But because he has Command Seal 2, he is not worried about e


What made him feel a little concerned was. After coming back yesterday. I originally thought that I used the Command Seal to order him to attack Tohsaka Rin with the Noble Phantasm he was fighting with Saber's Insect_L. Cu Chulainn will definitely be furious

He wanted to kill himself... He was ready to use the command spell to control it forcefully.

:::Please give me flowers_

But the other party seemed surprisingly calm - even though he didn't care too much.

"What happened 2"

"Lancer, we need to hide for a while. Two abnormal Masters appeared in this Holy Grail War--their existence itself affects the balance of the entire war."

"Ha?_ It's too exaggerated. In the end, no matter how powerful Mastep is, he is just a magician. In front of the heroic spirits...

He didn't know about the root magician yet, but as a good dog, his intuition told Cu Chulainn that one of the two Masteps mentioned by Father Mapo was Bai Ge. L. In fact, you are not being restrained and controlled by me as the Master right now.

"Cut" will definitely kill you!."

Looking at the "angry" blue dog, Father Mapo showed a happy expression e

With the unwillingness and resentment of his heroic spirit imprinted in his eyes, Kotomine Kirei enjoyed the feeling of destroying the pride of Cu Chulainn's hero.

He "turned his back" and closed his eyes, as if he was doing well

The pleasure of good taste-like

"Okay, let's be prepared tonight. The opponent is a magician connected to the root. Our chance of victory will only be when both of them lose. Now..."


"Unfortunately, the contract with you ends here, Kotomine Kirei."

Suddenly a sharp pain appeared, mixed with the coldness of a sharp blade."


The feeling of pain came from behind, and the tip of the head protruded from his chest. Kotomine Kirei looked in shock at the body that was slowly overflowing with blood.

[Wan Fu Bing Breaking the Ring L is just a top, but if it is inserted in its entirety, it can be pierced from the back to the front.

Cu Chulainn's mouth rose... He felt refreshed now.

"How's it going? What did that little guy say? By the way. The name of this move is:: Justice's Backstab L_"

"You guy!. I use the Command Seal to order you to commit suicide Lancer!'

":Haha.. It's useless." I told you, the contract with you ends here! '

At this moment, Cu Chulainn of Ancer has reached a certain level of success.

At once.

The first in the history of shaped moon,

Lucky Rabbit Yu "The Lancer with the Suicide Order"


Chapter 357, Father Mapo... cool! (Please subscribe)

-"I order you with a Command Seal to commit suicide. Lancer!

The twenty-six staggered red chokers on Kotomine Kirei's right arm were like unhealed wounds, still glowing with red blood.

One of the "wounds" suddenly released red rice. Then disappear. This is a sign of command spell usage. _Once used, it has absolute command authority over the contracted Servants.

"I didn't expect you to betray me, Iancer.

But then you don't need it anymore, go to hell. "

Kotomine Kirei was holding on to the table unsteadily. [

Wan Fu Bing Breaking the Ring's own attack power is only equivalent to that of a small knife. Even a penetrating injury to him is not fatal.

At the same time, his thinking was very clear. At this time, he must immediately activate the command spell to make Lancer commit suicide. Even though he is very strong as a human, he cannot be an enemy of the heroic spirits. So it would be really bad if "-Shi San" gets a last hit.

And Cu Chulainn, who only has C-level magic power, is absolutely unable to disobey the constraints of the Command Seal. The top priority is to save his own life. Even if he loses this heroic spirit, he only needs to find another heroic spirit. The one who still holds the Command Seal I will not lose the qualifications for the Holy Grail War.


"It's useless, didn't I say it? The contract with you ends here." Cu Chulainn said. ,

'Nani 9!'

Kotomine Kirei stared too hard... The image of Lancep being shot through the heart by his own gun did not appear in his imagination. The originally absolute command spell did not take effect.

"What's going on? 3 You are not a Saber professional who can resist magic, so there is no way you can resist the command spell!"

"Haha, don't you understand? The command spell can only be effective on the heroic spirits contracted by oneself. But at the moment when the sword stabbed you just now: I and your

The contract is terminated. "

Cú Chulainn shook the [Ten Thousand Talisman Bing Breaks the Precepts] in his hand. He knew he made the right bet. My heart is now overflowing with excitement.

The hero's gun is finally free.

In contrast, Kotomine Kirei's expression became extremely ugly.

"Isn't it possible that it's a magic treasure? 1 You shouldn't have that kind of treasure to fight against. And this is tantamount to suicide for you heroic spirits!'

The corners of Cu Chulainn's mouth rose slightly. He felt relieved as if the hatred he had always felt was repaid in full.

"Ah, indeed, this is C

as_ter's Noble Phantasm, something that guy's new master lent me. And you don’t need to worry...: I already have a new Iaster too.


"Hey hey~ It's me~"

Accompanied by a childish and energetic figure, Bai Ge suddenly appeared in the church, accompanied by Medusa, Artoria L and Jeanne.

"You are: 1. The Prince of Origin!'

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