He took a deep breath and put on a stiff smile.


He made a very shameful sound.

"Oh, ah, ah, ah! It's great, it's really great. It's just as I imagined, no, it's far more than I imagined! Bai Gesang, I really love you to death."

"Hehehe, you, as long as you are satisfied"

"Then please shake hands next, and you can hug me while meowing."

"Guh! If that's the case, then I'll give it a go!"

As a result, these two people went from morning to 4:04 in the afternoon, and even forgot to eat lunch. The legs of those who had been squatting outside watching the show were numb. Finally, when Kuang San and Bai Ge walked into the cafe, the former As if his face was radiant and contented, the latter's eyes had lost some of their highlights.

"Thank you, Bai Gesang, I am really happy today."

"Haha, I'm not happy at all."

"Don't say that, right? Although I won't have any regrets if it ends like this, but just think of it as my willfulness. Can you please go somewhere with me?"

"Let's go"

Didn't ask where it was, Bai Gezhi

Then he nodded in agreement. This answer without any hesitation made Kuang San slightly stunned.

"Don't you ask me where I'm going?"

"Why are you asking? Besides, my mission today is to accompany you, no matter what, I will agree to it, but you'd better leave quickly, otherwise it will be too late to get home in time for dinner."

"Is that so? Haha, thank you, Bai Gesang."

A few minutes later, the two came to a small church. It was a white chapel with a red carpet on the floor. Just walking in, you would feel that the atmosphere was different from the atmosphere outside, with a sense of sacred elegance.

Bai Ge looked at the sign in front of him that said free wedding experience, and was a little surprised and surprised.

This is where Kuang San brought him, but if it was this, he would also be looking forward to it.

Because if nothing else, you can see the bridal posture of the girl next to you.

"I have already communicated with the clerk Sang, and she said that we can have a wedding experience."

"Really? Then I'll go over there and start choosing a white dress."

The process of choosing clothes didn't take long. Bai Ge took a casual glance and found the one that suited him best. In this regard, he felt that his taste was top-notch. However, regardless of the wedding experience, the ones worth looking forward to were always the girls. .

This church has a total of three rooms in addition to the hall. The men's and women's fitting rooms are on the left and right sides. After changing clothes, you can directly enter the cathedral through the inner door.

The golden dazzling dusk shines in through the glass, and the deep red carpet passes through the rows of benches on both sides and extends to the front of the church. The huge holy cross and petals make this space look so dreamy.

At this moment, Huayue appears.

"I've kept you waiting for a long time, Bai Gesang."

“Kurumi, you didn’t wait long.”

Bai Ge's voice gradually became quieter. The scene in front of him was really too beautiful. Wearing a pure white wedding dress with a completely opposite color than usual, the nightmare elf looked so pure and lovely. He was disappointed at this moment. God.

"Haha, Bai Gesang, if you stare at me like this, I will be shy."

"Don't say anything to embarrass me. After all, you are so beautiful now. Ah, you really have come to the right place."

"Really, that's really great."

Bai Ge lifted Kuang San's veil, and the beautiful girl with light makeup appeared in front of him. At this moment, his heart beat faster and his face flushed, because the girl in front of him, Zhao's child, was too beautiful.

The lady next to me has a professional camera ready.

"Then let's take wedding photos. The sunset looks beautiful."

"Now you are the most beautiful."

"That's really great. I can become a bride worthy of Bai Gesang."

Touching Kuang San's head tenderly, Bai Ge hugged her and showed a satisfied smile. He has always been the kind of person who rarely makes mistakes. At least he has never made any mistakes in this life until now. But at this moment, Bai Ge found that he had made A little wrong.

He had said before that Kurumi was very suitable for wearing black and red, but at this moment, the pure white flower elf that symbolized purity and sanctity made him so distracted and excited.

While looking at each other like this, a "click" sounded in my ears

With the sound of the shutter, this beautiful moment was successfully frozen.

Chapter 482: Wanyuri at night

Kurumi, you’ve been in that state since you came back.”

In the girls' room, the elf girl with black twin ponytails was holding a photo album with a happy face from the beginning, as if she was still immersed in today's date.

The photo album she held in her arms was the wedding photos taken today, the memories of herself and him in a white wedding dress. The photo album had been flipped through at least a dozen times, but Kurumi seemed to never get tired of looking at it.

Every time I look at it, I always have an expression of joy and happiness. In every picture above, I look so happy. That was an expression that Kurumi couldn’t believe he would show in the past.

The girls on the other side looked at her with helpless smiles, but they all understood.

"I didn't expect that...Miss Kuangsan would show such an expression."

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, in the eyes of us watching, today's date is also very wonderful."

Kotori said.

413 "Kurumi in the wedding dress and Daring in the white dress really match each other."

Miku nodded in agreement.

"Um... let's ask about the price after taking the photo of Mao Er Bai Ge."

Origami said.

Although it is a shameful memory for someone, cat ears are really very cute. They who were watching at that time couldn't help but gasped. The destructive power of Bai Ge's cat ears was beyond imagination. Kuang San hesitated for a long time before I picked out one of my favorites and set it as the wallpaper on my mobile phone. I made at least three copies of the rest, and then uploaded the cloud backup. "Having said that, it will be Miku's turn tomorrow. How is the plan going?"

"It's perfect! Ah, I'm so excited just thinking about it now. I might be too excited to sleep tonight."

Hearing her own topic, the long purple-haired singer rolled around on the bed with a pillow in her arms. The mood of great anticipation became even stronger after seeing the romantic drama between Bai Ge and Kurumi today.

Just like she desperately wants to fall in love after reading shoujo comics, her plan for tomorrow has already been filled with 4 pages.

"Ah Darling, can Ming come soon? I can't wait."

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