Caster smiled slightly, raised his hand like a young man's sister or a family member, and touched Bai Ge's snow-white hair.

"You are my Master. I am your Servant. Of course, things will meet your requirements."


"Everyone in this world says that I

You are the witch of betrayal. You are the only one who still chooses to believe in me like this. In this case - I also want to believe in you and give you everything I have. So what, as long as it is what I can do. Just give me your orders without being polite. "

"Medie...thank you."

Bai Ge's red eyes flickered a little. He opened his arms and hugged the witch in front of him slightly.

Of course he would believe this person.

She is just a poor woman who was mocked by fate. It was gods and humans who forced her to bear the reputation of "betrayal". Medea treats everyone around her sincerely, but her feelings are often betrayed and exploited.

Everyone regarded her as a profit-seeking worker who ruthlessly abandoned her after getting what she wanted. No one ever cared about Medea's own feelings.

.Apart from.

On that rainy day, the young man who appeared in front of her who was dying stretched out his hand to her and said to her, "I believe in you, and I will never betray you."

_[I decided at that moment to offer you everything I have. My beloved Master, I will definitely offer the Holy Grail to you. 1

This was her vow, her sincerity was for the words of the white boy in front of her. Whatever it is, do it with intention.

However, there is only one leftover feeling.

"Ahhh, but... I don't want to disappear:.1

One day, the Holy Grail War ends, and all the summoned heroic spirits will disappear and return to the realm record tape.

After all, she is not a creature of this era. How many more days can this encounter last? It must be short-lived...

Thinking of this, Medea couldn't help but feel a little regretful. ;

Of course, if Bai Ge expressed his "original wishes" here, all her worries would probably be gone.

"Then, before Joan of Arc wakes up, quickly summon

Bar. _~e"

"Yes. Mastere."

"Your body is entrusted to me: my destiny is attached to your sword and responds to the call of the Holy Grail. Those who follow this will and truth respond to me! I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds in the world, and I am the one who gathers all the evil in the world."

"The earth and sky entwining the three Taiyan spirits"

"Cross the Wheel of Inhibition and emerge._Guardian of the Scales."

In the garden behind Einzbern Castle, the Heroic Spirits except Joan of Arc followed Bai Ge and watched what was about to happen in front of them.

Take Servant

It was an obvious foul act to summon a Servant, but it made them extremely curious, so no one stopped them.

Unless Bai Ge wants to do something harmful to the world, several heroes with incomparable integrity among the heroic spirits present will come out to object, but they will not care about things like eyesight. /t"When you are with the Master, you can always experience such wonderful things.

"What will happen to the contract then?" If not, the authority of nt is transferred to the Master. Then Joan will find out we did something foul. "

"Well, everyone remember to keep it a secret.

~" Bai Ge said with a smile


at the same time. Caster's summons has also been successful.

In the center of the magic circle, waiting for the smoke to dissipate, a slender figure appeared in it.

Like a shadow in the dark night. She was incomparably consistent with the night, but if everyone hadn't seen her figure and closed their eyes, they probably wouldn't have felt her breath.

She is the Shadow Servant-z-Ass

Wearing a black nightcoat1, with brown skin and purple hair, he looks like an eighteen-year-old

girl, but with a white skull mask on her cheek. _(Look at the picture) Assin appeared in response to Cong’s call, my name is Silent Hassan. "

"Oh oh oh c turns out to be the assassin's heroic spirit. It just makes up for the shortcomings." Medea said in surprise.


Quiet Hassan tilted his head, as if he didn't understand Medea's words, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel confused -: why he summoned his target. He is also a heroic spirit.

Then when she felt Shunma's breath, she turned her head. He immediately pulled out the black dagger from his waist and released his murderous intent.

come out.

This is a given.

There were five heroic spirits squatting around.

"Are you surrounded?" Jing Ming whispered nervously.

"Ahem, don't be so nervous, they are all companions." Medea shook her head.


"We all serve the same IIaster. Of course, you are the same.

Saying that, Medea was about to take Quiet Hassan's hand and walk to Bai Ge, but: - before she could take two steps.

“Ah, ah”.!!”


Then he let out a scream and immediately let go of the hand he was holding.

"This is.:poison?_!"

Looking in disbelief at the hand she had just held, the fingertips were slightly purple. She knew she had been poisoned.

At this moment, the quiet expression hidden behind the skull mask became darker.

_"."You also...don't you...

She seemed to be feeling regretful and said with great emotion.

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