"Hmph, there's no need to worry. I said that now I'm better than ever and my strength has also increased, so why not"

Suddenly a sword energy struck Bai Ge.

Without enough time to dodge, Bai Ge's hands were directly attached to the white dragon scales, and he reached out to grab the entity of the sword energy, which was King Arthur's holy sword that became pitch black.

"What are you going to do, King of Knights!"

",Hurry up and get out of the way!"

"Are you crazy for actually attacking, King Arthur?"

The second after Bai Ge was attacked, several servants stood in front of him. Hercules, Cu Chulainn, and Scathach looked at the blackened Knight Queen with vigilance.

Beside Bai Ge, Medea, Semiramis, and Gilgamesh have prepared long-range attacks, also aiming at the blackened Arturia.

As long as she makes any next move, all the heroic spirits present will launch an attack without hesitation. Although they will not kill her, they will definitely hit Artoria in a state where she cannot fight.

"Isn't it a bit too much to attack me suddenly?"

Bai Ge said.

"If you can't catch the blow just now, then it means you are not qualified to be mine."

"That means it's a test for me, right?"

Bai Ge shrugged and said, the corners of Blackened Artoria's mouth raised slightly, and the black holy sword in her hand was pointed at Bai Ge.

"Ah, that's right. If you want to be the master of Artoria Pendragon, you must have enough power. In other words, you need my approval."


Bai Ge sighed again.

He had the impression that his favorability level, which was originally at full level, had turned to zero for some reason. No, it had become a negative number. He once again glared hard at Irisviel, who was looking at the wall somewhere in thought. .

But now the situation is simple and clear. Compared with the original Artoria, the darkened King of Knights is more cold, simple and rough, and can swing the sword without hesitation even against his own master.

If she cannot get the approval of the other party, then the Knight Queen in her current state will never obey Bai Ge's orders. Although there is also a way to use the command spell to force the other party.

But Bai Ge didn't want to use this method.

"I understand. To put it simply, as long as I get your approval, I can admit that I am yours again, right?"

"Ah, that's what happened, then your answer is"

"Hmph, it just so happens that my hands are itchy recently and I haven't had a chance to vent them. It would be nice to practice with you."

Bai Ge's eyes turned blood red, and he pulled away the heroic spirit blocking him. At the same time, the magic and spiritual power in his body began to spurt out.

The purple-gold spiritual armor appeared on his body, and the Emperor of Killing and Duke of Killing appeared in his hands. Even his tone became a little arrogant, but this meant that Bai Ge von Einzbern had entered. combat status.

Bai Ge: "It just so happens that I can see how strong the Dark King of Knights is."

Artoria darkened: "It's interesting, but don't let me down."

Chapter 677, Bai Ge vs. Artoria

"Medea, deploy the most advanced defensive barrier."

"Hey, I got it."

In the exquisite and gorgeous courtyard of Einzbern, the knight queen and the dragon elf are about to face off.

Before that, a mythical-level magic defense barrier was deployed. It was like a starry sky-like defense barrier. It was said that it could defend against the bombardment of the city's Noble Phantasm. This was also the highest level of protection Medea designed for the Einzbern Castle.

As a newcomer, Gray was shocked by such a big battle.

"Um..., is it really necessary to use such a powerful barrier for just a duel?"

The girl asked innocently.

"Well, to be honest, this level is still very unsettling. The battle between those two is definitely at the level of the Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm. If you just look at the destructive power, it is even stronger."

Shajo Aige also came to watch the battle with her arms folded. The Root Princess recalled the Holy Grail War between herself and Baige, and she naturally knew that the strength of the white-haired boy was definitely more than the level of the Anti-Castle Noble Phantasm.

In fact, the space shock held by ordinary elves is equivalent to the "Anti-Army Noble Phantasm", and the space shock held by a special elf like Wanyuri is equivalent to the "Fortress Noble Phantasm".

And if Bai Ge, who has reached the same level as the initial spirit, releases the space shock, it will undoubtedly be as powerful as the "Antiverse Noble Phantasm".

Therefore, this barrier, which can only barely defend against the "Fortress Noble Phantasm", really cannot give people a sense of security in the face of the battle between these two people.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's get started."

"Divine Power Spirit Equipment Fusion Type" appears on Bai Ge. This is a spiritual equipment born from the fusion of the spiritual power of all the elves in Bai Ge's body. It is strong enough to defend against a ++ level treasure.

"Okay, then let me see if you are qualified to be my master."

Artoria was wearing a black and red knight armor, and the black holy sword in her hand exuded amazing magic power, which made the faces of several melee heroes watching the show condense.

A collision is imminent.

Bai Ge and Artoria attacked at the same time, and the ground cracked directly due to the force of the two. The sword of the reverse contract and the King of Killer collided, causing the barrier to shake in an instant.

Medea: "Where did these two monsters come from? Just one ordinary blow is already equivalent to the bombardment of a super Noble Phantasm!"

Cu Chulainn: "Fuck!"

Big Dog's "Spear of Piercing Death Thorns" is only a level 1 Noble Phantasm. At this time, this... famous Irish legendary hero, the two people watching the battle couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

But for Bai Ge and Artoria, this is just the beginning.

“Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!!!”

Every time the inverted Holy Sword and the Killer King collide, the barrier will shake. The lightning-like battle makes it impossible to keep up with the speed of their sword swings.

"There is a flaw!"

“What a beautiful thought!”

Artoria stabbed Bai Ge in the chest with her sword at an angle that made people sigh that she was worthy of the King of Knights. However, although Bai Ge clicked his tongue, he was not afraid and did not even try to resist.

Instead, he gave up his defense and launched the same attack at King Arthur from the same angle! "Cang!"

The sound of metal colliding sounded, and both of them took a step back. They lowered their heads and looked at the armor on their bodies. Both the spiritual armor and the armor of the King of Knights were partially collapsed.

"I see. Because you are very confident in your armor, are you going to take my blow? I respect you for your courage."

"Haha, then I will accept it, but this

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