"Shakespeare, this is not okay.

Suddenly, the voice of Ai Ge interrupted Shakespeare's words. Princess Root tilted her head and looked at this weak little creature with a smile.


She is worthy of the name "Root Princess". For a moment, Shakespeare thought she was "going to die."

"Then, that Master-...."

"Don't write like this"

She saw through Shakespeare's intentions.

At this moment, all the heroic spirits present showed sympathetic expressions to him. They all knew the absolute nature of their master. Although she was an innocent girl, she was also a strong and absolute queen.

"I give you an order with a command spell, Shakespeare. You are not allowed to write about any tragedy related to me and Bai Ge!


A moment. The constraints from the command spell took effect, and purple chains appeared on Shakespeare's body. The tragic and poignant story of the Holy Grail War was conceived in her heart. Completely erased~

Aige said calmly: "Shakespeare was a great writer who wrote various famous tragedies during his lifetime. Although you don't have the ability to fight, you have the effect of making what you write close to reality... so I won't let you write it. Any tragedy."

"Master. You are too overbearing. This is a huge tragedy that we have finally come up with, L."

“Don’t think about it again next time.

Emiya: 1. Just help me cut off this guy's hands. "

"Okay, Mastere,"

Shashangbea's mournful screams spread throughout the entire Hanging Garden Palace, and everyone felt inexplicably refreshed.

Then Ai Ge moved to a nearby garden.

At this time, she showed a completely different temperament from the one she was sitting on in the main hall. She was like a pure white innocent girl sitting on a stone chair next to the fountain.

Scathach follows her, and she can be said to be Ai Ge's personal guard. Compared to other heroic spirits, he is closer to the girl.

at the same time

, precisely because she was standing at the nearest distance. , so she briefly saw the many brilliance of love songs.

"Scathach, come and sit with us~

"Yeah. Okay."

He put away his spear and sat next to the girl.

Si Changha thinks about the past e

They were not fighting, but simply winning. Under the leadership of a girl named Sajo Aika, they were ravaged like a fish with the sight of a god.

The enemy either disappeared miserably, or gave up hostility after seeing the fact that "it was impossible to win."

The so-called anti-sacred

The persistence of the cup, the pride of the magician, and the long-cherished wish for the root are all as vulnerable as paper in front of the girl's mood of "looking forward to meeting a boy".

If there is really anything that can be fought against her. All she could think of was the pure white boy she saw last night.

"Hey, Scathach must also have original hopes for the Holy Grail."

"What's wrong, Ai Ge? You suddenly mentioned this."

She was stunned for a moment by the sudden topic of her conversation.

-"Okay, come on, it's just pure curiosity. The Holy Grail is of no use to me anyway, if Scathach has a wish

Just give it to you. ”.

Such an understatement, a cup that countless magicians and servants wish for. In Ai Ge's opinion, it is dispensable.

After all, she is actually not needed in the first place. In a sense, she is the same as Bai Ge. He is an outlier who "comes to the Holy Grail War to find an encounter."

The Holy Grail or something like 11 is not as useful as a ring in Ai Ge’s opinion.

"Forget it, if you want to have a wish...it's not like you don't have one," Scathach said.

"What about the content?"

",: I want to find someone. Someone who can kill me."

An unexpected sad wish. In fact, Scathach is not a Servant in the traditional sense.

Scathach, who has become semi-divine after a long time in the past, cannot die like other creatures.

Whether it's to die beautifully like a butterfly

Or die ugly like a rotten apple,

Even if you commit suicide, you cannot die no matter what. Maybe until the death of the world, she can only be with the world. -continues to exist.

"People are too afraid of death, so they forget that the name "eternal life" is also a cruel curse."

"Really? It would be great if this wish can come true."

"::Aige, why don't you come and persuade me and say "don't die"?"

"It feels so troublesome, so don't slander me. The only thing I care about is Bai Ge."

"Girls in love are really unreasonable..."

Scathach shook his head, thinking about such a Master. I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck, but...: Such unyielding devotion to someone is quite dazzling in Scathach’s opinion.

Um. , which made the master couldn't help but recall his lost youth - this package of words

Pretend it was never said. Pinch it off!

"Ah? Could it be that the master is envious of me?"

However, he was keenly noticed by Ai Ge.

"It's definitely not why L still calls that master craftsman!"

"It's so suspicious~ If you don't say anything, I will use the Command Seal to force you to say it~"

The innocent girl who fell in love suddenly became a little evil-minded. Of course, this is just the level of cuteness that makes people infinitely tolerant. Ai Ge would not use the Command Seal for such a thing.

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