"I'll be right back after school, so don't worry Mio. Just wait for me at home with Ramrem."

"Well, I will wait for Bai Ge to come back."


Then the next day.

Bai Ge lay on his desk uncomfortably, gradually

of losing color.

Although he said a lot of cool things to Mio last night, he fell into this state the next day. From the beginning, Baige stared at the school gate through the window, as if he might rush out at any time.

"Bai Ge? What's wrong?"

Asuna-sama, the squad leader, looked at him with concern, holding something in her hands behind her back.

"It's nothing, I just feel like I've lost hope in life and feel like I want to die."

"Wow, it's rare to see you enter a period of despair. What happened?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu also asked curiously.

"Want to date


"Oh, it turns out you're in heat, right?"

Second update, please give me flowers, please give me rewards, please give me flowers.


Chapter 41, Midterm Examination (new book for collection)

"I always feel...a little bored."

In the courtyard of the villa, Mio was sitting on the grass holding a book on the history of the world.

She quickly read the text in front of her and absorbed the new knowledge of the world. On average, it only took her ten minutes to completely memorize a book. Soon, Bai Ge would have to take her to the library to read. .

"Bai Ge, what does this word [love] mean specifically?"

Looking up, the figure who has always been by my side is not around today.

"Ah... by the way, he went to school today."

A strange feeling came from the bottom of her heart, Mio raised her hand to her chest and murmured.

"I always feel like something is missing."

That sense of security, that warmth, that smile that can be seen as soon as one turns around cannot be seen until that person is out of school.

Mio sighed unconsciously, and then began to wonder about the fact that she was sighing.

[Why do you sigh, why do you feel lost, just because that person is not there? ]

[...I really want to see him. ]

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh again, but Mio didn't know that this kind of sigh was

Another place is also sending out simultaneously.

Ram and Rem on the side were cleaning, as usual, but it didn't feel so lively.

Just without one person, the surrounding atmosphere changes.

"By the way, Bai Ge said you can make a call."

Mio remembered it and took out the mobile phone she just bought yesterday from the pocket of her skirt.

Although he knew that Mio wouldn't like playing games and watching bubble dramas, Bai Ge still bought the best and latest one. Oh no, there were three of them, and the other two were for Ram and Rem.

The girl flipped through the manual a few times

Next, everything above is completely memorized, and then you can skillfully slide your finger to unlock the screen and click on the phone book.

The only registered number above is Bai Ge's.

"Mio? I just finished class here and I just wanted to call you."

"Bai Ge."

A familiar voice entered my ears, and the boredom I felt just now was wiped away in an instant.

It was unbelievable that he could do this just by hearing the sound, and an emotion was born in his heart that Mio could not express with his current language skills.

There are only ten minutes left after class, so cherish every second.

Mio happily talked to the boy.


Shunoin Academy.

"Ah~ I feel alive."

Bai Ge sincerely praised the great man who invented the mobile phone, and the hunger and thirst in his heart that had just been caused by not being able to meet him was temporarily relieved.

On the other side, Asuna, Shiyu, Furuhashi Fumino, and several other girls were secretly observing him, with questions on their heads.

[What's wrong with this guy? ]

"Bai Ge, are you okay?" Asuna asked.

"Hmm, it's okay. I can still hold on until the next recess.

live. "

"So what happened, eh, forget it." Asuna shook her head, turned around and suddenly started to feel shy.

"Besides this, are you free next weekend?" Her hands behind her back were holding something.

Bai Ge tilted his head. If there was nothing special, he would date his own girl.

"Hmm, I don't think I have any reservations that I must go to."

"Then! Then do you want to go to the concert with me?"

"Eh? Concert?"

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