. This was resisted.

Siegfried on the other side is no exception. Although not all the swords bounced. But those Noble Phantasms that landed on him bounced away. It didn't cause any harm.

"Gilgamesh. One of the weapons on the opposite side can create and copy the weapons he has seen. Only the weapons made by gods cannot be copied. The other Siegfried can only be solved by slowly grinding it with a super-class treasure phantom."

Bai Ge reminded.

Siegfried himself bathed in dragon blood and became almost immortal... Bai Ge initially estimated that Fa Quanna was a pure-blooded second-generation species, or a third-generation species... it was definitely not the Dragon King anyway.


But the tricky part is that his Armor I, Dragon's Blood Armor (Armor of Easfnir).l., can invalidate attacks below B level. Then A-level attacks can also be greatly weakened.

The heroic spirit Emiya and the heroic spirit Siegfried. These two heroic spirits can be said to be the perfect ones to target Gilgamesh.

"Get rid of these miscellaneous cultivators. Just try to be clever with me."

"I'm here to help too, use the command spell

Bai Ge unbuttoned his shirt, revealing so many heinous command spells on his body that Gilgamesh couldn't help but widen his eyes. The two heroic spirits on the opposite side are also ruthless.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

"Let you see what true luxury is. L I superimposed three command spells and ordered, Queen of Uruk. 2 Show your financial resources to your heart's content and release your power!"

"I actually used three command spells directly!'

"This is trouble_"

The huge Zengbat instantly increased Gilgamesh's power by three levels. 1L2 The air cushion of the oldest queen in mankind filled the surrounding area, as if the entire space was filled with her queen's dignity.

Bai Ge, "If it's not enough, tell me. Anyway, we have a lot of command spells. We're not afraid of consuming them."

Gilgamesh, "You are worthy of being my master. You have done a very good job. L. In this case, I also need to show corresponding success, so monks:.: Please die!" '

Nvyu showed a happy expression, and the golden ripples on her back increased to five hundred! Thousands of Noble Phantasms surged out violently from inside.

White song. _"Hmph~ Can the speed of the projection of the partner of justice be even faster?"

Emiya, "This amount is too high!"

Siegfried K,_'Maste

rlRequests support for command spells and permission to release the Noble Phantasm"."

Please give me flowers. Please give me tickets. Ask for a reward.


Picture 377, Unlimited Sword System (please subscribe)

Worthy of the name of the King of Heroes, after Gilgamesh was strengthened by the command spell, the two heroic spirits in front of him could only defend with all their strength. Attacking or anything else is no longer within the scope of consideration.

Because even the attack risks risking injury.


will also be easily resisted a

"The King's Treasure House 1 contains not only swords, spears, and halberds, but also "shields" of course. The one currently blocking the Heroic Spirit Emiya's Noble Phantasm is [Straight of the Gods 1.

Even if this giant shield cannot be liberated, attacks below level A will be directly ineffective.


"What about the miscellaneous cultivators? You can't even come close in front of me and my master." Gilgamesh said.

"By the way, we accept surrender here~" Bai Ge said.

He had already sat up. Gilgamesh was so angry that he gave him a gold chair with soft cushions so that Bai Ge could sit back and watch the show.

Although some people felt that this was a bit disrespectful to 21 this serious battle, but the chair was too comfortable. It seems to be a Noble Phantasm that has the additional effects of automatically restoring blood and restoring fatigue.

.Emiya and Sieg

Fei looked solemn e

"If this continues, something is really going to be wrong."

"There is no other way but to use that method."

Suddenly, the heroic spirit Emiya jumped back on his own initiative, widening the distance between him and Gilgamesh. The tattered shield he had just projected and then carried had disappeared.

He raised his right hand and closed his eyes.

"Hmph! Close your eyes, are you ready to die? Then I will help you, Archerl."

"Drink"_[Covering the Ring of the Blazing Sky (RhosAiae)l! '

The next moment_beautiful flowers bloom in the heavy rain of swords!

The petals are rich and beautiful. 2 exuded bright purple light. Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm bombarded it. All of them were bounced away. There is no doubt that this is an extremely powerful defensive Noble Phantasm!

"The [Concept Arms 1] is known as having absolute defense against thrown objects... This beautiful Noble Phantasm-z has a total of earth-heavy defense. Each layer of defense has a defensive power comparable to that of an ancient city wall."

It will take some time to destroy Gilmishiya's King's Treasure House. And what Heroic Spirit Emiya can do during this period?

that is:.

Release your last trump card!

""Iamthebone_ofmyswopd](as sword body)


.Iandfireismyblood1(Heart of Burning Glass

."Ihavecreatedaverathousandblades1(Hand-created Thousand Blades After Hundreds of Battles)



.IHavewithsteadpaintocreateweapons](often alone-I am drunk on the top of the sword hill)

"Xet,thoseha.ndswi1neverho1danything(Therefore, this life is meaningless)

.[SoesIpray,1.nlimitedb1adeworksl(Then his body will be made of unlimited swords)e"

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