"Oh, then please protect yourself, where we are going"

Legend has it that in the volcano near the fire fairy territory, there is a rare metal that can greatly improve the properties of weapons, but so far no one has been able to obtain it. The existence of the prop is a matter worthy of discussion.

However, it was recently rumored that the conditions obtained seemed to require a blacksmith in the team, so Bai Ge and Leafa had no choice but to take Lisbeth with them to the mission location.

When they heard that they were going to the fire fairy territory on the way, Leafa and Lisbeth were both startled. Although they had had an ominous premonition, they didn't expect to go to such a dangerous place.

"Is it really okay? Isn't that the enemy's territory?"

"So it's very dangerous, but isn't it also very exciting? Just think of it as an infiltration mission."

Bai Ge and Leafa have nothing to worry about. With their strength, they can deal with enemies calmly. As long as the number is not too large, it is simple to annihilate them all.

But for Lisbeth, who is not that rich in combat experience, it is good to be able to protect herself.

The territory of the fire fairy. The red rocks and the earth look like ordinary. This is the territory of the fire fairy.

"Compared with the territory of the wind fairies, it's really not that good. "That's the direction of the volcano!"

Along with a burst of scorching air, a huge crimson volcano in the distance came into view of Three Persons 3. From time to time, magma spewed out of the crater, and then rocks and fire erupted.

That's full of violence

The sense of beauty and the tranquility and harmony of the wind elves formed a sharp contrast, which seemed very suitable for some passionate guys. At the same time, because they were not of the fire elf race, the three of them all started to sweat.

Bai Ge was okay, but the two girls were still a little shy about being seen in their sweaty postures. The sweat stuck the equipment to their bodies, and the curves of their bodies became more obvious.

Leafa: "It's okay, I'm still a little confident in my figure. Ah, what was I thinking!"

Lisbeth: "Guh! But, damn it, hey, that guy over there is not allowed to look!"

Bai Ge: "Tch, what's so interesting about you?"

The unconcerned person moved on by himself, and the two women immediately followed suit.

They followed, and now they just want to end the battle quickly, and then quickly return to neutral territory to take a good bath.

However, it seems as if God is against them.

On the way there, several red figures suddenly appeared, and they happened to meet Bai Ge and the others.

It seemed to be the hunting force of the fire goblin. It looked like it was of a high level, and there was also a figure that Bai Ge and Leafa were very familiar with.

"Finally I found you, give me my magic sword back!!!"

"Wow! Why are you here!"

The fierce general of the Fire Fairy, General Eugene, without saying a word, immediately drew out his big sword when he saw Bai Ge... He rushed over, and those who didn't know about this aura thought that Bai Ge had done something evil.

After withdrawing last time, General Eugene discovered that his magic sword had been exploded by Bai Ge, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

That sword accounted for almost 50% of his strength. After losing the magic sword, he found it very difficult to duel with others.

But no matter how powerful Eugene was, he still couldn't find the elusive Bai Ge, but now this thing was actually delivered to him.

"Give me my sword back!"

"What a beautiful thought! That's my trophy!"

The two of them started fucking immediately.

Leafa looked at this scene with a wry smile.

Lisbeth, who was behind her on the other side, was trembling. She had also heard of the famous Fire Fairy General, but she didn't expect to be lucky enough to bump into him today.

Lisbeth: "What happened to these two people? Why did they start fighting and fight so fiercely as soon as they met?"

Leafa: "Ah haha, Bai Ge defeated General Eugene before, and then revealed the opponent's legendary magic sword."

Lisbeth: "Wha, what!"

Chapter 584: Crushing victory


Lisbeth only felt that her words were too monotonous, and these three words could not describe the battle in front of her at all.

It was a one-sided annihilation and a one-sided crushing, leaving no room for the enemy to counterattack at all. He concentrated on harvesting the opponent. That beautiful side face was so terrifying. "Bai Ge, how could he crush that... General Eugene?" It’s like this”

"Well, the last time the two of them fought was quite fruitful, but now General Eugene has lost his biggest support, which means that he has lost the magic sword in Bai Ge's eyes."

A total noob.

Originally, even with the magic sword, General Eugene was no match for Bai Ge. Now that he has lost the magic sword, he has no chance of winning.


The moonlight sword pierced the opponent's heart, and the white blade protruded from the back. Bai Ge's strength did not drop even a little bit from beginning to end. It was a one-sided annihilation that was not even a battle.

"How can you be so strong?"

"I practice my combat skills with real heroes every day. Normally I might want to play with you, but not today. I'm in a hurry."

Bai Ge said, taking out the Moonlight Sword and returning it to its scabbard. General Eugene turned into the state of residual fire. If no one uses resurrection magic on him within one minute, he will be reborn in the resurrection point.

The remaining fire fairies were trembling at the moment, looking at Bai Ge as if they were looking at "Youzheim"

The evil god-level monster in.

"How could this happen? General Eugene was actually defeated!"

"It's fake, who is this person?"

"Run away, run away! That is not an opponent we can face!"

Even the strongest fighting force of their own family was cut down like a melon and a vegetable. They used to just die.

Instead of doing this, it is better to run back now and report the intelligence report on the scene. I cannot deny that this is a very wise choice. You have to fight in the face of an opponent you cannot challenge. That is not called courage. It is just a simple surrender. Just a head.

But at the scene, a man nicknamed "Speed ​​Poisoner"

In front of the wind fairies, this action seemed so stupid. Leafa had already flown to their escape route first and drew out the long knife from her waist.

"How about" in two minutes

"Well, we've solved them all, and also dropped a lot of useful items. I'm so lucky!"

"The same goes for me here. He is worthy of being a great general of fire. He is worth a lot."

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