This treasure can negate magic attacks, and even if it is just held in hand without real name liberation, it can give him [A level] magic power, longevity and name liberation.

Now, it can even invalidate any magic under magic.

Medusa's Noble Phantasm is not a magic attack. But Taiduo's magic power was also greatly weakened. The power of L's ultimate move was weakened a lot for a while.

"If there is nothing left, just rely on perseverance to stop it!_"

"Boom" the mountain! '

He held the spear in front of him, but the next second he was hit by Medusa's Pegasus and flew out. Astolfo screamed in agony as he rolled in the air.


Even though I'm extremely embarrassed, even though I'm injured,

but he


"It hurts so much~"

Slowly get up from the Hippogriff's back

"You are so awesome."

Bai Ge gave a heartfelt admiration. He actually used such a ridiculous method to forcefully connect Medusa's anti-army weapon, and then survived. Although he was in such a mess, he looked so handsome⊥

"Hey, it's all because of the Noble Phantasm everyone lent me and Master__'s command spell. I am very weak myself."

Astolfo lay on the Hippogriff, looked at Bai Ge with a wry smile and said, L All his Noble Phantasms were his companions during his lifetime, L were entrusted by friends.

It was paid to him, but his own strength can even be said to be very weak.

Bai Ge shook his head.

"So (cbde) I thought that the hero named Astolfo was so powerful."

"Tour 2"

"Everyone is willing to entrust their precious things to you. This shows that everyone has great trust in you. Although you are weak, you have something that other heroic spirits do not have."


"So even if you don't agree with yourself. But neither I nor the Medusa who fights you can guarantee with their lives... Ah

Stolfo, you are a real hero! '

"x::This is really, thank you. Master opposite. This is the first time someone has said this to me, and I feel a little embarrassed."

Scratching his head happily, this "weak" but "powerful" hero who is optimistic, lively and helpful raised his spear again. ,

"Can you still fight?"

."Yeah" Of course! '

The damaged knight's armor and the Hippogriff's injuries were being repaired quickly. cure. Servants with the Root Princess as their master will never worry about demons.

The problem of strength.

As long as a heroic spirit has enough magic power, it is basically an immortal body.

"Master, you go and have a round with the others first. It seems like it will take a little longer on my side." Medusun said. ,

"Yeah. Enjoy it to your heart's content... Rider.

I order you with the Command Seal to enjoy this Holy Grail War as an I hero. Enjoy the battle with enemy A in front of you. "


When passing by the Sky Garden. Bai Ge jumped off the Pegasus directly and handed over the battlefield in the sky to Medusa.

, because the battle is a battle between two cavalrymen and should not be disturbed by anyone.

Medusa raised the scythe in her hand and spoke slowly.

"Astolfo, I also want to pay my respects to you. I am obviously a monster in mythology, but now I am able to enjoy fighting like a hero. It must be thanks to you and my Waster."

"Oh? It seems you like your Haster very much.

".Well, of course."

The slightly red cheeks quickly returned to normal, and Medusa felt that now. It's great that I can participate in this Holy Grail War.

"Sa, the battle is not over yet!".

"Ah, even though I'm weak, I have no intention of losing!"

Pegasus and Hippogriff let out loud shouts, and the two cavalrymen began their exchange of oxygen again.

A knight wielding a spear knows his weakness.

He has never defeated a dragon, nor drawn a holy sword. He has never been a king. The opponent in front of me is the famous Medusa L in mythology

Even if it is a miserable effort. It may not be possible to win.


even so.

At once

Just like what the pure white boy said just now.

He is a hero! In this case, he must risk everything to enjoy this battle. This is a holy war where heroes gather together. It’s also a sign of respect for the opponent in front of you! Look at the picture

the other side,

Bai Ge also successfully entered the Sky Garden

Asking for flowers and rewards:, asking for votes_


Chapter 375: The miserable Cu Chulainn, the luck that goes deep into the soul

- "Oh~ there are really two nice hanging gardens. I even want one of them."


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