Perhaps hearing the sound of his landing, the two sisters from the darkness also ran to the rooftop. The shadows of Haibara Ai and Miyano Akemi had been completely erased by Bai Ge, and the darkness that tried to erode the two of them had disappeared.

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Bai Ge blankly. He had really done it. He kept turning his words and promises into reality, saved his important sister, and then destroyed the organization. Then the emotion filling his heart at this moment, How can I explain that I have grown up in a black organization since childhood? Although Haibara Ai has gained maturity and knowledge far beyond her peers, she has never had the opportunity to be exposed to such feelings. If family is extremely precious to her, Sunlight is the only source of light in that organization.

Then Bai Ge is like the radiant sun to her, driving away the darkness in an instant, illuminating Hui Yuan Ai's entire world, and giving her infinite warmth.

"It seems that I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life. Thank you, Bai Ge."

"Ah, you're welcome. If you still don't understand, then you are not allowed to leave. It will be the same in this life and the next life."

Bai Ge squatted down and raised his hand to touch Haiyuan. The two of them looked at each other and smiled. Miyano Akemi, who was standing behind them, also showed a happy smile. This was something she had done in the group before.

A wonderful life that was unimaginable when I was living in Zhili.

Just like Bai Ge saved him.

This Einzbern Castle is a place like Valhalla.

"You are already tired. Let's go to a hot spring to rest for a while and then I'll wake you up during dinner."

"Ah, that's it, but I'm wondering what to do with this gold."

Bai Ge looked at the golden liquid that was frozen by him and said, but he doesn't want to think about it for the moment. It's all at home anyway, and it's never too late to deal with it. Now he'd better take a bath and go to bed.

Back in the room, he lay down on the huge white soft bed. In this state, Bai Ge was as defenseless as an ordinary person. His former enemies would definitely be shocked if they saw it, but there is only this castle in the whole world. To make him show such a posture.

The white dragon king who could destroy the world, the elven tyrant, the root prince, the existence that made enemies frightened, at this moment also changed back to his most essential self, a simple eighteen-year-old boy

Three hours later, "I slept until I woke up naturally, so cool!"

After stretching and getting up, Bai Ge opened his red eyes and shook his long snow-white hair on his back. Just when he was looking for something to eat, the phone on the bedside table suddenly rang.

He didn't answer immediately because he was stunned for a moment.

Someone who thinks that the purpose of a mobile phone is to play games is relatively new to someone calling him. Although he has logged in contacts for the time being, basically everyone lives in the castle.

When I looked at the caller ID, it turned out to be that angelic girl.

"What's wrong, Xiaolan?"

"Bai, Bai Gesang, what should I do?"

"Um, what happened? Calm down and speak slowly."

Feeling the anxiety coming from the other end of the phone, Bai Ge said quickly. At the same time, he thought to himself, could it be that Uncle Maoli owed a huge debt, and now the other party is coming to collect the debt? Although this idea is rude, but Bai Ge Ge thinks it's quite possible, after all, that uncle also likes horse racing balls, but if this is really the case, then he should get over Conan first.

"Dad and mom said they want a divorce!"

Xiaolan choked and said.


Baige, who was still awake just now, was now completely awake and shocked. She said in her heart, "I'm going to go", this matter is more serious than I thought! Mouri Kogoro and Fei Yingri are finally getting divorced. It is said that the two of them are going to divorce. Divorce, why on earth are you calling me! We are not the Civil Affairs Bureau here! If you want to help yourself, then Bai Ge really feels that this matter is beyond his ability, you just let him freeze the sea, It's not impossible to kick up satellites or destroy the world.

But to keep two people who want a divorce from getting divorced, "Anyway, anyhow, let me take a look at the situation! Just stabilize them first!"


Xiaolan on the other side of the conversation kept nodding. In fact, she didn't know why she called Bai Ge, but the girl who was shocked after hearing the news of their divorce couldn't help but dial Bai Ge after returning to the room alone. Song phone call.

Chapter 789, Uncle Maori: Conan will be my son from now on

"Xiao Ge, where are you going? Dinner is ready."

The moment Bai Ge was about to rush out of Einzbern Castle, Irisviel behind him asked a question, and Bai Ge waved his hand without looking back.

"Just leave some for me tonight. Something urgent comes up."

Then the real red Ferrari let out a low roar and quickly rushed out of the forest and onto the highway. It was obvious that he was indeed in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Mouri Kogoro and Fei Yingli are really going to get divorced. The plot seems to have changed a bit too much. Baige breaks out in a cold sweat. There is no such plot in the original work.

Although Xiaolan probably hoped that he could prevent the two people from getting divorced, the problem was that he didn't know what to do.

Bai Ge: "I'll go, we're not married, what can I do? Is it possible that I'm going to tear down the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

And there is another question, that is, should he really try to dissuade these two people from getting divorced? Forcing himself to be with someone he no longer likes, or being sorry, he really doesn't understand this kind of thing.

If there were any heroic spirits like Medea or Semiramis who had been married women at this time, they would definitely pat Bai Ge’s head comfortingly and say, “I’d rather never do such a boring thing.” It’s better to understand.”

Or for an eighteen-year-old boy, Bai Ge thought it would be strange if he could understand it! "Anyway, let's go over there first. I hope those two people are not serious. Then there is still room for redemption. The rest will be discussed later. think."

Squeezing the accelerator under his feet, Bai Ge quickly passed through the vehicle in front of him.

Ten minutes later, Bai Ge realized that he seemed to have underestimated these two people. When he came to the detective office downstairs, he realized that the efficiency of these two people was very high.

"You are too quick, right? Divorce can be done so hastily without the need for a ribbon-cutting ceremony or something like that."

"Bai, Bai Gesang, woo woo woo"

When he arrived, all the things that needed to be done had been done, and the expressions on the faces of Mouri Kogoro and Fei Yingli also relaxed, especially after seeing Bai Ge's arrival.

Conan, who was watching the whole process, also had a look on his face like "I was scared."

The divorce scene between these two people was too neat and it was really an exciting scene for children.

"Oh, Bai Ge, you're here too."

"It was Xiaolan who called you here, right?"

"Uncle Maori, Aunt Yingli, are you really?"

Sitting on the sofa opposite each other, Fei Yingli and Mouri Kogoro nodded. If it weren't for Xiaolan, they would probably continue to maintain it for a long time.

When they actually did this, the two found that the result was unexpectedly relaxing. Maybe they should have done this a long time ago.

"Hey, it seems I'm too late. Forget it, what are you going to do, Xiaolan?"

Bai Ge pointed at the woman sitting between the two of them. At this moment, Mao Lilan had an expression on her face.

"Well, it's decided that Xiaolan will follow me."

Fei Yingli said.

"That's right, being at my age is not a good thing for a girl."

Uncle Maori said.

Bai Ge nodded. It seemed that this was agreed upon. From now on, Xiaolan will live with her mother, so will her name also need to be changed from Mao Lilan to Fei Lan? Although it is a bit inappropriate, it still sounds good. .

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