22no: "That is to say, Ichika is indeed your responsibility for making me so worried. However, I also forgot to tell you the meeting place."

May: "Me, me too, have been: lost."

Sanjiu: "Me too, everyone is causing trouble."

Yotsuba: "Hey, well, even though I don't understand that, I'm also wrong."

Bai Ge: "Okay, okay, you guys! It's all Tokiomi's fault! Let's end the apology and all that. Isn't the agreement well fulfilled?"

The five sisters looked over there, holding small fireworks in their hands. The young man who lit them and played with them smiled slightly. The second one gritted his teeth and walked quickly to Bai Ge.

"You too, I have something I have to say to you this time,!!"

"What, what"

Bai Ge was stunned for a moment, slightly frightened by Er Erno's momentum.

Then I saw Er Er Nao holding his hands on his shoulders and speaking loudly with a proud attitude.

"Thank you very much this time! Thank you for your hard work!"

Irisviel: "Ah la ah la"

The corner of Bai Ge's mouth twitched slightly: "I didn't expect to hear this from Er Erno. It feels so strange."

Although it was strange, his mood became more cheerful. Bai Ge picked up the fireworks next to him, lit them all and threw them into the sky, letting them bloom in the sky.

On the other side, five equal parts of the girls also held fireworks in their hands and lit them together towards a candle.

May: "I remember my mother often said in the past that no matter whose failure it is, it must be spent by five people together, and no matter whose happiness it is, it must be shared by five people."

Whether it is joy, anger, difficulty, or love.

Five Guys 5: "Everything has to be divided into five equal parts!"

The fire candles ignited the fireworks in the hands of five people at the same time. Although they were very small compared to those in the sky, the gorgeous brilliance of the five people also began to bloom.

Bai Ge: "I also made an agreement. We agreed to watch the fireworks together."

Irisviel: "Well, these are the most beautiful fireworks I have ever seen."

Lying on the soft lawn, Bai Ge rested on the knee pillow Irisviel gave her. She was in an extremely happy mood, just like the fireworks lighting up the night sky.

"Next time in Einzbern's castle, let's watch it together. Invite all the people I like and those who like me together."

Bai Ge murmured.

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Chapter 440, Meijiu, Bai Ge and girls (

American Extra "Okay, the next person please come forward."

Accompanied by Bai Ge's voice, another lovely girl came to that... shining person with a nervous and apprehensive mood.

"Hello! I have been listening to your songs. They are really good!"

"Oh, I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful girl supporting me."

In front of her, across a table, was a cute and invincible girl, wearing beautiful and gorgeous clothes, and her heavenly voice was like a gift specially given by God.

The long blue hair is spread behind her back, her tall figure and perfect smile are all so dazzling. Just seeing this posture, Bai Ge couldn't help but sigh that being an idol is indeed Miku's calling.

Miku Miku, now a super-famous diva-level singer, is known as a girl with a perfect singing voice and super musical talent.

What is going on now is the handshake party after Miku's concert. Of course, due to the girl's special request, only women can participate in the handshake party. Or to be more specific, only beautiful women from staff to fans can participate. .

Bai Ge: "I'm sorry, I'm a boy."

Miku naturally stretched out her hand to hold the other person's hand, and responded with a perfect smile that could make women blush and their hearts beat. The girl fan opposite was so nervous and excited that she almost fainted.

Bai Ge showed a helpless expression and started taking action before Miku planned to take further action.

Miku: "Ah, it's really rare that this cutie is a girl. Let's go shopping together later."

Bai Ge: "The time is up, the next person is invited."

Miku: "Darling!!!"

Ignoring the dissatisfied voice of this charming girl, she still carried out the work resolutely and ruthlessly. The girl just now had been pushed away by Bai Ge.

This is his job, to protect those lovely female fans who have been harassed from the hands of Miku.

Due to a sudden situation, Bai Ge was invited to be Mijiu's manager. It is said that the former... beautiful manager lady had a car accident and is now in the emergency room, wandering between the world and heaven.

However, because Miku will hold consecutive concerts in the past two days, it will be a bit troublesome without a manager. Of course, these things have nothing to do with Bai Ge. There are as many people to replace as he originally planned to attend the concert as an audience. of.

However, she was inexplicably designated as an agent. There was no doubt that this was proposed by Miku herself. Bai Ge also agreed because he had no reason to reject the girl he loved, or was a little curious about the agent's work.

But this job is something that makes him feel a little bit delicate. "Please stop Miku! Don't let her have close contact with fans and fans!"

Why did the female boss of the entertainment company ask me for help?

Bai Ge said there was no need to explain, he understood.

Today, Miku is a lily girl who will show her fangs to cute girls. Bai Ge thinks that she is probably the only member of the opposite sex that Miku does not reject.

Mijiu: "No, Darling is the only male I know. I have no interest in remembering the names or faces of the others."

It's like this: "I'm so exhausted, why am I not fighting this fatigue?"

"Thank you for your hard work, Darling!"

Bai Ge lay helplessly on the table. The singer girl who was still full of energy smiled bitterly, but it was no wonder.

As a diva-level super singer, Miku's fan base is in the tens of millions. After being saved by Bai Ge in the past, she successfully ascended to the altar like Nirvana. There were also quite a lot of people who came to this handshake meeting. .

As a result, 100 fans were invited to go shopping by Miku. Forty-six fans were suddenly hugged, seventy-seven fans were picked on the chin, and sometimes fans were stuffed with their phone numbers. Four Eleven people.

Bai Ge saved more than 250 beautiful girls in the world in one afternoon.

"I swear I will never do this kind of thing again."

"Don't say that. Didn't you do a good job of stopping me today? Come on, I'll give you a slap on the shoulder."

This scene would be quite extraordinary if anyone saw it. A diva-level singer was tapping a boy on the shoulder, and she still looked like a little bird.

But to be realistic at the moment, Miku no longer sings seriously on stage. Those songs that have been highly praised by fans and the outside world and are praised loudly are just random works of young girls.

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