It was no longer possible to leave this guy outside, Asuna thought in her heart. Although it had no effect before, it felt more secure to keep this guy by her side.

Fairies, girls in the kingdom, when they see the violent healer standing next to Bai Ge, they probably won’t have the courage to come and strike up a conversation, Asuna thought to herself.

At times like this, my vicious reputation is of some use.

"However, recently it seems that due to everyone's reasons, rumors have appeared in many places."


"There are super powerful newcomers who appear in various territories, beat the old players until they are unable to fight back, and then start causing trouble everywhere."

I also knew that Baige and the heroic spirits were the only ones who could do such a thing, and Asuna was convinced of this.

After arriving in a new world, those heroes with itchy hands naturally couldn't sit still. For example, Scathach happily told Bai Ge after her infiltration yesterday that she had killed more than twenty players, although she was killed by an unfamiliar player in the end. My magic was blown up, but compared with the gold coins and props I harvested, it was nothing like a piece of cake.

Artoria also chose the wind fairy, but Bai Ge hasn't encountered it yet. Medea and Semiramis are both dark elves, and Gilgamesh seems to be a fire fairy.

Both Medusa and Astolfo chose cat fairies, because this is the only profession that can tame monsters as mounts.

"When the time comes, let's all get together. Maybe we can even build a guild or something."

"This is good!"

Bai Ge is the kind of person who...once he is interested in something, he will be immediately addicted to it. Asuna was also surprised that this guy was able to get a legendary ring outfit in the first two days.

The girl is also a little worried now.

It seems that I have to work hard recently, otherwise if I continue like this, I will be surpassed by this guy. How is this possible! My great plan is undefeated! Although it is absolutely impossible to do it in reality, but because Only then did he put his hope in that... fantasy world, and began to invite Bai Ge to play fairies. The kingdom was also for that plan, um, no, it was a long-cherished wish! In short, he wanted to protect this person Bai Ge! Asuna longed for it.

In reality, Bai Ge has always protected them, so at least in the fantasy world, Asuna wants to use her own sword and her own magic to protect the boy in front of her.

This was her wish. Although it was meaningless, when this wish came into being, the girl had the idea of ​​"absolutely wanting to do this."

"Do you want to go online when you go back today?"

"Well, after all, I made an appointment with Leafa to go to Butterfly Valley to solve a crusade mission."

"Yes, really?"

Asuna felt the crisis. Bai Ge was growing too fast. If this continued, she might fall behind.

Although it is good to be protected, she also protects her important people! "What is that? Yes, yes, Bai Ge, that world is not only about fighting, the scenery is also very good, right? Do you want it?" Just relax and travel wherever you go, and there’s no need to rush to become stronger.”

"Oh, oh, that's right."

Although it feels a bit weird, Asuna is right. Baige also deeply realized the beauty of that world yesterday. It is no less than the real world and is even better in some aspects.

It is definitely an excellent choice for traveling.

"Then today, after I finish my mission, I can just take a stroll around Butterfly Valley. I heard it's quite beautiful there."

"Well, that's good."

Asuna breathed a sigh of relief

Fairies, kingdom.

The two avatars woke up in Clinton's hotel, and Bai Ge stretched. It was afternoon in the real world, but it was morning in this world.

There are sixteen hours of day and night, so this situation often happens.

"Let's go and replenish the props first."

"Yes, when we fought Cerberus yesterday, all the consumables were basically used up, and the durability of the weapons was also the same."

“‘By the way, let’s try the food from this territory.”

After saying this, both of them couldn't help laughing.

Walking on Clinton Street, not only Bai Ge, but also Leafa looked around with sparkling eyes.

"What's wrong, Leafa? You've been very excited since the beginning."

Bai Ge asked curiously, Leafa blushed slightly and then said.

"Here, what can be done about this? It's my first time in this territory, so it's normal to be curious."

"Hey, haven't you been here before?"

"Well, I have always stayed in the territory of the wind fairy."

Leafa played with a dagger on the shop next to her while softly admitting that this was her first time traveling. Before, she felt it was not necessary or she was lazy.

The furthest she has ever been is the edge of the wind fairy's territory.

This is my first time coming to neutral territory.

"What's wrong? Look at me like that."

"Ahaha, it's nothing, it's just a little unexpected. How do you feel about my trip?"

Bai Ge said with a smile, it seemed that his appearance had liberated a girl from the constraints of her territory, which was a good thing.

Leafa also nodded. She really didn't expect to be so happy. This feeling was just like when she had just played Fairy Kingdom, and she was so excited because of various things.

"Well, it's not bad at all."

"Haha, that's really great."

Bai Ge performed a noble salute, which made Leafa couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's go, we have to go to unknown territory today."


Chapter 566: Put a necklace on Leafa

Located near the southern part of the Fairy Country.

There are two fairies flying very fast in the sky, chasing two green monsters. If anyone sees them here, they will definitely be amazed by the ridiculous speed of these guys.

It was like four fighter jets staged a careful air battle.

"Don't even think about running away!"


Bai Ge and Leafa continued to attack with wind magic. They were fighting against the "Wind Spirit"

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