
Qisui fell into a brief silence, while Bai Ge sat on the edge of the bed, peeled an apple and put it in Qisui's hand. Then he played with the knife in his hand while Qisui looked at him with some fear.

"Okay, let's get to the point now. Why do you do that kind of...prank? I don't think I've done anything to you."

Bai Ge tilted her head and asked curiously. Qi Zui bit her lip and grasped the quilt tightly with her slender hands. She hesitated and said.

"Because you saw mine.

Another gesture that I definitely don’t want to be seen by others is seen by you!”

"Ha wait! Could it be that she looks like that little lolita? What's going on?"

"Actually, I have two attitudes."

Qisui slowly revealed her secret. In addition to the beautiful lady in front of her, she also had a loli attitude, which Bai Ge had seen.

Unlike the beautiful, good-looking, and very confident herself she is now, once she becomes that lolita self, the seven sins will become: ugly and lack of confidence, so she decided that she doesn’t want anyone to see her ugliness. posture.

Forest: slightly here

Let’s slightly change the settings. Isn’t it delicious? Set Yu Jie’s Seven Sins to another body. That’s it.

Bai Ge: "Ha, so I was attacked by you just because I saw you like that."

Seven Sins: "No way!"

Bai Ge: "But, but I'll go! It always feels so unreasonable!"

He thought he had done something outrageous to be targeted like this by the Seven Sins. Bai Ge was speechless for a moment. Who could he ask for explanation? At least in his opinion, it was not an important matter at all.

Mio also stepped forward curiously. The initial elf had abilities much higher than those of ordinary elves. She just waved her hand at the Seven Sins. The next second, the elder sister disappeared and Loli appeared! "You, what did you do! Hurry up. Let me change back!"

After touching his face and seeing his hands shrinking in size, Qi Zui was shocked and hurriedly covered his face.

"Hey, I just want to see what you look like like this."

"I don't want it, hurry up and let me change back! I don't want anyone to see this ugly look!"

Seven Sins was shocked that Mio turned into a lolita. He lifted up the quilt and got in, huddled up so that Bai Ge and Mio wouldn't see him.

"Hey, please don't mess around in my bed. Besides, is it really just because of these boring things?"

"What do you know! You guys with good looks and popular looks! If it weren't for that... good-looking me, no one would like me at all! You didn't mean that when you said I was beautiful that day!"

Qisui suddenly got out of the cup, looked at Bai Ge fiercely, and said with envy in his eyes.

This face is more beautiful than a girl. How can such a guy with incredible good looks understand such an ugly self? Not only Bai Ge, but also everyone in this castle has a good appearance that makes the Seven Sins... Loss of self-confidence.

"That's true. After all, I also like beautiful girls. Appearance is indeed very important. After all, being with someone who looks pleasing to the eye will make you feel better."

"Look! It's said that this is an era where faces are judged! An ugly elf like me should just die!"

"Wow, this kid is in such trouble!"

Seeing the Seven Sins smothering him in the quilt again, Bai Ge subconsciously said something disgusting, this kid doesn't want to suffocate himself in the quilt, then he is really too creative! Bai Ge sighed I took a breath, sorted my mind, grabbed the quilt, and lifted it hard! "Wow, ah, ah, what else do you want to do!"

"What? Sure enough, this face is pretty good. It's just like a raw jade stone. Once it's polished, it will definitely become very shiny."


"So let me help you become beautiful!"

Bai Ge smiled slightly, thinking that he seemed to be the magician who turned Cinderella into a princess.

Chapter 524, terrible plan

"So let me help you become beautiful!"

Bai Ge smiled slightly, thinking that he seemed to be the magician who turned Cinderella into a princess.

"This kind of thing is so possible"

"It can be done. There are really not many things in this world that I can't do. What's more, from my perspective, Seven Sins, you are indeed a very good material."

The long emerald hair looked messy and had not been combed for a long time, the pale cheeks looked a little sick, and the limbs were so slender that they seemed to be easily broken, but in Bai Ge's eyes, they were full of possibilities.

"what do you want to say in the end"

Qi Sin frowned slightly, she was extremely disgusted.

Now, in my heart, I only identify with that...mature and beautiful self, but Bai Ge said such incomprehensible words to her at this time.

"Well, just give me one night, and I will transform you from Cinderella into a princess tomorrow."

"That kind of thing"

"Don't say it's impossible. Nothing is impossible for me."

Bai Ge said with a smile. He had already taken out his mobile phone and didn't know what he was checking. Qi Zui snorted coldly.

“What a arrogant person”

"An arrogant person must be confident, and that will lead to a happier life than someone who is always pessimistic, right?"


Don't compare words with Bai Ge, because he always has his own impeccable reasons and principles. There is no way such a person can be swayed by other people's words.

After saying good night to the Seven Sins, Bai Ge and Mio left the room.

"How's the situation?"

Wuhe Qinli had already been waiting outside, Bai Ge was still looking at the phone, he shrugged and said.

"That's it. Can you prepare something for me instead of this Kotori?"


At the same time, the company headquarters.

"Damn Baige von Einzbern! If you insult me, I will pay you back twice as much!"

The beautiful woman with long pale blond hair punched the wall angrily, then squatted on the ground and covered her painful fist with a lovely scream.

Without the display device, Amyra Messers is just a clumsy little girl. She has poor physical strength and is not very smart. Her combat prowess instantly went from nine to nine. At this moment, tears were shining in her eyes, and she bit her red lips tightly. He willingly recalled today's experience, being turned into a child, defeated, searched, and finally begging for mercy from that... hateful elf.

Today, she experienced a humiliation that she had never experienced before in her life. Bai Ge's figure has been deeply imprinted in her heart.

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