"Hmph, you don't need to worry about Belmodo here. I have another card here that Shirley will never ignore."

As he spoke, a cruel smile appeared on Gin's lips. He took out another photo from the pocket of his black windbreaker. The photo showed a woman who looked somewhat similar to Miyano Shiho. Her name was Miyano Akemi. .

"I see, it is indeed something that child would do. Shirley will never ignore someone."

"Yes, we still have Shirley's sister, Miyano Akemi, in our hands. As long as we play this card, even if Shirley knows that this is a trap, she will obediently come to my gun."

"Haha, then you should work hard, I will go back now."

Belmodo waved his hand and prepared to leave. He picked up his silver revolver that had just been placed on the table. The silver seemed to be misleading, as if it contained deadly silver bullets.

Gin looked at Belmodo's back and clicked his tongue. He had not been good at dealing with this woman since before. She was like a poisonous apple. Anyone who was attracted to her would not have good results.

But now I am too lazy to care about her.

"Vodka, if all the members of the organization we sent to hunt down Shirley were killed, have all their bodies been found?"

he asked casually.

"Yes, yes, brother, yes, there is one missing body that has not been found, but looking at the skill of the person who attacked them, they were all killed with one blow or poisoned. The other party was a master, so they should all be dead."


Suddenly, Gin became furious, slammed his black-gloved fist on the table, and then immediately stood up and picked up the pistol on the table.

Just when everyone thought he was going to kill Vodka, he immediately did it.

He walked toward the back door of the base, but his eyes became even colder.

Belmodo, who was just at the door, also changed his expression. He realized something and left quickly. The surrounding members also followed suit. Vodka asked with a cold sweat.

"What, what's wrong, brother?"

"You idiot, you reported such a thing so late!"


"The remaining one... was definitely caught. Now he will probably be tortured and spit out all the information he knows. This temporary base will no longer be safe!"

They had given orders to this base before, so that those who killed Shirley, although they were members of the miscellaneous fish who did not know important information, would at least remember this place! If this information was leaked, it would mean that the base would be destroyed in the next second. When they walked into the hall of this place, they were all stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Ah, no, I was discovered."


The members of the organization were killed and fell to the ground. People wearing black night clothes and skull masks were standing there, with daggers shining in their hands.

Looking at the picture, Ginjiu and the others suddenly broke into a cold sweat. After all, they were all experienced and powerful killers, and they were all ranked among the best in the outside world, but they were attacked by the assassin group in front of them.

They have killed so many people, but they didn't even notice it! And from the fact that the opponent didn't even have a gun, and only used a knife, you can see how terrifying these people are.

Hassan of All Appearances: "Hey, there is a chance of being bumped into unexpectedly. I originally wanted to solve everything quietly."

Gin: "Damn it, you killed so many people. Who are you?"

Hassan of All Appearances: "My orders must be fulfilled properly. Although I have never said it, I am actually very envious of the fact that Jing Ming's child can be touched."

It felt like the conversation was meaningless. Everyone in the black organization broke out in cold sweat. They had always brought death to others, and now they actually felt the threat of death.

The next day in Einzbern's castle.

It was a luxurious breakfast as always, but Bai Ge and Haihara Ai were the last two people to get up. The latter was because of the accumulated fatigue, and the former simply overslept.

Bai Ge put the things in front of Haiyuan while eating the food.

"what are these"

"Hey, since you are a child, you should act like a child. I have prepared an identity file for you, as well as your transfer certificate. The school is Didan Elementary School."

“Really efficient”

"That's right, I know someone here who is very good at doing this kind of thing."

Bai Ge said proudly. The person he was talking about was the Ratatosk organization that Wuhe Kotori belonged to. In order to help the captured elves obtain an identity that can live in this world, they are also considered experts in this aspect.

At this time, Wuhe Shiori of the Itsuka family said: "What's wrong, Kotori? The dark circles on his face are so heavy."

Itsuka Kotori: "Humph, whose fault do you think it is? That guy Bai Ge suddenly called me so late and asked me to help him identify himself. He really likes to boss people around."

Itsuka Shiori: "But, Kotori, don't you like Hakuge too?"

What nonsense are you talking about? Suddenly, the red-haired girl with twin tails who was drinking milk almost choked herself to death. By the way, Itsuka Shiori was also severely retaliated afterward.

Continuing inside the castle, "It's okay for me to go to college directly now. Is it really necessary to start from elementary school?"

Haiyuan Ai looked through his files and asked.

"Ahem, isn't this of course? Xiao Ai, you have been in that black organization since you were a child. Now you are rare. In this case, just think of it as regaining your lost childhood."

Bai Ge said.

"All right."

Hui Yuan Ai looked at her new identity and nodded slightly. Although it was deliberately hidden, Bai Ge still saw a trace of expectation in her eyes.

She grew up in a black organization, and at the age of seventeen, she already has the knowledge of a college graduate or above. This not only shows that Haibara Ai is a genius, but also shows that she has devoted all her childhood.

Now that I have become a child again, it is like regaining my lost childhood.

Bai Ge: "Hmm, with this expression, it seems like my work was not in vain."

Haiyuan Ai: "Thank you."

Chapter 701, Haihara Ai goes to school

"Well, it is indeed very cute. Isn't this very appropriate?"

"Well, I always feel like: an inexplicable sense of shame."

"Hey, how do you feel? Next, Xiao Ai, you have to go to the first grade of elementary school all over again."

The corners of Bai Ge's mouth raised, unable to suppress the smile in his heart at all, but the scenery in front of him was indeed very good.

The brown-haired little loli, wearing an exquisite western dress and carrying a small schoolbag, looked very eye-catching. Miu Xiao Mijiu, who had just passed by here, almost lost her mind, but Bai Ge felt that she could understand this time.

The way Haibara Ai looks now is indeed very easy for people to awaken to Lolita control.

"I'm just saying it now, but do I really want to go to elementary school?"

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