heard Bai Ge's voice, Arturia began to eat. She had just fought back with her slender hands of the I-Star Holy Sword. This time, she held the knife in her hand and pierced the food in front of her.

He showed a nice smile. The smile in line with her qualifications: the smile that Zhong Ge expected to see every year. The young man fully understood that this was just a story that he hid himself and liked to escape. He could only speak directly and look directly at the sadness of the ground, so he tried to change it in a unique way. Completely self-satisfied, knowing clearly that it is just an illusory dream but still doing this: But so what? At least in his dream

inside. 2 The girl is blooming, isn't she? "That's enough." Bai Ge then manipulated the dream to create a garden, a shooting star, an amusement park...the last one seemed a bit too much. ----Then when he woke up from the dream, "Xiao Ge, school is going to be late! Wake up!" When he opened his eyes, Irisviel was shaking herself with Qing Yue... Bai Ge was stunned for a few seconds. He also realized that he had woken up from his dream and quickly made breakfast. 2 Artoli Feng walked into the teleportation magic circle connected to Yajiao Rooftop with Baige holding the bread in his mouth. Because Einzjianren Castle is in the suburbs, this way of going to school is the fastest. "Baige:." "Huh? What's wrong, Saber? Suddenly, Artori

Ya smiled towards Bai Geyan, who seemed to be in a good mood, and smiled like someone saw her in a dream. "I had a good dream today." "Really? What a coincidence... I'm also asking for flowers... I'm asking for votes... I'm asking for a reward -!

Chapter 353: The harmonious and beautiful Holy Grail War (please subscribe)

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