Ichika: "Well, that's about average."

Yotsuba: "Oh oh oh, that's it!"

May: "I, I want this piece."

2:2: "I can't accept it"

the next day.

"What's this"

When Bai Ge came to Nakano's house again because of his job as a tutor, he suddenly found a cake on the table, and there was a note under the cake plate that read.

To Baige von Einzbern, please eat as much as you like.

Although it was impossible to divide it into five equal parts, it was still no problem to divide it into six equal parts, and there were exactly six strawberries. The extra one was naturally given to Bai Ge by the five sisters.

Bai Ge's eyes also lit up. He had never been able to resist strawberry cake.

"Oh oh oh! Isn't this the red miracle strawberry cake? I've wanted to eat it for a long time!"

It was only after the incident that the five Nakano sisters reacted.

"Ah! The last share can obviously be left to father."


"Me too."

I don’t know why, but the figure that first appeared in their minds was this snow-white haired boy.

The main film ended the work of the tutor and returned to Bai Ge in the Einzbern Castle. The maid with long blue hair took the book from his hand. She had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Master, welcome back."

"Well, I'm back Rem."

He raised his hand and touched Rem's head skillfully. This action has become Bai Ge's habit, and Rem is also very accustomed to cooperating and lowering her head to facilitate Bai Ge's head touch.

"The preparations for dinner have been made. Today is the dish that the young master likes to eat."

"Hmm, yes, I'm looking forward to it, but have you seen Aili and Illya before that?"

"Yes, Madam and Miss Illya are in the room."

Bai Ge nodded and walked to the second floor of the castle, greeting the girls, 58s or heroic spirits he met along the way, while walking towards Irisviel's room.

Today he received an invitation from the five sisters about the fireworks display that will be held in this city in the near future, and perhaps due to the influence of Er Erno, Bai Ge wants to be with Irisviel this time and Illya is good enough. , his family went to see it together.

"That's it. Are Aili and Ilia free?"

"Of course! I will definitely go to the fireworks show with Xiaoge!"

"Me too. Of course, it would be better if Bai Ge can watch it together."

They agreed without even a second's hesitation. These two people didn't know how to refuse invitations from Bai Ge... It would be better to say that they were in a very excited state because Bai Ge invited them.

Irisviel hugged Bai Ge's head tightly with a happy face on her face. The girl's heart-filled mother had already begun to imagine beautiful pictures. On the other hand, Illya was already customizing her own yukata.

"Return: There will be a festival, let the three of us go shopping together."


Chapter 434: The happiness Bai Ge hopes for (

The lights are brightly lit under the gorgeous night sky, and tonight is destined to be a sleepless day. Sakura City holds a grand fireworks display and festival every year on this night.

At this moment, the streets are full of people. Most of the women are wearing yukata, while the men are more casual. Everyone is waiting expectantly for the fireworks to light up the night sky.

"Hey, speaking of it, this is my first time to attend a festival, and it's also my first time to watch the fireworks display. I'm really looking forward to it."

Irisviel said.

"It is held every year at this time. The fireworks will bloom at eight o'clock. They will be set off for an hour each time. During that hour, the city will be enveloped in gorgeous fireworks. It is very beautiful."

"Xiao Ge knows very well."

"Well, because I used to watch it every year."

Bai Ge nodded. He was wearing a white outfit tonight. From the beginning, everyone's eyes were constantly directed at the three of them. They were really too conspicuous.

Irisviel and Illya also wore specially customized yukata, which looked very luxurious and exquisite. After their already stunning appearance was carefully dressed up, all the people of the same sex around them became eclipsed. Already.

The three people with white hair and red eyes are more like older sisters, younger brothers and younger sisters than mother and child.

It’s not like no one tried to strike up a conversation along the way. Thieves and gangsters were also frequent during this period. After all, there were more targets to attack, and it was easier to escape with more people.

But "Leave the guard job to us and let's enjoy the fireworks display tonight."

Bai Ge said.

Near three people 3, the one with purple hair and a skull mask on his face acted as a guard. Silent Hassan and Baiguang Hassan were responsible for eliminating all the guys who might disturb Bai Ge and the others.

In fact, a few guys who just tried to strike up a conversation or steal something were killed by them before they even got close. Their throats were cut with a knife or they were poisoned. In short, they were very stylish.

Jing Ming: "I can't let guys like you interrupt the fireworks display where I'm waiting for the Master. After all the troublemakers are eliminated, Lord Bai Ge will reward me and touch my head."

Bai Mang: "That person is not something you guys can disturb. Go to that world and regret it."

In fact, every time Bai Ge goes out now, Jing Ming and Bai Mian will follow him near him, obeying his orders at any time. Jing Ming is very satisfied as long as Bai Ge touches her later.

Hassan was originally the queen of Sajo Aige. After the Holy Grail War ended, all the heroic spirits were assigned to Bai Ge and signed a contract with him.

Then gradually one night, Sang offered his loyalty to Bai Ge under the moonlight, and decided to become the assassin knife hidden in the dark by the dragon spirit together with Jing Ming.

"I used to watch it alone on the balcony. No matter how many times I watched it, I never got tired of it. The fleeting but gorgeous beauty. At that time, I thought that one day I could watch it with Ali and Ilia. Just watch it together."

Bai Ge

He looked at the two people around him with a smile.

Both Irisviel and Illya felt moved and apologetic. In the past, they stayed away from the boy for a long time in order to prevent being targeted by other magicians.

Even though it was to keep Bai Ge away from the cruel world of magicians, Irisviel could not deny that she had caused the boy a lonely memory.

At this time, when she thought of the annual fireworks display, the figure of the boy looking up at the fireworks in the sky, she felt a little distressed. At least she still had Illya by her side.

But Bai Ge is only one person.

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