"Well, you're welcome, my name is Bai Ge."

Under the bright moonlight, two wind fairies with long golden hair shook hands in a friendly manner. The night wind blew slightly, and the skirts and blond hair were fluttering slightly. This picture looked quite beautiful.

The girl has a very active personality, and the fire goblin chase just now didn't seem to have any impact on her. And I have to say that it is very impressive to be able to fight through more than a dozen pursuers to that point.

"Are those guys just now the so-called fire fairies? They are really a group of warlike people, well, although I am not qualified to say so."

Bai Ge said with great self-knowledge.

"After all, the relationship between us wind fairies and fire fairies is very bad, and battles between races are the mainstream of this world."

Leafa said that the battle between races has always been the biggest selling point of this game. The fire goblins and the wind goblins whose territories are close to each other are not compatible. This has long been known to all goblins and the country.

"But having said that, he is a very powerful swordsman.

Well, what's going on with your speed? Are you doing anything in real life?"

Leafa asked curiously. In reality, she was also a quite powerful swordsman. She had even participated in the National Kendo Competition and received a high ranking, so it was natural that she would have superb skills here.

The strength of the top five wind fairies is no joke...

Bai Ge scratched his head. He couldn't say that he would engage in life-threatening battles every now and then.

"Well, indeed, I have practiced swordsmanship.

Such combat skills."

"Really? Then you must be a master. The attack just now was really powerful. It's the first time I've seen that kind of... technique."

Leafa said in surprise, but suddenly she was stunned for a moment.

However, those attacks that were all aimed at the throat, head, and heart just now were too clever, not like a competition, but like a real fight. What was I thinking?

She immediately.

He shook his head to get rid of the strange thoughts in his mind, and at the same time said to Bai Ge with a smile.

"Anyway, it's all thanks to you today, otherwise I would be in trouble. Is there anything I can do?"

Bai Ge thought for a while: "Well, I'm sorry, but can you tell me something about this world."

"Hey, you are really a novice. I thought it was some advanced player who opened a trumpet. The battle just now was even worse than that... General Eugene of the Fire Fairy."

"Hahaha, thank you for the compliment"

"Well, if that's the case, leave it to me. Don't look at me like this. I've been playing this game for a while, but first come back to the wind fairy's territory with me."

Leafa said.

Bai Ge nodded. He also wanted to see what his own race's territory looked like. Legend has it that among all races, only the territories of wind fairies and water fairies are the most beautiful.

The emerald light wings behind Leafa unfolded slightly, and with just a small jump, this beautiful wind fairy would fly into the infinite night sky.

"Well Leafa, can you fly without the auxiliary joystick?"

Bai Ge asked.

He raised his hand and grasped it in the void, and something like a joystick materialized. The login instructions mentioned that you can rely on this to control the character when flying.

But there is no joystick in Leafa's hand, as if she was born with wings, listening to the command of her consciousness.

"Oh, I use a free-flying master who never uses a joystick to control the avatar. After all, that would make it impossible to use one arm in aerial combat."

"It's true, you can't move freely while holding the joystick."

Bai Ge nodded.

"That's it. Flying freely depends not on the joystick, but on bones and muscles. Imagine that you have a pair of real wings, and imagine in your mind the bones and muscles of the wings extending from the back.

, and then control.”

"It seems pretty easy, let me give it a try."

Just as he said, Bai Ge closed his eyes and began to imagine the bones and muscles of the wings. Lyfa on the other side was twitching at the corner of her mouth.

Flying at will is a truly powerful skill. Generally, players without talent would even need a year to master it, but the person in front of me actually said it was easy, impossible, and impossible. It took even me a month. Only those who can fly at will can still fly at will even if they are beginners, no matter how talented they are.

"Ah haha, not bad, not bad! It's quite fun."

The emerald-gold figure flew into the night sky without warning, Bai Ge laughed and flapped his wings, and the infinite starry sky became his stage. This picture of flying freely was just like a fairy.

Leafa stayed where she was, she was frightened.

This is how I learned it! It only took five seconds...! In five seconds, this person completed the imagination of wings, and became proficient at it to this extent! Leafa swallowed, she believed that even if there was no one in the whole world, he could compare to Bai Bai. The song is faster.

The corners of Bai Ge's mouth raised slightly.

In fact, it's because he has wings in reality. He really has bones and muscles derived from his back. Those dragon wings that can call out hurricanes are a reality beyond imagination.

For dragons who are born to fly, flying into the sky is just an instinct.

"Lifa, do you want to compete with me to see who can fly faster?"

Bai Ge challenged the girl behind him.

"Okay! I'll let you see it!"

Leafa's eyes widened, and she immediately became curious and interested in competition. This mysterious newcomer in front of her looked very interesting! But in terms of flying speed, she is definitely the top three among the wind fairies! The former wind fairy Three, basically equivalent to the top three of all races.

In fact, compared to money, weapons, and props, Leafa's fun lies in this world where she can fly. She deeply loves this world, which allows her to fly into the sky like a bird.

"Is this the only level? It's so easy."

Bai Ge caught up with Lyfa who was speeding up.

"Humph, what about this!"

Seeing that Bai Ge could really catch up with her easily, Leafa was stunned for a moment, but the next second she increased her speed even faster, two meteor-like figures streaked across the night sky, and the wind pressure oppressed Bai Ge and Leafa's body.

Usually, this level is close to the maximum speed set by the system. Many people will be afraid and subconsciously slow down, but Bai Ge still chases behind Leafa with a relaxed expression. This makes Leafa sigh, what a strong mental power. .

"In that case, let's go to the maximum speed!"

The girl who refused to admit defeat closed her eyes, and the wings behind her began to flap with all their strength! This speed was something Leafa had never tried before. In fact, she had never used it in a team at the level just now, because no teammate could keep up. superior.

The woods are flying backward like a torrent, and the wind fairy makes a high-pitched sound like an orchestral instrument when flying. It sounds worthy of the name of fairy, and it is very pleasant to the ears.

"Lifa is in danger!"

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