"Well, I am indeed a duke and noble."

Bai Ge scratched his head. As the dominant class in this society, he was actually a high-ranking noble who enjoyed various special powers, and the Duke was basically the apex of all nobles.

It's no wonder that Mouri Kogoro's expression towards him at this time became: please, Baige is not...an ordinary "young master from a rich family"

, although Uncle Maori is a slightly famous detective, the social status of the two is hugely different.

Just like an emperor and a peasant, although in fact even the emperor of this world dare not say that he can be more noble than Bai Ge. "By the way, let's have dinner at our house today and let Xiaolan cook something delicious." "

Uncle Maori said.

"Eh, is that okay?"

"Of course, you are her savior. What's wrong? Well, Conan, what are you doing here? Why don't you hurry up and do your homework?"

Uncle Maori raised his hand and immediately took Conan away. The poor detective's face was full of resentment, but there was nothing he could do. He could only go back to his room to write his homework for the first grade of elementary school. Bai Ge expressed that he was a little worried about this guy's brain. .

He will regress from the second grade of high school to the first grade of elementary school. Then he might as well not go back.

The sound of a girl dancing with a spatula came from the kitchen. The girl with long black hair will definitely be a good wife and mother in the future. Bai Ge was sitting in the living room, looking at the girl in the kitchen, and felt that Kudo Shinichi was really a piece of wood! Sure enough, the kind of guy who doesn't know how to cherish the girls around him would be better off just being a primary school student all his life! "It smells so good, Xiaolan is so awesome. There are not many girls who can cook in today's society."

Bai Ge praised.

"Right, Xiaolan's craftsmanship is amazing! It's completely different from her mother's."

Uncle Maori said proudly.

"Speaking of which, I didn't see Uncle Maori's wife just now, hasn't she come back yet?"

"Well, my wife and I are separating now."

Mouri Kogoro said awkwardly, this is not a very honorable thing for any man, but Bai Ge was just checking the plot of the original work that he knew, and it had no special meaning.

After all, Haibara Ai's appearance is somewhat different from the original work, so he also feels that not everything is exactly the same as the original work.

But just as Bai Ge was thinking this way, Mouri Kogoro's face also showed complicated emotions.

"That guy Xiaolan, the older he gets, the more he looks like Yingli."


"Thank you for saving my Xiaolan and my daughter!"

Suddenly, Mouri Kogoro lowered his head to Bai Ge.

He thanked Bai Ge seriously, and his eyes were no longer filled with flattery, but with real gratitude and solemnity. Bai Ge was startled by this sudden change, but he did not avoid it.

Instead, he accepted the thanks from the man in front of him.

No matter how much he likes to drink and no matter how unfit his brain is to be a detective, his identity as the father of a daughter is genuine. For this man, Kogoro Mouri, his daughter is everything to him after he separated from his wife.

"For me, Xiaolan is an excellent daughter. Without her help in taking care of my life, I would not be where I am now after I separated from Yingli."

"Ah, I can see that Miss Xiaolan will be a good wife in the future."

"Right, although I, Kogoro Mouri, am also a famous detective who has solved many difficult incidents, the only one I am most proud of in this life is Xiaolan. Even with such a useless dad like me, she never left me. go."

Mouri Kogoro could not forget that after he and Fei Eri separated, Xiaolan, as his daughter, chose to stay with him and take care of him, an uncle who could not clean or cook.

Although he never said it, there was no doubt that Xiaolan was the most important person in his heart. In fact, there was no breakup or divorce between him and his wife, Fei Yingli, and most of the relationship was with Mao Lilan.

Although the two hate each other.

, but he also loves his daughter deeply.

Uncle Maori: "So that's it, I won't hand Xiaolan over to a guy I don't agree with, just like that bastard Kudo Shinichi. That kind of guy will definitely make Xiaolan cry in the future!"

"I understand a little bit why both Kogoro Mouri and Eri Hate Kudo Shinichi so much."

Bai Ge feels this way.

Probably because he judged that Kudo Shinichi, who ran away faster than anyone else when encountering an incident, was not suitable to be his son-in-law.

Although that guy is excellent in the eyes of outsiders, neither Uncle Mouri nor Fei Yingli would choose a man who pays more attention to murders than his own daughter as his son-in-law.

"Dinner is ready! Oh, Dad and Bai Ge, what are you talking about?"

Mao Lilan suddenly appeared with food in her hands.

Bai Ge: "Ah, we are saying that Xiaolan is indeed a good wife and mother."

Uncle Maori: "That's right, that's right!"

Haibara Ai: "And I will never hand you over to Kudo Shinichi or anything like that. Why should I listen to this topic here?"

Afterwards, everyone had dinner together. Although it wasn't expensive ingredients or delicious delicacies, the atmosphere was still very good. Everyone present was enjoying it except Conan.

Seeing Bai Ge being served rice and vegetables by Xiaolan, Conan looked jealous. Looking at his bowl again, he felt that what he was eating was no longer food, but dog food. He begged for rewards and votes.

Chapter 707, having a nightmare

The night sky of Einzbern Castle, no matter how you compare it, this place can be called a paradise. The white boy stood on the balcony of the castle and looked at the night sky.

Those gems shining in the dark night seem to be within reach.

At this moment when everyone was sleeping quietly, a little girl suddenly screamed.

He opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

"do not come!!!"

Hui Yuan Ai let out an unconscious scream. The moment she opened her eyes, the dream turned into fragments and disappeared. She was sweating profusely and began to pant.

The one who can bring her such fear is undoubtedly the... black organization. She just dreamed that she was captured again by the members of the organization headed by Gin, and then her sister fell bleeding in front of her. She once again Back to that... hell without any hope.

That was an overly cruel situation for her. The girl's mind was suddenly disturbed. She picked up the cup on the table and poured a glass of water. She found that her hands were still shaking a little.

"What am I doing? Do I still have such a dream even though I have already escaped from the organization?"

After drinking all the water, Haiyuan finally calmed down a little. Haiyuan raised his hand to wipe away the water droplets from the corners of his eyes.

That... nightmare was like a curse. She couldn't help but wonder, would she be haunted by this fear and live in the shadow of the organization forever even if she left the organization?

But right now.

"Xiao Ai, are you okay? I just heard the screams."


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