Someone also

Before he finished his handsome act, he was pulled behind by the queen behind him. Gilgamesh looked at him carefully. After making sure that he was not hurt in any way, he let Dianxie go.

Then she looked at Emiya and Siegfried's smoke line again, and it suddenly became extremely cold. The queen's eyes turned dark red, and the sharper Baoxian was ready to standby.

"Since you have attacked my master, you are really brave: Is my master something that you, the miscellaneous cultivators, can get involved in? This is such a heinous crime. I will pay for it with ten thousand deaths!"

To be honest, Bai Ge felt it was a bit unreasonable. It was him who ran out to block it.

. Erjia Meiji's tone could clearly hear the partiality and protection towards herself. , which still made him a little happy. It seems that the queen still likes me very much~

Speaking of which, Gilgamesh is also a bit arrogant in the original novel.

"Not good! The power of the opponent has increased even more⊥"

Next. Because the golden queen is very unreasonably angry. The Heroic Spirit Emiya resisted with his projected weapon, almost exhausting himself to death.

But now the battle is coming to an end, and the inherent barrier cannot be maintained forever_regardless of the consumption of magic power, the projection is also limited x: Emiya said that in his previous life (

During his lifetime) there were not as many things projected today as

So now I have to use too many tricks.


.Fifty thousand swords gathered here from all over the world. The swords flowed into the sky, and all the sword tips were aimed at the golden queen in front. It seemed to pierce every piece of skin on her body.

"Fantasy Great Sword: The Lost Demon/B

The cursed holy sword that achieved the great feat of slaying the dragon began to burn with a dusk-colored sword energy. The blue flames soaring into the sky almost dyed the world. This blow can even

Killing the dragon type L will cause damage to the dragon type of the side generation!

Facing these two astonishingly powerful Noble Phantasms, even the [Shield of the Gods l] that Gilgamesh had relied on for defense could not stop them.

At the same time, Bai Ge couldn't help but think about what if it was made of chalk that carried all the thoughts of that king. That [Already Far Far Away Ideal City (LardCame1ot)1] should be able to be easily defended - it's a pity that they don't have s now

(Bai Ge, "The forest is too big, hurry up and make the school girl out~"

Golden forest. _"I'm also talking about whether to arrange for Matthew to be in the new semester.

Among the sophomores. ”)

But even without the Holy Shield. There is also a treasure in Gilgamesh's treasure house - a treasure that can instantly turn the tide of the battle.

The queen took out the sword that opened up the world - z-A: the sword of deviation from the treasure house. _

If it were this sword, it would be able to block the Noble Phantasm together with Emiya's unique barrier, and defeat the two heroic spirits.

But 1

"2. Do you want to use it?_"

"...They have no value in letting me use A. Righteous partners? Huh, one is the answer. The other one finally returned

Betrayed and killed. They are just guys who cling to their own ideals and drown in life. "

Gilgamesh said disdainfully:

At the same time, two command spells fell on Siegfried and Emiya. This was their strongest blow. Ai Ge naturally gave everyone the support of Xi Mei's command spell. a

In an instant, two I Anti-Army Noble Phantasms L arrived at the area of ​​[Anti-Chengbao County l.

"The opponent that my king's EA has to face should be the kind of glory and splendor integrated into one body, full of domineering and power. Let your life shine so brightly that the value of one person's existence alone is worth Nalun's. hour

A hero worth tens of millions of people! '

The Noble Phantasm on the opposite side was about to fall, but neither Bai Ge nor Gilgamesh seemed to have seen it.

"So a guy like that. There's no value in wielding this sword."

"Really, then you don't have to."

"No, but I (the good money is good) want to use it!'

"Huh? Why is that?"

If it's something that the heroic spirit doesn't want to do, Bai Ge will never ask the other party, and he will never do anything like using a command spell to force the order.

Gilgamesh looked at Mao Zhong

The deviant sword. Suddenly the queen's eyes turned to Bai Ge's body with blond hair flying. There was soup on the corner of her mouth.

That was a beautiful smile that could make the world fall in love.

"Those guys don't have this value. do!_"

Gilgamesh turned around and raised the FA: Good Sword in his hand. _

"If it's for Hondama's Master, then things will be different." Now let's wipe out all enemies for our victory!.E

The rotating divine sword released a crimson magical wind, which instantly brought the world to the edge of fragmentation.

"Telling about the original separation of heaven and earth

The gospel that opens up nothingness - it is my sword of disobedience that opens up the world

It is enough to accept death in silence

The star of the creation of heaven and earth (Fnu_maE1ish)! '

Please give me flowers. Please give me tickets. , please give me a reward to eat


Chapter 379: Is the Holy Grail War held in the dark? hehe!

-"The star of the separation of heaven and earth (EnumaE1ish).⊥"

The crimson magic storm instantly destroyed the two anti-fortress treasures on the opposite side. Then the Deviating Sword began to attack the entire world.

In the inherently barrier sky, the gears fell to the ground and the clouds were instantly annihilated. The sound of breaking glass began to sound, and all illusions were being shattered!

"No! There is no way to copy that sword. Even if we use all the swords:

The Heroic Spirit Emiya looked at the scene in front of him in shock. Even he could never copy the Kuai Li Sword, not even in appearance.

Siegfried and he both stopped moving and now there is no way to continue. In front of that sword that can destroy the essence of the world. All resistance is in vain

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