"Oh oh oh, she is such a beautiful person, well, although she is still a little inferior to the girls in our castle."

By the way, he originally thought Leafa's was big enough, but when he saw Sakuya, he subconsciously had such a big question, wouldn't it feel heavy? Let's not talk about the ability. This beauty must be Sakuya's long-term Probably one of the reasons for being re-elected as lord.

"Ah, now is not the time to admire beautiful women!"

After reacting quickly, Bai Ge began to turn his head to look at the fire elf troops in the sky. At this time, the people on the other side also recovered from their surprise, and they all looked at Bai Ge warily.

Bai Ge heard the discussion among some fire fairies, and he continued to shout before the other party took action.

"Hey! Is the commander of the Fire Fairy here? Come out and talk!"

Perhaps frightened by his momentum, the red fairies in the sky made way for a certain figure to pass. There was no doubt that that person was the commander.

Wearing gorgeous red armor and carrying a strange long sword on his back, this person's status can be seen from the luxurious equipment.

But when the wind fairy, cat fairy and others saw this person, they were all shocked.

Sakuya: "This man is General Eugene of the Fire Fairy!"

Cat fairies: "Real or false! That... all-fairy monster, the fourth strongest monster in the country!"

Wind fairies: "What should we do now?"

The desperate situation seems to have become more desperate. Everyone's faces have become pale, and their eyes are looking at the young man who is still standing at the front.

Now we can only leave the situation to Bai Ge.

General Eugene: "What's the matter with calling me out? Wind Fairy."

Bai Ge: "I advise you to evacuate quickly with those fire goblins, because the main forces of fire goblins and cat goblins are rushing here!"

Leafa: "Eh?"

Chapter 569, Bai Ge vs. General Eugene

Your fire goblin's plan has been exposed midway. I advise you to take your men and run away quickly. An army of more than 200 people from the two races will soon surround this place."

Bai Ge stood in front and said calmly, with the fearless smile on his face as if he was telling the truth. For a moment, the fire fairies were in commotion.

General Eugene also frowned. Indeed, even if he brought the elite troops of the fire goblins, if he had to face an army of more than 200 people from both races and be completely annihilated, at least heavy losses would be the result.

"Wow! Big, big army!"

Leafa was speechless and looked at the young man standing in front of her in astonishment. She really dared to say that this guy was so reckless. Cold sweat continued to flow from the girl's head.

Standing next to her, the wind fairy lord Sakuya and the cat fairy lord Alisalu also showed expressions of shock. Neither of them could tell whether it was true or not.

Because Bai Ge's acting talent is not overshadowed, his posture is really unpredictable, and for a while everyone present except Lyfa began to waver.

General Eugene stared at Bai Ge and said slowly: "Who knows, maybe it's just your nonsense."

Bai Ge didn't panic but smiled: "Then you want to give it a try? As long as you have the guts to bet on the result that all the fire fairies present will be wiped out, then it doesn't matter to me, but I don't know the consequences then."

The whole audience fell into silence again, while Sakuya and Alyssa secretly sighed.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, General Eugene is already shaken at this moment, because if a war really breaks out, if the elite fire elves gathered here suffer heavy losses, then it will be more difficult to conquer World Tree.

The dropped proficiency, equipment, and materials cannot be compensated by just killing one lord.

"Humph, you damn guy!"

"Haha, you were the one who started the trouble first. The traitor will take care of it later."

"That guy is no longer needed."

Of course they were talking about Sigurut, the guy who betrayed the two lords' information. He was probably still waiting for the good news that his plan was successful, but little did he know that his end was already doomed.

Neither the fire fairy nor the wind fairy will give him any good results.

General Eugene stared at Bai Ge for a while, and finally drew out the purple two-handed sword behind him.

"Why do you want to start a fight?"

"Don't get me wrong, this is a one-on-one duel. If you can beat me, I will believe what you say. Otherwise, even if everyone is killed here, the two lords will never get out alive."

To put it simply, no one should think about it.

"Tch! Troublesome guy, but I'm more afraid of nothing than fighting."

Bai Ge pretended to be irritated and pulled out the sword from his waist, but in fact he was extremely happy because the other party had believed his lie. If General Eugene was so stubborn that he didn't believe him, then there was really no way to be honest.

He said, as a newcomer who has only been in the game for two or three days, and now he is actually challenging the fairies, the fourth master in the country is not progressing too fast, "Oh, I am not afraid, I am quite brave."

General Eugene said with admiration.

"What are you thinking about? I've never lost in a fight. You should just worry about your life and death."

Bai Ge rolled his eyes.

"That's such a big tone, just let me see your strength."

The red fire fairy and the golden wind fairy flew into the air and faced each other with two-handed swords and one-handed swords. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The goblins gathered around opened their eyes nervously. No one expected that this would happen, but the situation in front of them was so exciting! For a moment, both sides started cheering, and everyone Everyone is looking forward to this duel

Total loss duel mode! Death battle begins! "Boom!"

"What! So fast!"

The quick attack at the beginning was merciless. Bai Singer held the Moonlight Sword and instantly increased his speed to the limit. Before everyone could react, they saw an additional scar on General Eugene's body.

"How is that possible! What just happened?"

"That guy is so fast!"

"Oh, it looks like we're going to have a good show."

On the side of the wind fairy and cat fairy, everyone was also shocked by Bai Ge's speed just now. Sakuya asked in a low voice with a cold sweat on his head.

"Lifa, that person's speed"

"Well, faster than me, probably not. Bai Ge is definitely the fastest holder in the world."

"This is really amazing."

Everyone was shocked by the young man's display of strength, but the fight to the death had just begun. General Eugene's all-goblins, fourth in the country, were not just a show-off.

"Interesting, I didn't expect you to have such strength. In that case, I'll show you!"

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